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Brian Frank

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Everything posted by Brian Frank

  1. Brian Frank

    IE 5.5 or IE 6.0 ?

    Get SP2, you don't need SP1, as SP2 contains what SP1 had and then some; IE 6 in beta right now, so it's up to you. You may want to steer clear of IE 5.5 service Pack 2 (for IE only, not Win2k--they're totally different) if you are a big Quicktime fan. If you do, go to Apple's website and they have a fix for you. This is from my point of view, so don't take it as the end authority.
  2. Brian Frank


    You won't be able to boot into an partition that doesn't have an OS. Just install Win2k first on the desired partition, preferrably C:, and Linux on E:. It's been awhile since I've played with Linux, but during the install of Linux-Mandrake you were able to choose between LILO and Grub. I preferred Grub myself, but LILO works too. How you change the settings in Linux, I do not remember, as it has been a while since I've used it. In otherwords, you don't need to purchase a bootloader, so long as you install the OS in a certain order.
  3. Brian Frank

    win98 SE Win/2000 Probs

    This is pretty easy to do, though I've not used it. Go into Control Panel, open Administrative tools, click on Computer Management, go to Storage->Disk Management. Right click on the drives that you want to change the letters. The menu that comes up should have "Change Drive Letter and Path".
  4. Brian Frank

    DC30 Pro problems in XP?

    You have to be an admin, and maybe a moderator, to move it. It will be moved, but you can e-mail Philipp or SHS and have them move it.
  5. Brian Frank

    Partition Magic 6...$50 UPGRD for XP support

    Well, see if they offer a refund for owners of PM6 or earlier. If not, I'd sell PM6 and buy 7. $50 is a lot for an upgrade.
  6. Brian Frank

    Game over, MS / XP wins!

    If PA didn't have a cap on how much hardware you could change every so often, I probably wouldn't mind it as much. However, I do not like being told how much and how often I can change MY computer. It just seems suspicious, IMO. If you have more than 2 activations on-line, I'm thinking at least 10, I can live with that, however, I don't think MS is going to do that. On one website (I forget which one) they mentioned how PA could be a pain in the neck for review rigs, where parts are frequently swapped out and the OS reinstalled. Unless they get there hands on a legal copy of a corporate version of XP, sites may not be using it much for reviews. I could be wrong, as I've seen Anandtech using it lately, however, this could be the exception to the rule. XP is good, I agree, but I don't feel it's good enough to replace 2k on my rigs.
  7. Brian Frank

    XP Uptake?

    I agree with ThC 129, XP doesn't really offer much in spectacular improvements over Win2k. From 9x, sure, but there is hardly a loss from 2k. All I can muster for the improvements over 2k is a whoop-dee-do. If you want a pretty Win2k, there's Window Blinds--which is free. I feel there's a lot more hype about XP than meat. The faster boot times are something I've heard about, and not really seen. Yes, gaming is faster, but $200 for an upgrade is questionable for that. While many may laugh, I'm in a situation that must use a totally functional NetBEUI protocol, and the one in XP is sooooo slow and not totally functional. XP doesn't have an incentive for me to ditch 2k. I'm working on getting a friend over to 2k from 98, and it was hard to get him to go from 95 to 98--I'm not kidding! We did convince him after telling him about the improved driver support, and he bought it. I have a feeling he'll be stuck with 98 for a while now. I will stick with 2k for a while myself.
  8. Brian Frank

    Message from EddiE314 (NTCompatible Moderator)

    Hope things get better for you, eddie. Come back ASAP, and good luck!
  9. Brian Frank

    Geekness thread: Do you name your PC(s)?

    Quote: well....i do call it a "son-of-a-*****" every now and again... Yeah, I call my rigs other "colorful" names too.
  10. Brian Frank

    1GHz Duron Review

    Hopefully we'll see BIOS's to support the Morgan/Palimino's on the KT133's, otherwise the highest I can go to is a 1.2GHz T-Bird ;( Dang!
  11. Brian Frank

    Qwest wont credit Code Red victims

    Darn right it's not Qwest's fault! The businesses themselves are at fault for it, unless Qwest is responsible for transmitting the Code Red virus intentionally--which it appears they did not. "...The problem is not the modem, the problem is the virus. Qwest is not crediting for the virus." No duh! Man, I can't believe how many stupid people are out there!
  12. I found a way to do it w/o registry hacks. Open device manager, check "Show hidden devices" in the view menu. You'll see a long list of "Non Plug and play drivers" Select "Beep" and disable it. You will be asked to reboot; do so. Ta-da! The beep is dead.
  13. Brian Frank

    Gamma VERY high after any ending 3d app with my GF256

    Did you install any hardware or software today? What driver version are you using?
  14. Brian Frank

    BSoD on bootup

    *scratches head* Uhhhhhhh, hmmm, I don't know what to say. Um, we could do a clean install, but, me thinks that's not what you want... Check your BIOS settings with AGP stuff: set the drive strength to DA or auto if possible, and disable AGP4x. Probably won't do anything, but it's worth a shot.
  15. Brian Frank


    Hmm...I'd seen something about Duke 3D under 2k in the compatible games area. Might wanna check that one out, and let me know how it goes. I remember how cool duke nukem 3d was.
  16. Brian Frank

    Dual AMD with other than MP cpus?

    It'll probably work, however, the Morgan and Palimino cores were specifically guaranteed to work in SMP. AMD has had SMP chips as old as the K-5's, but there was never a chipset to support this, therefore we have no idea how it would've worked out. Anandtech had good luck with dual non-MP's, I read. Probably want to check out 2Cpu.com
  17. Brian Frank

    Dual AMD with other than MP cpus?

    The Duron 1GHz with the Morgan core is on par with, and sometimes beathing the T-Bird!! 8) Yowza! Have a couple of those baby's in the Tyan Tiger K7...Oh, yeah. Too bad I can't afford it.
  18. Brian Frank

    Don't you wish you were me?

    Man! I'm glad I've got DSL.
  19. Brian Frank

    Code Red patch + Divx Codec = bad?

    Nope. Already had the codec installed prior to then.
  20. Brian Frank

    Are previous beta versions of XP upgradable to Final Release

    NEVER, ever upgrade. I've always had a cursed system when I do that. Always do a clean install, even to upgrade.
  21. Brian Frank

    Voodoo and Windows Xp.

    Well, at least I sold my Voodoo 4 and got a GF2MX instead, but I'm still hanging onto my Voodoo 3 3000 AGP. Good card, just support is gone...a bit of a problem, y'know. Nvidia is the best choice for gaming. I'm not convinced ATI knows how to write good drivers to use under the NT code yet. They're driver's were awful for the Radeon, and that is unacceptable to me. ATI needs to work on their drivers seriously before I will buy them again.
  22. Brian Frank

    Voodoo 3 runs terribly under XP with Win drivers

    Yeah. Get a different video card. With minimal support in XP, 3dfx cards are worthless. Solid cards are worthless without proper drivers, and unless a 3rd party starts releasing them, you and everybody else that has one they're still using are screwed.
  23. Brian Frank

    XP Uptake?

    I mean...anybody wanna buy a Windows ME coaster?
  24. Brian Frank

    Kmode Exception error to win32k.sys

    Which driver version? i.e 10.80, 12.41, etc. Try changing your driver to a different version. Do you have the drivers for the motherboard chipset installed? Have you downloaded Service Pack 2 yet? What is your power supply rated? Shouldn't be anything less than 250 Watts, although 300 Watts is even better.
  25. Brian Frank

    XP Uptake?

    Having tested it, XP's only flaw I see is the product activation. XP is great for ppl that will use the new features, but I don't see how I'll be utilizing the features enough to justify a $200 purchase. I also have the lingering cautiousness from using ME. Anyone wanna buy a copy of ME?