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Everything posted by luders

  1. luders

    General Stutturing in WinXP (mainly sound and mouse)

    You are a genius. This problem has been a pain to me for months. I just loaded up XP and installed the 103b drivers and it is champ. Can't thank you enough. Good to have my RAID back. -Aaron
  2. luders

    General Stutturing in WinXP (mainly sound and mouse)

    Well the Highpoint Drivers are certainly where the problem lies in this thread and older drivers in this case is more the key. So again if anyone has found a specific driver build that works well, let me know. -Aaron
  3. luders

    General Stutturing in WinXP (mainly sound and mouse)

    Man I have been plagued with trying to fix this problem ever since BETA 1 of XP. Now running 2600 and never was able to fix it. I just kept going back to putting my hard drives on the regular south bridge IDE's. Never thought of older drivers. If someone has tried the old drivers and has had it work, please post what drivers exactly do work. Thanks so much, Aaron
  4. luders

    RC2 Upgrade from RC1

    I gotta say that I am a die hard advocate of clean installs but I just was tired of it lately. So I have upgraded over my XP with newer and newer builds 5 times now. Oddly.. each time was nothing but improvements.. Even in speed. Must be lucky.. -Aaron
  5. luders

    ACPI question

    You can always change that darn kernel to MPS. The ACPI aint so champ in XP yet but I love it despite this. -Aaron
  6. luders

    Highpoint, Abit Athlon and XP - not so good

    In my experience the problems with XP and the Highpoint controller started when the later builds built in support for the cotroller (Since drivers for it were included.) Even if you load different drivers problems have stayed with the later builds (248x and on I believe). My roomate and I have been running nearly every XP build and have put our drives on the standard ide since the 248x. We have had choppy sound erratic hard drive stuff and just plain slow performance. I have a VP6 and he has a KT7-RAID, both have the same controller. Anyway since we have disabled that controller with these builds it has been champ. -Aaron
  7. luders

    Poor USB mouse performance

    You dont have to reinstall just so you know. You can just change the driver from ACPI to MPS. One of the few switches it will let you do. Just do it from the device manager. I did it on 2475. Worked great. -Aaron
  8. luders

    Poor USB mouse performance

    I am running build 2475 and dont see the option to disable pointer acceleration. Is this possible? -Aaron P.S. I am running an Abit VP6 Dual P3 and have been having to use the MPS Multi kernel because of that mouse jerkyness. I have an optical usb intellimouse.
  9. luders

    2475 Is Rocking !!!

    You can also hit F5 where it says hit F6 to add scsi or raid drivers when setup first starts. This will allow you to select the HAL. You can select on that is not ACPI. I do this since I cant disable in the bios. -Aaron
  10. luders

    cd rom drives no longer work

    Okay well in any case I just didnt really see it being an OXYMORON which I already realized the definition there of. It may appear so but I dont believe it to be. Anyway, I am tired and an idiot at this time of night...
  11. luders

    cd rom drives no longer work

    Not even worth a response.
  12. luders

    cd rom drives no longer work

    So what if it is Beta. What does that have to do with anything. It is more stable than Win 2000 so I dont see the problem.
  13. luders

    Any working diskdefraggers

    I used the OO defrager just fine in XP. -Aaron
  14. luders

    VP6, BETA 2, and ACPI

    So I know that the ACPI Multi-Processor kernel was not working with my previous build of XP (2458) but has anyone got it going with 2462. I just upgraded from 2458 to 2462 so I stayed at MPS Multi-Processor. I am only interested in people running ACPI Multi-Processor or if they were not able to get it to work. Thanks, Aaron
  15. luders

    VP6, BETA 2, and ACPI

    I have everything working great with multiple usb things already. I am using 1.1 and mps multi. I was aksing if anyone was using ACPI multi in this situation.
  16. luders

    VP6, BETA 2, and ACPI

  17. You all make me laugh.... -Aaron
  18. luders

    XP Beta 2 & ACPI.sys

    I am sure you would stick with 1.4 as anyone without this VP6 would. But since it only works with 1.1 on the VP6 that is what we will use and there are no benefits in our case for 1.4 anyway. Our USB works champ and everything. -Aaron
  19. luders

    XP Beta 2 & ACPI.sys

    Good to hear my man, Aaron
  20. luders

    Windows XP+Athlon+Geforce = %80 Stability

    Are you saying that running Xing MP3 Player in Beta 2 works or is it your drivers? I know it didnt work in 2000? I seems to remember it not working in my build of XP either (2458). -Aaron [This message has been edited by luders (edited 10 April 2001).]
  21. luders

    XP Beta 2 & ACPI.sys

    As I understand it this problem only pertains to multi processor boards and the multi processor kernels of XP so everyone that does not have this, need not post that they are not having problems. -Aaron [This message has been edited by luders (edited 10 April 2001).]
  22. luders

    XP Beta 2 & ACPI.sys

    Mine is a VP6 and once I realized I couldnt use the ACPI Multi Kernel and installed the MPS Multi Kernel everything worked fine. I have a USB Optical MS mouse and it works fine. However everything only works fine with the MPS set to 1.1 Also I am running the WK bios. Good luck, Aaron
  23. luders

    Network Problem (Sharing)

    It would appear to me that you can only right click and share directories that would not allow access to system files such as c:\share for instance. You cant share c: because it contains system files. That is a theory. I know I tried to share c and could but then just shared my c:\ftp directory by right clicking. However this doesnt apply to other drives as an explanation as I tried to share my cdrom and that didnt work. Anyway, let me know if you figure it out...-Aaron
  24. luders

    XP Beta 2 & ACPI.sys

    To install without ACPI you just hit F5 where it says hit F6 to load other devices and before it says hit F5 for Advanced System Recovery Stuff. This is done when first installing the OS. Then scroll and select a system type that isnt ACPI. -Aaron
  25. luders

    XP Beta 2 & ACPI.sys

    I am runnin a dual boot with Win 2000 and XP Build 2458. I have an intellimouse usb optical. I use ACPI multi processor in 2000 and everything works great. The only way I could get things working without all that BSOD stuff in XP was to force MPS multiprocessor. So at least you know you are not alone. -Aaron