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Everything posted by banditaras76

  1. banditaras76

    Unmountable_boot_volume stop error

    Does anyone knows why i get this error when trying to install xp beta 2? Thanks
  2. banditaras76

    BSOD, bad_pool_caller

    I've read the previous posts about this bsod, but my case is different. This bsod pops only when i try to copy files from one hard drive to another. My boot hard disk is a 15gb western digital BA (ata66), NTFS formatted, and the other drive is ata33, seagate, and fat32 formatted. If i remove the second hard drive then the bsod never appears. My system configuration follows MB: QDI Kinetiz 7T CPU: Duron 700MHZ RAM:256 MB SB live sound card Matrox G400 graphics card(latest drivers installed) Primary hard drive wd 15,2BA (first ide channel, single drive) Secondary hard drive seagate (secondary ide channel, master drive) Thanks for any help George Chatizeorgiou
  3. banditaras76

    BSOD, bad_pool_caller

    I've moved the second hard disk, to the first ide channel, as slave and everything works just fine. Thanks anyway
  4. banditaras76

    BSOD, bad_pool_caller

    I'm using win2k. I can't format the drive to ntfs, because i use it on various systems. All other ide operations, don't fail so it's propably not the cable. The strange thing is that, a week ago, i had to replace the motherboard , with a new one excactly the same. Before that everything worked just fine. I'll try to reinstall win2k.