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The Almighty Nayr

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Everything posted by The Almighty Nayr

  1. The Almighty Nayr

    Help me pls, I got this game to work once..

    Allright about a year ago I got Thief2 and I remember when I first installed it it would do this but I discovered a way to get it to work but I havent been able to figure it out... Ive installed the FULL install but when I run the game it gets past the intro movies and boots me back out to windows... if I press esc to bypass em boom, im back out to windows..... ive defragged and done what I could that the readme suggested but still dont work... here are my stats: PIII 550Mhz 512k Cache 256mb ram Voodoo3 3500 with the drivers from this website WickedGL (to play Q3, wouldent load with the drivers from this site) Windows2000sp1+all the updates SB Live Platinum 5.1 please help me.. i want to play this game once again...
  2. The Almighty Nayr

    Help me pls, I got this game to work once..

    I'll try those... but i dont have a TNT baced card... V3 3500..