I have an Abit VP6 mobo with the latest BIOS and HPT370 controller. All fixed HD are connected to the HPT370 and I have no problems configuring and installing the system in WinME.
When I install Win2k as a clean installation in all combinations of clean/dual/NTFS/FAT32, the subsequent boot to WIn2k results in teh system hanging up after loading MUP.SYS driver.
I realize that many of the items in my system are new to karketm and the 686B is also new to market, but I am exteremly dissappointed in Abit VIA and Microsoft for not providing a mobo/chipset that provides BASIC capability. I cannot boot into Win2k. I tried different graphics cards, removing all other PCI cards, changing the HD configuration, all result in the system hanging up at the MUP.SYS file.
I read the FAQ posted on this web site describing how to create a Win2k + SP1, and I assume the same applies to SP2, but the command to extract the SP are Win2k/NT commands. I unfortunately, can only get the VP6 to run in WinME.
Please investigate the problem and provide technical assistance.