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Brian Frank

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Everything posted by Brian Frank

  1. Brian Frank

    Win2k defrag automatically?

    Yeah, I tried searching, but I only got stuff about defragging in XP. Hmm... that link doesnt seem to work. Maybe I'll try back later. Thanx clutch.
  2. Brian Frank

    Win2k really SLOWWWW on p3v4x

    Id try the 12.00 det drivers. They're supposed to be really good under XP.
  3. Brian Frank

    What do you think is the best alternative to Windows?

    Ahh, yes Open BSD. I probably shouldve grouped Linux/Unix/OpenBSD together, but I didnt think about it. There's other OS's I couldve put, like O/S2/Warp or DOS, but didnt think those were as big, especially OS 2.
  4. Brian Frank

    Microsoft XP

    Yes, as much as I'd like to know the crack for everything out there, this is a respectable board, so sorry. The reply for war3z seekers: War3z? I dont know of any stinkin' war3z!!!
  5. Brian Frank

    Best action game?

    YOU ARE RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!!!!!!! I too am sick of this blaming the media(video games, music, etc.). Im not saying it doesnt ever affect people, but those few rotten apples that choose to act have other problems. Plus, IT IS THOSE PEOPLE who pull the trigger, NOT THE MEDIA, not the video game character, not Eminem (who is a dispicable character, like many of the rappers out there); the one who pulled the trigger is to blame, and those are the people who should be nailed. They did it they pay the full price!!!! It seems that the fingers always point, not to the offender, but to those who may have had an influence on them. The best way to sum it all up: Guns(video games, music, etc.) dont kill people; people kill people.
  6. Brian Frank

    Zip 650 USB CD-RW=WTF!?!?!

    Ive had those for a while.Nice try, though.
  7. Brian Frank


    Yeah,current AMD cpu's seem to be able to get at least 200MHz more than what they're rated. Even with the FSB you could easily get over 1.1 GHz no sweat. You're probably doing something wrong.
  8. Brian Frank

    Zip 650 USB CD-RW=WTF!?!?!

    I burn the RW's at 4x. All the media is rated to at least 8x or higher. I am gonna try it at 2x and see what happens. Im also gonna try the software that came with my little bro's sony supressa drive and see if that does anything. I'll try the ASPI deal too, and possibly a reinstall. But I am getting fed up with EZ-CD crap. All my other software runs just fine, execept for this one. Ive heard Nero is good, so I might try it out and go from there. Thanx for the info.
  9. Brian Frank

    Zip 650 USB CD-RW=WTF!?!?!

    I dont think its heat, because the duron hasnt hit above 50 C. If it were heat, Id be locking up everytime I fired up UT and other games. Im wondering if the software got screwed up. I did think of something: no matter what capacity of CD-R Id put in, and it was more than enough, it would be ejected with a message that it didnt contain enough space. I clicked retry, and it started to record, but then of course, it would screw up. This only happens with CD-Rs, not RW's on my duron. My P3 doenst give me any errors whatsoever. Could the software be the problem?
  10. Brian Frank

    Networking across dorm network

    Smite that infidel!! Love Win2k networking! Just because you can set it up during the install, so once its all said and done you can get online (DSL, Cable) and/or be networked like that. I will say that 9x/Win2k combo networking is hell, mainly because 9x refuses to see Win2k. The wierd part about that is you can play games (Half Life) flawlessly. I dont know why that is, but it is irritating. You could try PCAnywhere from Symantec, which basically allows you to "take over" the other PC via an IP address. However, that is a fairly expensive program, but you could see if there is a trial version and see how you like it. Like anything, there are ways to make the trial full blown full version, but this is a respectable board, so I cant say more than that. Im not up for a lawsuit.
  11. Brian Frank

    Partitions in Win2k

    Oops. Yeah, SERVERmagic would be better for you. I dont know about it, but if its like partition magic, it should be very thourogh.
  12. Brian Frank

    games seem choppy, any suggestions?

    Ive had no problems running any of the Nvidia reference drivers or betas either. Those all work great. I had some bsod's with the Hercules drivers, so I dropped those suckers fast.
  13. Brian Frank

    Networking across dorm network

    Dude, Win2k is not gay. The networking on it beats the **** outta Win9x, so dont start the Win2k bashing! If you're gonna bite the hand that feeds, **** you, too!
  14. Brian Frank

    boot up logo

    You can only change the logon screen, thats it. I use Xteq Xsetup for that.
  15. Brian Frank

    Partitions in Win2k

    Yeah, partition magic will do that. The only other option is to reformat and select your partitions that way. Look for partition magic 6.0.
  16. Brian Frank

    some advice please

    I know you're not an IT tech, but you do seem to be quite above the average user. Especially considering you built your own, whereas the computer to most people is like a toaster--where only a pro can touch it. I saw my dad put together my first pc, and thought that was a lot easier than I thought it was. I'd say you're already ahead in the game to helping yourself. I had a lot of doubts about Win2k before I jumped to it, but I had developed a bad taste in the mouth from ME.Kudos to the guys who can get that thing to run really good, much less have the patience to fool with it that much. There is a compatability patch under Win2k to lie to game or application. If you are serious about going to Win2k,but dont want to ditch ME or 98, you could do a dual boot. The downside to that would be if the Sims actually didnt work, you'd still be out that $$ for Win2k regardless of the upgrade or not. And you'd still have to spring for a partitioning tool like Partition Magic. Youve got a ton of hard drive space so that wouldnt be an issue. I can lay down the dual-booting, because, as much as I despise ME, I am running a dual boot with ME and Win2k running flawlessly. Plus you've got it set up so you'd be ready to go with Win2k.
  17. Brian Frank

    battle of the computers

    Whatever works for you, go for it. Not everything works for everyone. Im just passing along what Ive been doing and gotten to work successfully.
  18. Brian Frank

    Best action game?

    Actually, I shouldve thought about it more and just put CS with HL, and Unreal together with UT. I wanted to put some classics in just to see if anyone still thought they were cool. I didnt cosider Deus Ex a very popular title, but at least I didnt consider Daikatana. Deus Ex didnt seem to catch on like Quake 3 or HL, plus it never crossed my mind.
  19. Brian Frank

    Recommendations: Soundcard with optical out

    If you can still find it, the Guillemot Maxi Sound Fortissimo has it. $50 for it, and works great under Win2k, w/o drivers!
  20. Brian Frank

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Well, I guess Im lucky that pc's have evolved since then, so I could actually figure out how to put em together. I have a friend who remembers the PSU being wired to the mobo, and that you didnt mess with a computer unless you were an expert. Im glad I can have this as my hobby!
  21. Brian Frank

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Every time I learn something new, it just shows me how even more ignorant I am in the ways of the computer. I remember my first computer, kinda sorta: specs, LOL! Cyrix 300MHz (233 really) Venus mobo with Sis Chipset and integrated video/sound 48MB of ram (simms I belive) w/ 4MB dedicated to video 3.2GB Quantum Fireball (refurbished) Memorex 48x CD-ROM all of which I no longer have. The only original parts I still use are my keyboard and my floppy, but thats over in my P3 system. At least I can put together my own pc. Boy, there is a ton of info about computers there, of course there's a catch. You can read all of it you want, but unless you actually do it, the reading is all for jack. Things click for me faster if I get to do it. Talking about it endlessly wont do me as much good if you actually let me do it. I want to work with computers, because its fun, and it would be great if I could get paid to do something that's cool for me to do. I dont care how good the money is, if the job sucks for you, money will only take you so far.
  22. Brian Frank

    battle of the computers

    Hmm...I dont know. Check their website: http://www.maxtor.com Update: Yeah, look at the Diamond Max PLUS, not regular Diamond Max, as the PLUS's have 7200rpm, and you can get 40-45GB ATA100 7200rpm drives.
  23. Brian Frank

    some advice please

    There are several memory freeing utilities, I'll name a few: MemTurbo, FreeRam,MemMonster. Basically, look for ones that wont stop working after a set amount of days and then requires you to purchase it so you can use it. There are a lot of these utilies and other fun stuff at this site: http://www.pcworld.com I know there are many Sims game out, so do you have THE SIMS, or just a sims game. Sorry, I didnt quite follow. There is an APPCOMPAT (or something like that) on the Win2k cd. It just fools the app or game to think it Win9x. Personally, I think vendors just thought that ME was going to be more compatible with hardware, and thus just skipped out on the drivers. That or they didnt figure ME was worth the trouble, which is really odd, cosidering where it was aimed at. Just a question about something Im a little unclear about: Did you do a clean install, ie reformatting your hard drive and then installing ME on it, or did you just upgrade over it?
  24. Brian Frank

    Anyone do Serious Sam yet?

    Yeah, Im thinkin thats a bit odd, since Croatia is closer to the UK than the US. Someones yankin your chain, but it aint the yankees.
  25. Brian Frank

    some advice please

    ME is not worth the effort put into it at all, in my opinion. My advice wouldve been to stick with 98 or go to Win2k. AOL 6.0 is the only one Ive heard of with major issues. If Microsoft wants to play hardball with XP, two can play that game. There are, um, ways around that activation, at least in the current beta, which should mean that the final release is going to be pretty much the same. I personally do not want to buy a copy of XP for each pc I have, and I will buy only 1 copy. Listen very closely: WinME is crap. I have no clue what the guys at MS were smoking, but it obviously impared some senses. My question is why are the hardware components the stupid things? A-Open is a good manufacturer, and Creative does make good cards, however, the drivers leave something to be desired. To see if the Sims, whatever incarnation that would be, search the game compatability list here at ntcompatible, because that is much much better than MS database, mainly becuase its updated. For games and apps, if it says it will run on 98 AND NT 4.0, you should be able to run it under Win2k. Even if it doesnt do that, there's this little program on the Win2k cd that you can use to fool the program into thinking you're running a different version of windows. ME is a poor excuse for an OS, and Im glad to see someone outside the nerdworld being turned off by it. You are right, it shouldnt take that much work to get an OS to run well. You shouldnt have to tweak it at all for it to run fine. Oh, and just for the record, A-Open is from Taiwan, not that that matters.