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Everything posted by want2code

  1. want2code

    My list of NTCompatible games

    Please forgive me if this is a stoopid question. I get to play about one game a year. I installed Might & Magic IV & V (combined to make World of Xeen) using apcompat. Now I'm trying to run it. This is Win2K, SP1. According to the list, it looks like I need to run xeen.exe from command.com. I've tried and can't seem to get it to work. This is what I do: Start->Run... command.com. Command window comes up. CD to the right directory. Type xeen.exe. I've created a .pif file with all the memory options set to their maximum. It does not change to full screen. The cursor just goes to the next line then nothing happens beyond that. Would someone please be kind enough to provide some more explicit instructions for those of us who have thick heads? Thanks.