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Everything posted by force67

  1. force67

    UT Based Games and SBLive issues

    I wonder if they will come out with a patch to keep us from having to Tone down the sound acceleration? Will having this down affect other games?
  2. force67

    Really weird problem in XP 2600!!!

    The other day I read this post and thought "Glad mine isn't doing that." Now mine is! : )
  3. I like the winxp theme (after you change it to silver) however, is there a way to keep the theme with windows, but ditch the dorky buttons in IE? Let me know. Thanks
  4. force67

    Kiddy buttons in IE

    Ok, i won't. Don't know what i was thinking : )
  5. Im sick of these stupid SBLIVE FIXES, they are stupid. I have installed a million different ways with a million different driver combinations, they all work POORLY, in their own little way. CREATIVE sux. Their drivers suck. Give me a break, they make the best selling sound card, and they can't afford programmers to write their drivers? Creative, you have always had me, until now! Get your head out of your ***!
  6. force67

    Kiddy buttons in IE

    Yeah, I took the labels off. Hmmm...maybe Netscape 6.1 : ) Thanks for the reply tho.