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Mushy Peas

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Everything posted by Mushy Peas

  1. I'm wondering if I may now have too many applications for my computer. It seems applicatations are taking longer to load than previously (i.e as I keep adding more software). BTW, I only install applications from vendors (in other words I don't ever install betas, or download games or install freebies). My disks have had diskeeper run on them so they are fine in that respect. I AM RUNNING w2k (no software is installed in my nt system - dual boot). My machine has only been reformatted/reinstalled only this week. Partion Magic tells me that; Disk 0 C: (NT4) has 2gb (1gb used), K: (W2K) has 2gb (1.4gb used), S: (software) has 4.6gb (2.8gb used) Disk 1 is data (18.2gb) I'm using the latest drivers. SP1 (SP6a on NT)
  2. I find that Flight Simulator 2000 is SOOOoooo unreliable in Windows 2000. Has anyone else suffered the same and if so what the fix may be ??
  3. Mushy Peas

    W2K and Flight Simulator 2000 errors all the time

    Well, at the moment I cannot even open the application. Whenever I try, it comes up with a program error, 'fs2000.icd has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program'. This software is the only application I seem to be having on windows 2000 Pro. Dual PIII 500mhz, 512mb ram scsi 18.2 seagate cheetahs, scsi plextor, scsi yamaha cd re-writer, Matrox G450max, Dual 21" monitors. I only installed W2K this week and so it is a very clean machine/install. When I had W2K before this reinstall/reformat FS2000 used to work okayish apart from when clicking on help, which used to fail in the same now (with the same message).
  4. My problem is that I've got two machines, both W2K, connected via a hub. A Router (RT311) shares a Cable modem to the two pcs (via the hub of course). I was advised to purchase a software firewall (even though I have the router - by the router makers) and purchased ZoneAlarm Pro. BUT, I am finding it very difficult seeing the over computer when clicking my network places. Cannot Ping the other computer. I think that it is the Software firewall causing the problem, but I've run out of ideas of what to try. Can anyone help ??
  5. Mushy Peas


    I have a confession.... I read an article about how good and how easy Blackice Defender is as a software firewall - so I purchased it and it was so much easier to configure than ZoneAlarm Pro. Everthing works fine.... Thanks for all your help guys.
  6. Subject says it all, 2 pcs, both w2k, lan, hub, router. Should I be setting Netbeui ??
  7. Mushy Peas

    2 w2k pcs in lan, do they both need netbeui ??

    Thanks Guys, I enabled Netbeui because I was clutching at straws trying to solve another problem. I've removed Netbeui now. All working fine.
  8. Mushy Peas


    Clutch, how do I open up ports ?? And how do I find out which ports to open up ?? Thanks.
  9. Mushy Peas


    Okay, its definately the software firewall. Zonealarm, I uninstalled this software and it works fine.... Question is, what settings should I have Zonealarm set to in order for it not to cause any problems connecting over the lan network ??
  10. Mushy Peas


    Also, the thing is that although I can't Ping the other computer, I DO IN FACT see it under 'computers near me', but when I double click on the computer, it then says 'computer xxxx not accessible, the network path was not found'. This is driving me nuts !