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Everything posted by BanditXL

  1. BanditXL

    Problems with Asus V7700 deluxe capturing

    Where can I find the nvidia drivers I couldn't find them at www.nvidia.com nor did I find them on thier ftp. Thanks
  2. BanditXL


    Try this: Go to your control pannel and click administrative tools, then click computer management and click on disk management. It's a disk/parition management program included in windows 2000 (It might differ a little because I'm typing and checking the steps in XP). Hope this helps.
  3. BanditXL

    Off Topic: temperatures of an AMD TBird 1400

    Don't worry, athlons tend to get hot, I read somewhere they can take up to 120°C before they get to hot. I'm not ussing a monitor right now but I think mine is around 60°C too.
  4. BanditXL

    Asus V7700 Drivers

    I also have an asus v7700 deluxe. I installed the video-in capture drivers on my computer and the same as in windows 2000 happens. When I want to watch TV via asus-live I get choppy images (I'm ussing the Live function BTW). I have to change the settings from asus-live in order to get normal quality, but as soon as I switch channels (on my video-recorder) I have to change the settings again. Anyone have any idea what is causing this (I posted this in the hardware forum from 2000 too a little while ago). Also I found the 14.40 drivers to be the best drivers because they don't return you to windows in max payne (thus 3dmark2001) or give strange textures in need for speed porsche unleashed. BTW if you want the latest capture driver then download ASUS live 4.6beta5. It has a newer capture driver (version 1.3, 1.1 give the same results as the 1.3 capture driver refuring to my problem ).
  5. BanditXL

    Problems with Asus V7700 deluxe capturing

    I sure do hope you come up with something because it's really anoying.
  6. BanditXL

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    EddiE314 posted he ussed the 8.04, so I thought I install those too. Here are my findings: Nvidia 8.04: -3dmark2000 6955 3d marks (finally an increase in performance) -3dmark2001 wil only run until up until the lobby and then it drops me back to windows wich got me thinking about the max payne engine in the 3dmark2001 benchmark, I started max payne with the same result it drops me back to windows after a few seconds of gameplay. I have tested the same results with these drivers of nvidia: 7.76, 8.03, 7.59. On the other hand I tested these drivers wich worked fine with 3dmark2001 and max payne(I know same engine and stuff): 12.60, 12.90, 14.20 and 14.40 (for some benchmark results look in earlier post of mine). Is there anyone who can verify these findings?
  7. BanditXL

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    I tested my system with 3dmark2000 v1.1 too the same results as with 3dmark2001 I get lower scores with XP then I do with 2000, it's really p!$$!ng me off, I don't know what I 'm doing wrong. Anyway here are the results: detonator 14.20 nvidia 3dmark2000 in W2K: 6758 3dmarks 3dmark2000 in XP: 6219 3dmarks Do you guy make any tweaks or change anything to let XP fly faster? I don't know what the problem is XP is even on a faster hdd (7200 rpm), normally this would be a advantage too.
  8. BanditXL

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    Here are my results: Windows 2000 3dmark2001: 3181 3dmarks (1024x768 32 bit no FSAA)(asus 12.60 detonator) Windows XP 3dmark2001: 2863 3dmarks (1024x768 32 bit no FSAA)(nvidia 14.20 detonator) I always thought windows XP was faser then windows 2000. This was run on a AMD 1200 MHZ, MSI k7t pro 2a, asus v7700 deluxe, 512 MB memory. Any comments on this?
  9. BanditXL

    Problems with Asus V7700 deluxe capturing

    Thanks for your reply JimmyK. Dang I miss stated the Issue the whole letter now I have to re-post it . The problem I'm having is with the live option within asus-live the capturing part works fine but, when I switch too the Live function (The I just want to watch TV on my computer option ) the video turns choppy even if I set it too the lowest resolution. The most Of you would tell me right now to use the capturing instead, but the capturing is doesn't support fullscreen wich I preffer to use. Maybe this explains my problem better. And again any help is welcome.
  10. BanditXL

    Problems whih mbtr

    I have some problems whith mercedes benz truck racing. When I want to play the game I don't see any textures. Here are my specs if that helps: -windows 2000 -Hercules 3d prophet geforce 2 MX twinview(det 12.40) -MSI K7T PRO 2A -AMD Athlon 1.2 GHZ -creative soundblaster live! 1024 player -Unex 100 Mbit ethernetcard -20 GB hdd western digital -52x cdrom speler creative
  11. Is there a way by wich I can find out the type of my AMD athlon thunderbird 1200 processor whitout having to rip of the cooler?
  12. BanditXL

    How do I find the type of my processor

    Sandoval- That's a real cool program, thanx man.
  13. BanditXL

    How do I find the type of my processor

    As far as I kow there are three different types of T-birds. A 266MHZ version and two whith 200 MHZ FSB(correct me if I'm wrong here). I'm trying to find out wich one I have.
  14. BanditXL

    Odd problem with videocard

    I've got an "old" Pentium II 350 with a savage4 card in it. When I start the computer the videocard doesn't turn on the monitor. The problem get's solved by oppening the case and wiggeling the card and then starting the computer. But it's very irritating to open the casing each time I want to start the computer. Is there anyone who has had this problem or knows how to solve it? Any help would be appreciated. Here are the system specs: Pentium II 350 Mhz, A-trend 6240C mobo, 64 MB RAM,creative 3d blaster savage4, soundblaster 128 PCI,UNEX 100 Mbit networkcard (I don't know the type, I'm typing this from school), Iomega zip-drive, western digital caviar 6,4 GB HDD.
  15. BanditXL

    Win2k really SLOWWWW on p3v4x

    This maybe is of topic but how do you activate the timedemo (or what ever it is called in the halflife engine) in counterstrike?
  16. BanditXL

    Odd problem with videocard

    The screw is tightend and is not the problem. It's always possible to wiggle the videocard a little even if the screw is tightend. Thanks anyway.
  17. BanditXL

    Is there anyone out there that can play Need For Speed 5 Mul

    Resizeing the pagefile worked for me I set it to 256MB minimum and 500MB maximum
  18. BanditXL

    Is there anyone out there that can play Need For Speed 5 Mul

    I tried to set a fixed page file, mine is set to 768 MB but it still hung. Could anyone post how too set it right.
  19. BanditXL

    Athlon chipsets

    I got a few questions myself on the subject. I now own a AMD 1200 MHZ with a MSI k7t pro2a. Now my question is: If I buy a mobo that supports the DDR or RDRAM, do I have to buy a new processor. And about the 760MP AMD is making, I didn't know AMD was planning to go dual (any sites I can read about it?), and if so the same question of buying a new processor aply's.
  20. BanditXL


    First off I'm new to this forum and I hoop to be an addition to it. Now here's my qeustion, I have a soundblaster live 1024, geforce 2 MX, e-tech cxt1034-hfc modem and realtek rtl8029(as) PCI ethernet adapter. When I look in the sytem configuration, all of them are ussing the same IRQ (11 for the record) and I can't change it. I'm logged on as administrator am using a AMD 1200 MHZ on a MSI k7t pro2a. I appreciate any help.
  21. BanditXL


    Thanx I didn't know that. But I thought that would be the problem, because after I'm online for a while my computer hangs. I have been able to swap some IRQ's for the interested people by swapping some cards in the system. Sofar after I swapped the cards it hasn't hanged yet(*keeping his fingers crossed*).