SHS, you may be an administrator here but you obviously DON'T know your computers. If a modem has its own controller it is generally compatible with everything out there. If you noticed the specs say linux compatible, DUH? You really think its compatible with linux but not w/ DOS. Get REAL. I've been putting these things together since you were probably in LUVS or Pampers. I Know my hardware, It's just the nuances of the newer software that drives me and everybody else crazy at times. So don't go getting snotty on me. I didn't say I had the first. I said it was one of the first. But it appears that you have some perverse need to be superior, so I don't think this is the place to get the answers I need. Most message boards operate in the spirit of cooperation and helpfulness but I sense that this one is about oneupsmanship and glory.