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About Allegro

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  1. Allegro

    Best Defragger for WIN XP ???

    Have you tried doing a chkdsk /f? If you get a bsod while doing this take note of the offending driver. In my case it was tbcspud.sys which was my soundcard driver.
  2. Allegro

    Best Defragger for WIN XP ???

    JBoDEAN, I have the same problem and traced it to my Turtle Beach Santa Cruz soundcard driver but I assume this also affects Soundblaster users. The driver also affects chkdsk/f at bootup when used to fix errors. To fix the problem, temporarily disable your soundcard in device manager, proceed with defrag, then re-enable your soundcard.
  3. Allegro

    Login as User?

    For a stand-alone home machine with only 1 user, is there any benefit, either performance or security-wise, to set yourself a personal account (User/Power-User) instead of being logged in as Administrator all the time?