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Everything posted by Maurice

  1. Maurice

    Windows 2000 SP 2 grrrrrrr

    Hello all This is my problem : When i install the service pack 2, and i reboot, i get a blue screen saying ntoskrnl is corrupt or something, anyway ik can't get in to windows anymore and have to reinstall it all over again. ( I formatted my harddrive over 30 times now in two weeks) any suggestions to make it work ? (error :Kmode_exception_not Handled Address 804558 base at 8040000 datastamp3AD7AD60 Ntoskrnl ) Thanks in advance
  2. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    Hi all, I have Whistler Beta 1 , and on the desktop is it runs extremly choppy, when i move my mousepointer over the login screen it goes very chopppy, when i open the startmenu it goes very choppy. And that sucks because i have a fast systemk, can somebody help me out here ? Thanx in advance ------------------ PIII 700@882 Asus P3vX 512mb 133mhz ECC RAM Maxtor DiamondMAx 30,6gb,40,7gb,ATA 100 7200rpm Hercules Geforce2 GTS 64mb Creative Soundblaster live 17" Compaq monitor Microsoft intellieye explorer USB
  3. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

  4. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    i KNOW Eddie, The thing is that i got it runnning perfect on a P200mmx with 32 mb ram !!!! That's why i thought i could do better
  5. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    i KNOW Eddie, The thing is that i got it runnning perfect on a P200mmx with 32 mb ram !!!! That's why i thought i could do better
  6. Maurice

    Whistler runs choppy

    Well that's the thing i did. When you see the login screen for instance, you see the users accounts, when i move my mousepointer over it it goes extremly choppy. ? Any ideas ?