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Posts posted by rgodart

  1. I'm planning to buy an Athlon 1,2 GB but i can't make a choice between

    AMD 761 and via133A based motherboards??


    1. Will the 761 give more stability than that freakin VIA???

    2. Does the 761 only support DDR, or can i just put my pc133 sticks in it.



  2. Thanks for your response. I've been using drive image for a while, and it can indeed see ntfs partitions. But some days ago it didn't see the free space on my backup drive right (it was freshly formatted with ntfs (8GB) and drive image only saw 3 GB of free space; + a friend of mine had the same problem on a 10 GB HD). At that point i had a very large image to make (windows with some games, i know i shouldn't do that, but i was in the mood for it :)). I now switched to ghost, which does the job right too, but only on fat32... That's no biggie, i'm only using that 8Gig HD to store Images, so it can stay on fat32.

  3. I noticed there is a setting in x-setup to enable ata66 in win2k because it is not enabled as default. Does this do anything??


    I use a highpoint 366 ata 66 controller with a maxtor ata100 drive.


    How about ata100 drivers?? Is ata100 not enabled either when using a ata100 controller, or does sp2 fix al that?

  4. I'm using ghost 7.0. I have a 30GB and a 8 GB harddisk. I use the 8 gig to save my image files on. For now it is formatted in fat32.

    My question is if it is possible to make ghost see ntfs partitions as i would like to format the 8 gig drive ijn ntfs. I have tried winternals NTFSDOS (read only version). i made it load before ghost but then ghost gave me an error there isn't enough memory left (damned DOS memory, can't it just use my damn 512 MB RAM???!!) to load


  5. I'm using them right now (1.28), win2k also shows 1.25.1 as version (highpoint's lazyness keeps surpising me: they seem to have quit making drivers, and they can't update the damn version number :)).


    Anyway, they are fast here, using the 1.25 bios. The 1.28 beta bios makes it damn slow (in combination with any driver). The 1.28 drivers are the only ones that work OK (sometimes) in win2k with my maxtor ata100 drive. Other drivers crash way more.

  6. Everytime i shutdown my client pc there's that "balloonthing" (sorry i don't know how to call that) in the systray that tells on the server pc that the client has been shutdown. I there anyway to disable that? I reboot my computer several times a day (especially when i'm tweaking and have to reboot :)) and that balloonthing bugs my parents on the server...


  7. I think windows allways beeps through the pc speaker when no sound is assigned to an event. Try assigning a sound to the empty recycle bin thingie, or use the default windows sound scheme. If you really don't want to use sounds and don't want to hear the beeping then install tweakui and go to the "general" tab, and disable "beep on error"


    For the recycle bin that stays allways full try "repair icons" in tweakui. If that doesn't help, don't panic smile After a few days or reboots it will fix itself, dunno why, i got that too sometimes.

  8. I would like to buy a P3 1GHz and i would like a motherboard that will give me maximum compatibility with win2k. i have a thunderbird 1,2 gigs with asus a7v raid, but i have nothing but probs that i've tried to solve for 6 months now (i've tried every driver and patch out there, nothing helps: sp2, amd win2k patch, via drivers, asus ata100 drivers,...). It's driving me crazy so i'm going back to intel. Even if that costs me a lot of performance, i would like to use my computer now instead of trying to get windows to boot...or to be stable...

    Anyway, what mobo do you recommend for a P3 1Gig? I wanted a motherboard with no VIA chip as it gave me a lot of headaches with the AMD yet... but i seems the i815 is the only choice then, and it only supports 512 MB RAM MAX

    Anything better out there? Or is the VIA chip better when used with an Intel CPU?



    Here is a list of the rest of the hardware:


    Hercules geforce 2 Pro

    SBlive value

    Plextor cdrw 16x

    Pioneer DVD-ROM drive

    IBM HD 30gig ATA100

    QUANTUM HD 10gig ATA100

    300 Watt power supply

  9. Did you delete the "desktop.ini" file in you my fictures dir? (hidden file) Because that's the file which causes the my pictures dir to have a different icon than normal folders. I can send it to you if that is your problem.

  10. Mr.Guvernment,


    How did you configure your pc to share with your G3? I got a friend who has been messing for months now to get his network to work right.


    He has tried programs like sygate, winroute on his pc and hooked up his mac on the second NIC with a cross over cable. But then he only got internet shared (sometimes, cuz it didn't work all the time). For files he used dave. He has tried with Macos 9 and macos x on his ibook, and uses win2k adv server on the pc.


    can you help us with that? He wan't both internet en HD sharing.


  11. A friend of mine has following system:


    Athlon 1.2 GHz (133 MHz bus)

    Asus KT133A RAID

    IBM ata100 30GB

    Hercules geforce 2 pro (detonators 10.80)

    SBlive value

    512 MB ram PC133 (no brand)

    Win2k professional




    Windows Service pack 2

    Latest via drivers (4.32 i believe)

    Win2k AMD PATCH

    latest ata100 drivers from asus






    While in win2k (playing as well as just typing or surfing) he hears his harddrive "shut down" (i dunno how to call that noise, that clicking sound when you shutdown your computer) and his computer reboots. After the boot he gets "DISK BOOT FAILURE". Then he pushes reset and win2k boots fine.


    The reboots occur at random times. Sometimes it can be after a few minutes, other times after a few hours.


    We have tried virtually everyting. We think it's not a hardware failure of his harddrive, as he has doen several checks with norton disk doctor and win2k scandisk.



    Does/has anyone have/had this problem? All suggestions are welcome as we really don't know what to do anymore.


    Thanks a lot.
