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About SayArgh

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  1. SayArgh

    Problem with Earth2150 Demo

    I am having this problem with the Earth2150 demo.. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Error: MSVCRT.DLL is not compatible with Win32s.. is there a solution to this?
  2. SayArgh

    Windows 2000 taskman problem..

    thanks, that did the trick, i will remember this if it happens again
  3. SayArgh

    Windows 2000 taskman problem..

    I am having a small problem wuth my taskmanager for windows2000 - the menus have dissappeared.. i've rebooted the machine and the menus are still gone, all i get now is a grey box with the process's in it, >
  4. SayArgh

    Turok 2 + win2k

    Well, i've done that many times, it still doesn't work..
  5. SayArgh

    Turok 2 + win2k

    it didn't work I'm begining to think my turok2 exe file might be curropt or something... could some perhaps be able to send me the turok2 exe file? I could be wrong but its worth a shot.. == my e-mail is Scotty2050@hotmail.com == [This message has been edited by SayArgh (edited 26 March 2001).]
  6. SayArgh

    Turok 2 + win2k

    I've just discovered that the multiplayer version of turok works.. but not the single player.. well thats not much fun because I liked the single player more
  7. SayArgh

    Turok 2 + win2k

    Hi people, I have tryed running Turok 2 on win2000 professional.. the game never starts, i've double clicked on the game launcher many times it just never brings anything up.. my system specs =============== 450mhz AMD k6-2 160mb ram Voodoo3 2000 PCI (I have the latest drivers for this) windows 2000 professional could anyone help?