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About Bunchlife

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  1. Bunchlife

    Weird Crashing/Lockup Problem

    Im having a problem thats really pissin me off.. My computer works fine i can play everquest and counter-strike etc.. fine with no problems whatsoever i can surf the net watch pr0n all that no probs.. but.. for some reason when im downloading from newsgroups my computer just hangs.. no BSOD or hard reboot or nothin.. just hangs no keyboard or mouse response or nada.. The news program i use is newsbin.. i also tried newsreactor same thing.. im a big fan of downloading movies and games etc.. from newsgroups heh. i give a damn its free.. dont judge me just help. I got: 800mhz duron 512mb SDRAM MSI K7t pro motherboard geforce2 mx.. im using all that cheap **** cuz when i moved in my new house a power surge blew up my geforce3 and my 1.2ghz athlon at the same time.. and check this out.. i had it connected to an APC surgearrest professional.. the **** that puzzles me is.. that red light that reads.. "building wiring fault" comes on from time to time. i have no idea why. Do i got roaches in my walls or wha? I mean even if the wiring in the new 300,000+ dollar house is fuxx0red.. how come that surge arrest still allowed my **** to get blasted like that. this is really pissin me off.. i dont wanna end up breaking anything.. btw i got a external cable modem.. toshiba pcx1100 to be exact connected to comp via linksys 10/100 nic.. its a PCI nic.. halp! me! please update.. it happens when using internet explorer sometimes.. rarely though.. i went to this one website and my comp just froze.. i think its IE for some odd reason.. i remember i had a problem like this before and i had to revert back to using an old *** version of IE
  2. Bunchlife

    Direct3d Problem

    check it out.. just installed Madden 2001 and i got another screenie for you guys to show what im talkin about http://people.we.mediaone.net/kaos55/Madden.jpg I sorta Circled the area that is supposed to be text..
  3. Bunchlife

    Direct3d Problem

    3dfxvs.dll or .sys or somethin yeah video card drivers.. I think my video card drivers installation is corrupted or somethin. Anyone know somewhere i can go download to remove every single file and just reinstall vid card clean? I have seen these kinds of programs before.
  4. Bunchlife

    Direct3d Problem

    I have a direct3d problem i dont know how to fix it.. check this out.. im tryin to run nascar 4 in direct3d mode but when i do the letters at the main menu are screwed up and if i try to run game i get a blue screen of death.. My system is a windows 2000 pro machine with duron 800mhz, voodoo4 4500 AGP, sound blaster live!... here are screenshots to show what im talkin about.. As you can see running the game in opengl is fine. http://people.we.mediaone.net/kaos55/opengl.jpg and here is the cheesy direct3d pic http://people.we.mediaone.net/kaos55/direct3d.jpg