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About OddAngryShot

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  1. OddAngryShot

    Help with Instalation of Program

    Thanks Em for your advice. I knew I could change the compatibility somehow but I had forgotten it was that easy. I managed to get teh program installed but it still won't run. Keeps looking for files that are there but can't find them. I think they are located in a different directory or it is still having some version conflicts! Once again thanks for the help and advice.
  2. OddAngryShot

    Help with Instalation of Program

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with a small problem I have with a program? I am trying to install a program (AMOS) and it keeps telling me I need to have Service Pack 3 or higher installed on the system. I use Win 2K with SP1. I have been to the programs website and it states that the version I am attempting to install should work with W2K. My Question is: Does anyone know how to fool a program into believing the OS is different to what is actually there. I need the program to complete some research for my honors thesis. Thanks for any help!
  3. OddAngryShot

    M1 Tank Platoon 2 under W2000

    Thanks very much for the help and advice. It is a shame that it wont run under W2K. I agree with the sentiments about Hasbull and their dissolution of their simulation section. Oh well, someone else will eventually take up the flag and make great military sims. I just hope it is not Microsoft! Cheers ------------------ Alex Smith Australia
  4. OddAngryShot

    M1 Tank Platoon 2 under W2000

    Does anyone know how to get this game running under Win2K? I get a missing file error for the video driver but the game goes to the main menu selection but drop out when you try to start a mission of any sort. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ------------------ Alex Smith Australia