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The Kurgan

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Everything posted by The Kurgan

  1. The Kurgan

    UT and Intellipoint mousedrivers

    need drivers go to http://www.windrivers.com/
  2. The Kurgan

    halflife/tfc runs good but very dark

    i got everything to run great on win2000 and it is the best op sys i have used yet. the only problem so far is hl/teamfortress classic is very dark even with the monitor brightness and contrast all the way up. i have tried it in 3dfx and gl and it says my card doesnt support open gl mode but i know it does and it works due to the fact it runs gl screensavers. it also says it doesnt support open gl on millennium too but runs fine with 3dfx. i have tried all the resources i know of. i know it would be easy to boot back and forth when i want to play tfc. but i feel win 2000 is a far better op sys and in the feature would like to run it by its self or maybe with linex also i couldnt get the disk to install 3dfx tools or do anything for that matter and i cannot find 3dfx tools for win2k ingame res @640x480 desktop 1024x768 voodoo 3 3000 latest drivers from voodoo please help thanks
  3. The Kurgan

    halflife/tfc runs good but very dark

    problem repaired thanks