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Posts posted by rgodart

  1. It's true, it reduces the performance a lot. I had the problem when i upgraded to a new bios than put the IOQD at 1 as default. i didn't knwo what happened and changed back to the older bios till i read somewhere that it had to do with th IOQD. Then i installed the new bios again and changed it manually to 8. Take a look in your bios for that option. What motherboard do you have?

  2. It would work but i do'nt recommend to do it that way, cuz your program files directory will be shared. That can lead to problems. I recommend you make a primary partition with FDISK and an extended partition.

    Install win98/Me, then install winxp ffrom within 98/Me and make sure you choose to install on a new partition during the setup.

  3. There's not way to make msn voicechat or send files on a clinet computer. I tried everything allready like i said above. MS knows about that issue (it's stated on the msn messenger download page) but is not planning to fix it. Yahoo messenger has the problem too. It seems icq is the only program that works correctly on clients (through a socksserver).

  4. I know this question has been asked before, maybe by myself or someone else, but i'd like to know if someone succeeded in making the above scanner work in windows nt, 2000 or xp.

    OK this scanner is very very very old, but it's still working great and fast and the scanquality is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the crappy hercules scan@home i bought when i upgraded to win2k... Now i'm still doing a dualboot 98/xp just to be able to use that pagescan, kinda silly...

    So isn't there some generic twain driver that can be used with the pagescan color parallel? note that it's not the USN version, which works in nt/2k/xp...

  5. I have tried everything allready: mapping ports, running a socks server (which helps for icq btw) but msn just doesn't want to send/recieve files on client computers... Same **** with yahoo messenger.

  6. I don't know if windows is supposed to do that, but i noticed it put the pagefile on my d drive by default. i know everyone say it's better to make a pagefile on another drive than the one who has windows on it. Would ms have implemented that in winxp or did something wrong happen during the setup on my computer? smile It's not a problem at all, my pagefile is fine where it is, but i'm just curious.

  7. I've been using sygate home network for more than a year on windows 2000 (i had a network with 2 win2k pro computers, server had dsl connection).

    I upgraded to winxp a while ago (both computers) and i'm still using sygate home network. i'ts the best NAT software around to me. And believe me, i've tried a lot of solutions:


    winroute pro: lost connection after a day or 2 in 2k, BSOD in xp


    wingate: bullshit, never worked


    comsocks: great little NAT software, but doesn't support shtml sites


    avirt proxy server: worked great in 2k, works in xp but makes my network places crash


    sambar proxy server: never got it to work here


    spoonproxy: very good program, but every application on clients must be configured manually (i still use that one as a socks server for icq)


    winproxy: worked fine for a while, but then it wouldn't load anymore, dunno why


    602Pro LAN Suite 2000a: worked, but i believe everything has to be configured manually too


    PPPshar Pro 1.8.1: don't remember what was wrong with it anymore


    browsegate proxy server: don't remember either


    I tried some other small apps, but i don't remember the names...


    I really recommend sygate, i installed it, and never had to touch it again, it just loads as a service. www.sygate.com, it's about 40$ for 3 computers. The version on their site is build 803, but it has problems when a realtek nic is installed on the server when running xp. You can get a fixed build (805 and 806 on their ftp, 805 works great, i didn't test 806)


    sygate ftp:


  8. I had the same problem. I made a new user then and used that one instead or the one that gives the error. But then the problem came back (after a few weeks), so i just the disabled error reporting service.

    It must be a bug in winxp as i've seen other people getting the error, friends of mine and also people on other boards.

  9. I benchmarked my maxtor ata100 30GB 7200 RPM and my samsung ata100 40GB 5400 RPM both on a pci ata100 promise controller using sisoft sandra:


    maxtor score: 15932 (=performance below ata66)

    samsung score: 20916 (= performance between ata66 and ata100)


    How come the maxtor is so slow???

  10. I don't have an ata133 controller, so buying a ata133 drive is kinda useless right now. I bought myself a seagate 40GB 5400 RPM and frankly, i can't see a difference in speed with my 30GB maxtor 7200 rpm.

    In my oppinion HD's are a question of luck. People who haven't had a single problem say it's good, others who had a broken one say it's crap... My maxtor crapped out on me within a week...I had to RMA it "great". I'll see how things go with the samsung. For now i'm pretty happy with it.

  11. I got a hp970cxi on windows xp professional. Every time i print out something it finishes the job by printing a calibration page. I mailed HP about the problem, they told me to open the cover (the one you have to open to change cartridges) and to unplug the powercord, then to close the cover and wait 2 minutes so a capacitor has time to unload.... But that didn't help!!! frown

    Has anyone else experienced this before???
