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Everything posted by Maxx?

  1. Ya Ya i follow the horde but i still think Counter Strike is the best first person shooter ever made (including 1.4 get over the jumping fewlz). string me up whatever. Action Quake2 was pretty good too... as far as old school goes i think the most quarters i've dumped into a machine was Galaga.
  2. Maxx?

    What is better Win2K or WinXP?

    i'm not a whore to new things. tried and tested os's are what i prefer. win2k all the way
  3. Is it possible to upload to the telnet server packaged with win2k? it doesn't seem to be working when i try the standard zmodem stuff. this seems lame if not possible. any help is appriciated!
  4. Maxx?

    A Not So Important Problem

    I never thought i was this helpless. I'm trying to set my screen saver to a password (using the win2k logon screen saver). but when i check the "password protected" box, apply it (juts in case), then preview the screen saver... it doesn't prompt me for my password. it also will not prompt me for my password if i let the time expire and have the screen saver come up on its own. i'm going to a large lan this weekend and i would like this to work. any help is appriciated
  5. Maxx?

    Setting Affinity on Dual CPUs

    How would one set the affinity for a cpu from the commandline? any help is appriciated! ------------------
  6. Well it might not be damaged fonts but win2k (w/ sp2) is not loading all my fonts. the standard windows fonts. the fonts that windows uses instead are small and almost unledgible. This is the worst in IE. all the fonts are present in my c:\winnt\fonts\ folder. but when i go to view the fonts in a drag down bar like in wordpad or display properties only 1/2 or so of the fonts show. i have an up to date version of norton antivirus. any help would be appriciated!
  7. Maxx?

    Dammaged fonts... annoying in the extreme

    well i lost patience and went ahead and formatted. i know of tweakui but i didn't know it could repair fonts. thats a good suggestion and if it ever happens again (this is the second computer this has happened to) i will try that. thanks!
  8. no no no. i had that trouble and i posted on a forum and people were like its ok cause win2k doesn't know how to handle udma100 dirves. when i first put the via drivers on it thought my drives were scsi as well. if you check you error log you will see that it tries to load some drivers (i suspect scsi stuff eh?) and it may even have trouble writing to a couple sectors. after about 10 boots i got an unrecoverable error. i thought it was the drive. so i went out and bought another. i reset everything up again. then win2k thought that it was a scsi drive after i installed the via drivers. and after a couple days i got another fatal error. i would suggest that you don't leave your drives as scsi! try to upgrade them back to the win2k default ide drivers. you can still install the via agp and other stuff. just not the drivers pertaining to your HD if you are having this trouble... now i've been running for 3 months my original drive with the win2k ide driver w/ no trouble... no errors. if you want your ata100 just get the microsoft hotfix i hope that helps.