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Everything posted by Neckhole

  1. Neckhole

    Win2k Dual Boot Question

    I did a search on Dual Boot, and didnt quite find the answer to my question, so I thought I'd toss it out to you guys to see what you could come up with. I am currently running an 1gig Tbird with two hard-drives. The first hard drive (designated c is a FAT32 partition with Windows ME on it. The second hard drive (designate d is a NTFS partition with Win2k on it. I'd like to format over the WinME partition, and replace it with Win 98SE, and just use that partition as a gaming rig. Anyways, if I understand correctly, I should be able to format my C: drive, install Windows 98, then boot off of my Win2k CD-ROM, and choose the repair option and Win2k should set the dual boot back up, right? Thanks in advance for your help. [This message has been edited by Neckhole (edited 21 March 2001).]
  2. Neckhole

    Win2k Dual Boot Question

    Being a Brian, theres one thing we hate, its being called Brain ! Yah, I think you said the same thing, Eddie.. Every dual boot message has a response from Brian I think he's just got something he cuts and pastes