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About Maurice

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  1. Maurice

    Windows 2000 SP 2 grrrrrrr

    Hello all This is my problem : When i install the service pack 2, and i reboot, i get a blue screen saying ntoskrnl is corrupt or something, anyway ik can't get in to windows anymore and have to reinstall it all over again. ( I formatted my harddrive over 30 times now in two weeks) any suggestions to make it work ? (error :Kmode_exception_not Handled Address 804558 base at 8040000 datastamp3AD7AD60 Ntoskrnl ) Thanks in advance
  2. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

  3. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    i KNOW Eddie, The thing is that i got it runnning perfect on a P200mmx with 32 mb ram !!!! That's why i thought i could do better
  4. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    i KNOW Eddie, The thing is that i got it runnning perfect on a P200mmx with 32 mb ram !!!! That's why i thought i could do better
  5. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    Well that's the thing i did. When you see the login screen for instance, you see the users accounts, when i move my mousepointer over it it goes extremly choppy. ? Any ideas ?
  6. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    Hi all, I have Whistler Beta 1 , and on the desktop is it runs extremly choppy, when i move my mousepointer over the login screen it goes very chopppy, when i open the startmenu it goes very choppy. And that sucks because i have a fast systemk, can somebody help me out here ? Thanx in advance ------------------ PIII 700@882 Asus P3vX 512mb 133mhz ECC RAM Maxtor DiamondMAx 30,6gb,40,7gb,ATA 100 7200rpm Hercules Geforce2 GTS 64mb Creative Soundblaster live 17" Compaq monitor Microsoft intellieye explorer USB