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Everything posted by Uykucu

  1. Uykucu

    mouse acting like crazy!

    This is going to sound strange since we have completely different mouses. I have a Logitech cordless optical mouseman. It was fine until 2 days ago when it started doing the same things you have described, I have changed the battery on it no avail. It is weird but i believe it might have something to do with the non-standard mouse drivers? which ones are you using?
  2. Uykucu

    Sites linked - VPN?

    VPN is a bit of an overkill. Most efficient way to do it is (if you are using IIS) if you add the IP of the other sites to the trusted IP's list on your site settings. Theoretically it is ossible to use VPN but i frankly do not see much point. if you can maybe explain your application requirements i might be able to help you better.
  3. Uykucu


    Thx G3, got that last week, just after those threads up there.
  4. Uykucu


    Well, maybe not in states. But in europe it is a whole new story... They can and do knock on your door and check licences time to time. there is even a reward for the whoever informed them. Of course they can not really do anything other than have statements taken and maybe you will get a fine but they check it.
  5. Uykucu


    I think this is it... KB Article ID: Q282784
  6. Uykucu


    I am looking for the same command line program from MS. Couldn't find it all i know is it should be in technet. not downloads. Crack it, if you don't have a license when BSE knocks the door you are still gonna get busted! Just use it!
  7. Uykucu

    NT & W2K remote access

    well w2k uses TS or now ATS snap in's. I did not really understand your question. can you explain to me a bit more??? as far as remote access is concerned every machine is for itself. so mixing different stuff on the same network, only problem i can see is you have to have all the clients for them from wherever you are administering. If all of them are using Terminal services, you can go through the web browser or TSMMC snap in.
  8. Uykucu

    Internet Sharing in Win2K Server problem!!!

    LOL. That is an internal IP adress shassouneh...m8. He can post it as much as he likes. there is not a damn thing you can do about it. even if you have the actual ip so what? To your problem seducer, Is there no physical link in your network between NT4 and NT5 (AKA w2000) If there is why are you going through all this trouble just define the default gateway for net connection to be your nt4 server or whatever is online. Oh and if you wanna enable more services over nt4, try enabling ports through the tcp/IP. or depending on your config whoever set up the nt4 did not wanted mirc etc. to be used and let everything go through the proxy. or maybe did not know about gateway's etc. (it happens) PS. I apologize for shassouneh. It happens.
  9. Uykucu


    Symantec makes great utilities etc, however; NU is not for W2k. only thing i install with it are Disk Doctor and Speed Disk. The rest is messy do not use them.
  10. Uykucu

    Downloading IE files for later use

    You could have searched, I remember posting this twice b4. Anyway does not matter here it is. KB Q257249 It works with 5.5 sp2 or all IE installations. But if you DL for all OS's it is about 60MB's Enjoy
  11. Uykucu

    WIn2k SP2 makes explorer.exe FREEZE!

    LOL Sorry I shouldn't have criticised your machine maybe. but you've gotta see my point. Half of your msg's are this sucks or that problem etc. I presumed they were all on the same machine. Come to SP-2 I deploy it to every single W2K network i come across. we are yet to have any serious problems other that the odd machine every now and then. I guess you are just unlucky. It sometimes happens. If you have patience for reinstall you might wanna try an integrated setup. that usually helps I hear. I have not tryed it myself. if it fails twice in our case I just tell them to replace that machine.
  12. Uykucu

    Alcatel USB SpeedTouch problems

    Actually you helped me as well... On Friday Turkish Embassy had DSL installed upon my recommendation. on a p2p 100 Mbit network. All the new machines and the one they are using as server are HP Brio's with guess what, Via chipset. It worked fine after I have upgraded the chipset as well. I wish you happy surfing.
  13. Uykucu

    Security breach in Windows 2000 ?

    I believe it to be mostly related bug. Code red did not come out last week, it was around (under differnt names) for about 3 months. At least that was the first time my defult sites (which were actually trap ) got defaced. MS released a patch, we all installed it. and sircam etc. did not furt me a bit. Each of the machines just constantly got scanned. which is not a problem in my opinion. It became the responsibility of the admin the moment IIS patch was released they should have looked, followed what was happening and installed it. Just blaming MS is destructive criticism and does not help anybody. If admin's do pay real attention worldwide breaches like that will happen a lot less. Of course most of the blame goes to MS!!! Since they can not get anything right. I am betting if they wrote a batch file to copy files it will have a security leak as well. I know it is not possible but i am sure they can manage
  14. And this is relevant to this thread in which manner Ali??? Come to your question yes it will work, post a msg in tweaks section. somebody will explain it to you.
  15. Uykucu

    Frontpage extensions on Win2k server SP2

    well quite frankly i do not use FP extensions under any circumstance. It is one customer who wanted author, admin etc stuff. so i started looking in to it. And last night dunno how but i sorted it. I think application server was misconfigured. I do not think i ever needed those files since they were installed with nt. Thx for understanding and help. BTW One of my "monkey"'s spoke with the MS so he might not have been able to communicate his problem. I am trying to train him but he got stuck on I want big banana (money) part! and does not look good.
  16. Uykucu

    permissions problem in win2k

    Actually come to think of it clutch is right. I sometimes have trouble remembering computer names or users. It gets funnier when i configure say an e-mail in a terminal that belongs to another company. It hasn't happened yet but i am sure it will soon if i can not get some decent engineers soon. Theye are all bunch of monkeys here.
  17. Uykucu

    Where is ACT 1.5?

    Don't bother. It is my server and my cabinet so there is no traffic, BW limit etc. just do not advertise it on every single BB. and enjoy.
  18. Uykucu

    Where is ACT 1.5?

    Get it from here and do not forget this favor. It is my server (), and you can download as many times you like. It is original package, nothing doddgy. Scanned for viruses etc. but do it again just in case. PS. It is 3.5 Mb's click here
  19. Uykucu

    Frontpage extensions on Win2k server SP2

    MS Suggested that i upgrade to Office 2k SP2 first ) I am betting you haven't either. I can not test it right now since it requires Office CD and i am on TSC. will let you know what happens. BTW administrative etc. extensions are running nicely it is for custom form etc components I am having trouble and IIS keeps saying extensions are of an old version.
  20. Uykucu

    Frontpage extensions on Win2k server SP2

    Hey I have the exact same problem. i thought IIS got screwed on the last attack. I will try that clutch. Athough i am pessimistic. will let you know.
  21. Uykucu

    permissions problem in win2k

    Well it happens but definetly not occasionally. The exact circumstances are if you choose security settings to be inherited from the parent (directory domain etc.) When you delete the account in question. parents do sometimes get rid of them but never the children. Dunno why it happens i am guessing to prevent fake ID's to be created and such. So don't worry all admins have this your NT hasn't been breached (Yet!!!).
  22. Uykucu

    Alcatel USB SpeedTouch problems

    I wish you best of the luck buddy! One of my customers have a problem it is an HP K80 connected via USB on a Via chipset board. Nothing I did helped I wish you will have better luck. As you have tryed and reached the same conclusion it is not power Otherwise it wouldn't work at all. or the modem would shut down as you have read. does it? I thought it was disconnecting you. I have Alcatel as well mine is SDSL but I had ADSL before. both of them works fine i did not connect them through hub or such. And quite frankly i have nott seen any problems related DSL modems. Whatever. let us know what you get.
  23. Uykucu

    Office XP

    Or if you upgrade all your data will be there nicely Although you will be greeted by some error messages which are unimportant.
  24. Uykucu

    Outlook 2002 and importation of email addresses

    If you have not installed xp yet. go to accounts and export your setting to an iaf file. then import them to whatever you use. But if you are upgrading what CuViper said is accurate. although if you click no it goes away.
  25. Uykucu

    Alcatel USB SpeedTouch problems

    Could you be kind enough to PM me your private adress so i can come and discuss your reply "face to face" before shoving it up to where sun never shines... I suggest you read his message and look up sarcasm in the dictionary (you can find one in librarys etc.). He was saying he can not go out and buy one, I know that. I was just stating even if he could how much it would cost. And also if you were clever enough to read it in full I have told him it is a problem with via chipset and USB (which i presumed he has). And did not offer any solution beyond that because he did not reply. PS. I suggest you watch your language in the future since being banned from this forum would be the least of your problems if you do not.