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Everything posted by JJ32

  1. Heh..let me try one. Maybe someone knows the answer? I have configured a Win2k Pro machine with dual NIC's. OK, easy enough so far. I now have a router and a switch. I bring in my WAN connection to the switch and feed two lines out. One line to one of the NICs' (NIC A) and the other line from the switch into a router which hosts the internal LAN of my network. The line out from the router then feeds into the final NIC (NIC . Both lines have internet access. I only want internet access from the the line from the switch (NIC A), but not from NIC B which is from the router. I filtered the line into NIC B so the router will not serve as an internet gateway for that line or IP Address that feeds NIC B. Question is: HOW DO I GET IT TO DEFAULT TO NIC A FOR INTERNET ACCESS? It seems to always look to NIC B and quit. What gives? NIC B is a statically assigned IP address while NIC A is set for auto-assign IP address. It should look to NIC B and then quit after not finding anything and move to NIC A where the internet connection actually is, but it does not. It wants it from NIC B. I can always disable NIC B's connection and it does finally work, but how do I get it to ignore NIC B for internet and access NIC A only for internet connections? Any input?
  2. Forget this Post guys. I fixed it. LOL! Was easy. Just too tired last night. Took me 5 min this morning. LOL! Thanks anyway. LMAO!
  3. JJ32

    Highpoint, Abit Athlon and XP - not so good

    Yeah this board and XP have some serious issues.. I'm having to do this different every time I reinstall xp on this Abit KA7-100. Freakin weird. I say forget my previous postings cause now it likes it no problem with 2486. It is XP that is causing it anyway. Just wait for MS,HPT and Abit to work it out. It is just freakin weird that I have to do it differnt for every single build. But not really I guess since the oS is updated every build. It has smoooth sailing for the rest of my boards, but definitely rought wit this one.
  4. JJ32

    Highpoint, Abit Athlon and XP - not so good

    OK guys, this is kind of a an add-on to my last post. Install XP via the HDD on th IDE channel. Next, go to Highpoint's website and download the newest version of your HPT driver for Win 2k be it HPT RAID or Non-RAID, but get the right one for your system. Example like HPT RAID driver Win 2k for Abit KT-7(A) RAID boards and regular non-RAID driver for Abit KA7-100. I have the Abit KA7-100. Next if you look in the device manager you will get a Via Hardware IDE bus master under your SCSI devices. Weird huh? You then go to viahardware.com and download the Via 4.26 chipset stuff and install the IDE busmaster driver. It does it automatically, and forgets the rest of the stuff. Re-boot on leaving on cable on IDE and see if it is cool? If it is and everything boots fine you can switch IDE cable back over to highpoint controllers after shuting down. You will see a goofy DMA and VIA IDE tool come up on startup. Just kill them by uninstalling the tools only (not the driver) via Add/Remove and remove anything having to do with them out Prgram files the C: root and the startup groups. DO NOT DELETE THE DRIVER ITSELF VIA ADD/REMOVE. I do not remember if I deleted them via add/remove or by deleting the files off root and/or program files (and this I do know I did with the startup file deletion) deleting associated startup files. BOOM! Your problem is fixed and XP runs fine on the Highpoint. That's my eXPerience and it has worked. Make sure you have the latest supported BIOS for your board and prepare for some headache and serious time involvement. Mine worked in XP 2481. Good Luck. Post reply if questions it's sloppy but I am working on something else..damn it sucks......leave multitasking to computers not humans...eh?
  5. JJ32

    Highpoint, Abit Athlon and XP - not so good

    Check this out it sucks but it works... You have to move the HDD over to the regular IDE controller (IDE 1) and away from the HPT controller when upgrading and/or installing Win XP. After you install it, then move it back to the HPT controller. Before installing and upgrading I always move the HDD to IDE then remove the HPT driver for w2k (You don't have to do this). Then I do the upgrade/install. After, I merely move it back to the HPT and voila it works. Just a shitload of IDE cable swaps is involved everytime you play with the upgrade/install. Sucks, but at least it works! Good luck!
  6. Hey Oxide I was thinking a lag might also exist from your hub. Hubs spread the bandwidth over several ports. Switches give intermittent full access to each port individually allowing for quicker network access. Try getting a switch if you can and see if that helps. Linksys switch like $ 50.00. Also kill everything in your network panel except for what you are using. Minimally you should have: Client for MS networks. TCP/IP Network adapter File and printer sharing. If you have anything else, and you are not using it (like IPX/SPX etc.), then kill it. It will slow you down!
  7. Oxide first of all you don't enable RIP on a workstation. It's in the Linksys router settings themselves. They are accessed via IE by typing in and opening them. is a generic gateway for routng devices (you mayhave assigned it another I don't know) What RIP does alot of times after you enable it is "free up" a "clogging" of mis-directed packets throughout your network. Once you have the results desired, you can disable the RIP function as it creates extra packet traffic on your network while it actively/passively seeks the routes. It is good to enable it many times then disable it after everything is cool. If it doesen't run well without it, then you have other issues on your network. Are you on firmware version 1.37? If you are cool. Yes, if you disable the DHCP function and assign static IP's, then you will have to go into network settings and manually assign an IP to your friends computer when hooking up to your network. Make sure you set it back when he leaves or he will be stuck with info for your network and he won't be able to logon anyone else's. Yes, the BEFSR11 is a "pain" sometimes. It can take a great deal of patience and Linksys tech support sucks major horse dick. They are so dumb, I swear it. I have so much experience in routers that if you need help, then just ask me. NP. I'll do my best! Good luck! You can also forward ports for special service functions, if needed. Who is your DSL/cable provider? They use PPOE?
  8. Hey, also enable RIP so that it actively seeks missed packet routes!
  9. JJ32

    Sites wont come up

    Forget it. Kill everything except TCP/IP, Client for MS Networks and File and printer sharing. Configure your D-Link for Static IP addresses by killing the DHCP element. Assign static IP at each machine by starting with, 202, 203....etc.. That will eliminate the DHCP element and think for the router. Afterwords you need to examine your router settings for whatever you think should be en/disabled. Use RIP and see what happens, if D-Link has that ability. Even if you leave DHCP enabled enable RIP and see what happens. Using IE 5.5 or 6.0? Verify browser settings, but probably fine if on 5 machines or what have you. THis is a good place to get started. i have alot of wexperience on low end routers. Eliminate all aspects of your networking config that don't need to be there. Kill IPX and Netbeui of you don't use them otherwise it is just an annoyance and something else to go on. Hey have to go. BUsy. Good luck!
  10. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Here we go again. Look, did I say you guys were idiots? Did I say I didn't like computers? NO! All's I said was most people are ignorant when it comes to computers? Did I say you were ignorant? NO! You guys here all smoke crack. I swear it. All mad and PO'ed at the world. I was tired yesterday from dealing with people and their damn legacy machines. Those suck. Anyway, setting up Win 3.1 and 95 is a waste of time in today's world especially when they could just upgrade, but are too afraid that their users might see something different. Anyway, I'm just b*tchin here, so I better go before I start growin' t*tties (breasts) too! I can do almost anything, but it's not the computers that fight me, it's their owner's stubborness. Yeah, yeah I better go now. Have a few drinks guys (like 3 a day) to lighten up. Damn stressers.
  11. Upgrade your router firmware version to 1.37. Do it! After you do that, then turn off DHCP and go to each system and assign static IP starting with the first one. Assign it 192.168.201 and the other 192.168.202. After you do that, (What OS you running by the way?) then shut down your systems. Kill power to the router. Recycle your DSL modem (reboot). After modem reboots then start your router up and boot your machines up. Set your IE preferences to not detect DHCP automatically. Leave everything unchecked (it won't look for anything that way). It should work. You are essentially thinking for the router by killing the DHCP element and plus it allows you to use special service functions like FTP etc on your side (like a server setup). Sorry have to go someone else needs me, I'll be back. Try this for now.
  12. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Ugh...yeah whatever. I'm so tired of fixing everyone's computer lately. Damn headaches. They ask the stupidest things, but at least they pay. I get them somehow in the end! For example, this guy goes out and buys 6 gateway PIII w/ win 98 se and as soon as they arrive, he decides he wants WIn 2k. Fully updated and implemented into his POS network. Ugh....he should have just ordered WIn 2k to start from Gateway. NOw he is mad cause I could have built him 12 machines better than what he got from Gateway. LOL! He didn't even get monitors. Why are people so ignorant? Computers dominate our lives, but jesus please I'm living in a nightmare with these idiot wannabees. ANyway, don't take it personally I'm just venting a day's frustraion and tiredness.
  13. Ok, it's pretty easy. I have configured 18 networks with the linksys routers (be it 1,4,8 ports np) Can't be too tough here. I have worked with almost exactly the same setup you have (even the hardware etc.). NO reason after re-installing W2k and setting up your network ID (right click on My computer and go to network section and choose a machine name and workgroup name) on both machines (machine name is unique, workgroup is always the same for all computers as it should be, setting up a user at both machines, and verifying TCP/IP, File and printer sharing, and client for MS networks is there in network setup (right click on network neighborhood and use wizard). Try that and see if it works. It should if everything is configured on the hardware side properly like cables, NICS, and there is no issue with NIC in PCI/ISA slot etc.. If it does not, then assign static IP's to you r machines by going to properties on TCP/IP and setting up addresses like on one machine....202 on the other. Assign your DNS server as your ISP DNS and your gateway as Start with 201, so it is not in your DHCP scope by default on the machines. Diable DHCP too if you use static on router! If this doesn't work then re-flash your BESFR-11 BIOS to latest version 1.37. Maybe your router is the issue, but I doubt it. It is possible though. NO reason it should not work. I use the BEFSR411 at home and several machines with 3Com 3C905B-TX and also Intel based NICS. 3 Com overclocks well though! 152 FSB! KT133A chipset, but that is beside the point here! That D-Link hub/switch not the best, but it is just a hub/switch. NP there. I don't know man, but I have done several of these with lots of problems. If it really is causing you problems and you KNOW YOU HAVE IT SETUP RIGHT then try this extreme measure. Itsounds dumb, but it will work if all components are cool. I used it several times and somewhere down the line it resolves the issue: flash mobo bios, strip board down to essentials with Vid card and nic w/ no irq sharing between them, verify cabling on network, flash your BEFSR11 bios to latest 1.37, freakin format reload everything including OS, setup all device drivers and OS updates, setup network settings and add users as needed, reboot. Test it out. If nothing then you have component failure somewhere. That's easy just figure it out one by one by eliminating the culprit. This is peer to peer, so it can't be too hard. I just did one to make sure on this real estate network I'm working on now. They have a Linksys 8 port router and I successfully setup peer to peer now just to test. They are using static IP for special service/prtforwarding, and everything is A-OK! You'll get it good luck. Sorry but major sloppy gotta go! Putting back to client server setup by removing workgroup and reassigning the original DNS.
  14. LOL! This is real easy! Try assigning a user at both CPU's in the Users section and voila, as long as you have all network stuff setup like your cabling configured properly it will work. Friend had same problem. I asked him if he made sure he configured his network properly and he said yes. I asked him if he added a user to his users list. LOL! He forgot...duh! He added it and it worked. How funny! I hope this is the case for you. Your setup is basic, so I think that's all it is without actually seeing it. Wouldn't that suck if it was! Your Gateway should be: (default) I don't know your IP assignment, but that doesent matter too much for this peer to peer junk as long as they are different IP's and TCP/IP is configured properly and they are all on the same workgroup via network neighborhood. Ping the router from both PC's. If they can see it and you have internet access it is something stupid like your user is not added for both machines. Good luck!
  15. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    LOL! Yeah Brian, check out that video from Dead Trolls (given by deadcat) and you will get REAL IRRITATED after you realize what you did. No defense from that! Anyway, good luck, kid! You are the master technician, cause every OS sucks! LOL! Keep practicing. Whenever you decide to quit, let me know, and I will come in and take care of it for ya! Just ask. Good luck. Remember every OS sucks, OK?
  16. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Brian, chill out stresser! What did you do, take a few hits of crack buddy or what? Have I said you were an idiot lately? No! Damn man, you need some help both mentally and with computers. Could I recommend anger management and/or Com Sci 101? After you get a grip, you might start having some fun in life and not get your feelings hurt so much. Remind me of a damn Columbine kid that's all mad. Maybe you might like have a gun or something. Not my fault you got so many problems. I just think it's hilarious! LOL! It's freakin' Win Me man. Like I said many times....HOW HARD CAN IT BE REALLY? Anyway, you take things too personally/seriously. Chill out, it's not my fault your schizo, or whatever. Lay off the crack man! Hey, good luck really. You are the man! Feel better?
  17. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Uh...yeah. MONEY...............................GOOD! COMPUTER USERS NOT USE WIN ME.......GOOD! JJ GETS MONEY FROM USERS NOT KNOW HOW TO CONFIGURE WIN ME....................GOOD! JJ like freakin' configures any basic azz Win Me machine. Uh yeah......it's like freakin' easy! Uh yeah......Win ME not the best, but it works and does not suck! Uh yeah........I need people like you guys to make my money.....................GOOD! MONEY.................................GOOD! Idiot = Money. Uh yeah.........tell smarty pants it's like freakin' tough so smarty pants can pay me...LOL! You guys are too funny. HarU, you da' man! Shi* was funny as hell! These guys get all freaked out over a couple of errors, panic, then bring their computer to me. I LOVE IT! Oh yeah, so like what OS do you want to freakin' b*tch about today? Get a life and get some skills buddies. Hate on me. I love it!
  18. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    LOL! Ok pot smokers! Works for me! As long as it's the BOMB BUD! Anyway, stop hallucinating and figure it out big boy. Did I say Moniker is an idiot? Uh..no, but you sure did! Never met somebody who capped on themselves. Kids must have a good time with you. Anyway, yeah that "Next" button is a mother. LOL! Damn, life sucks. Can't figure it out? What can I say then? I must just be the man? Nah, I'm the idiot remember? What's the difference between me and you (borrowed from Eminem I guess..LOL!)? Difference between me and you is I have more experience, more patience, and EXPECT ****UPS ALL THE TIME. No big deal, pshh just fix those up unless it is a code related issue like I'm working with Symantec on in PCAW 10. LOL! Regardless, I always figure it out then I just move in for the kill. BOOM! Bye, bye problem! Mission complete...duh...duh...duh....DOH! Got to stop smoking so much pot affecting brain! I don't have much brain anyway, so there is really none to affect I guess. At least when I have problems I get to the root and resolve it. Who's the idiot? Who cares? I guess I am. Freakin' stresser, take a CHILL PILL...or be like the rest of us and take a CHILL PUFF!
  19. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Cool....when's the flight BIG BOYS? Sigh....Have to school somebody else AGAIN! LOL! Let me know, eh! Just send me the freakin' computer and I will DO IT FOR YOU! Hey, if he's got a copter then tell him to do it up. Don't BS me, if you got something REAL (like "R" "E" "A" "L") that should work and doesen't let me know and I will school you like I just did someone else like 15 minutes ago on another OS. Pshhh, what you think I don't have skills. Boy 'aint nothin'here but skills.......MAD SKILLS! BRING IT ON! After I get it working I will charge you regular rate plus travel OK? Let's see what sys config and apps (including versions) you want me to do up (MOAN....DON'T BORE ME NOW!) All confidence and all skills here bud, just let me know and I will "hook you up". Chump! Don't go ballistic now, OK. Damn crack smokers!
  20. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Like you guys said, "JJ is the idiot here". You guys are right! I don't know what I'm doing and I don't even deserve to be on the same level with people who can't even install Win Me correctly! Yeah, I'm a real loser. Yeah, I have never installed it (67 times it's been now on different configurations. Be it upgrade or what have you) and I always have problems. Yeah Win ME sucks I agree. IT IS SO DIFFICULT! What was MS thinking? I'm the stupid one here. I'm sorry. Should have never said anything so as not to offend (especially when people are complaining about a 9x series OS..LOL!) What was I thinking guys? Win Me sucks after installing it 67 times now on different configurations. I have a sales receipt for every upgrade and/or clean install I have done. I'm so sorry for the excuses, but it seems I always have one! Why is it I always have problems? Can you guys help me out here please cause Win Me (basic as it is) SUCKS! I AGREE NOW! <-------->LOL! Everyone happy?
  21. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    I also bought Win Me the day it came out and upgraded Win 98 SE (Win 98 SE was fully upgraded before the Win Me installations) on 5 systems that day with the promo edition with no issues. I don't know. All I can say is good luck. Win Me only sucks I guess, if it doesen't work on your system. Me, I'd stick it at it all day if I had to figure it out, but that's just me. I'm relentless! No OS conquers me! Ok, must have been my personality disorder acting up again, sorry. Sometimes, I think I am King JJ the master technician....or do I know I am? Hmmm..... Human persistence conquers all...how bad do you want it today? Don't quit just because it makes it hard.....strangle that OS and your system till it works....HOW YOU WANT IT TO WORK! Mess with it long enough and you will eventually get to the bottom of the issue. Oh yeah, Win Me is not the best OS, but it far from sucks!
  22. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    LOL! We have another genius in the club. Anyway, DO YOU LIKE THE CAPS EDDIE MAKER? HUH? HUH? Yeah, you guys get all pissed. LOL! Kick back. Swear some of you guys are on crank or something! LOL! Use your head and "figure it out". Why make everything so hard? LOL! Like I said, it's Win Me. How hard can it be really? Duh, everyone knows that Win 2k is many ways a superior OS to Win Me. Why do you think MS it using it as it's successor in XP? Like it takes a REAL GENIUS to figure it out. According to you guys, I'm an idiot anyway and don't know what I'm talking about. I'm so sorry "MASTERS". Hey, don't get all mad now! LOL! Damn, I'm about to start puking from laughing so hard! LOL! LOL! What are you guys trying to accomplish here really? The real question here is "Why does Win Me suck"? From what I read it's because you can't get it "work" stably. It's like someone said earlier about one's abilities. You have two mechanics. One working on car A and the other on car B. Mechanic on car A can't get it to run, so he says "I can't get it to work, therefore this car sucks". Mechanic B says, "It works great for me. Why are you having so much trouble?" Mechanic A responds, "I don't know, it is because of my uhhh......my parts!" Mechanic B says, "Hmmmm....why is it I can get it to work? Why do all my cars work?" Mechanic A says, "It's my car, it's not me. I just don't understand. If I use these parts on the other car (Win 2k) it works. I don't know why, so my car that doesen't work (Win Me) sucks." Mechanic B (JJ) thinks, "LOL, I have built 20 something cars with all different part configurations. Why don't I have these problems? Why can't mechanic A (the other guys) get it to work?" Mechanic A then says, "Who cares, I will just use my other car (Win 2k) it's faster anyway." Mechanic B (JJ) responds, "Isn't the other car (Win 2k) inherently faster anyway. " Mechanic A says, "Yeah, since it's faster screw that damn other car (Win ME). It sucks. I can't get it to work, therefore it sucks." Mechanic B says, "My car (Win Me) doesen't suck. As a matter os fact I have built over 20 of them that work just fine. It must be you." Mechanic A has a sissy fit and wanders off shaking his head saying that Mechanic B doesen't know what he is talking about and ignores. Moral to the story: It's sad, but one would believe that the issue really lied in Mechanic A's abilities. Or should we dare say....INABILITIES? **Relate this to your issue guys** **Oh yeah, hate on me I love it. **
  23. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    I don't care if your opinion varies Brian, that is what keeps us unique. No I'm not Superman or Supernerd or something. Realize computers aren't calculators and that you are going to have issues. A matter of fact next time you install something....EXPECT TO HAVE ISSUES...and then get happy when you don't. This is the essence of real computing today, if you messed with them long enough. Yup, someday they will be perfect...BUT IT SURE AINT GONNA BE TODAY..AND I CAN BET YOU AINT GONNA BE UNTIL WE HAVE ABOUT 50-60 YEARS IN PERSONAL COMPUTING. I'LL BE THE OLD MAN DEAD IN MY CHAIR FROM PLAYING THE FUTURE VERSION OF UT OR IT'S COUNTERPART BY THE TIME YOU CAN REALISTICALLY EXPECT TO HAVE TROUBLE FREE COMPUTING.
  24. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Yeah like I would have to redeem myself to you Cardinal. Like you can really "pull my salary" and/or "hold a match" to my educational level. LOL! Keep trying loser! Hey, tell me how you can't get Win Me to work right again, so I can laugh at your repugnant wannabe *** ! Anyway, you stuck your nose in now it gonna get bloodied! I'm cool, but I don't have time for people who are crass, stuck up, and say everything is stupid because they have personal computer skill level issues they need to work out! Oh help, Win Me sucks so bad! Please, help me, help me! Just say you suck and then say help me! You might get some help that way. Hey, my Ferrari's broke! Maybe I should say, it sucks too! LOL! I'll just have it re-tuned again by somebody who knows what they are doing. Since Ferrari's have so much engine trouble they suck bad too! Yeah. they are worthless...or maybe it's just that they are high performance and therefore need high maintenance by qualifed knowledgeable people. Relate this to your issue man! Good luck!
  25. JJ32

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Cardinal as much as you try to sound educated, I know have twice your educational level, so you can stop with the politically correct polite garbage. It's funny, you guys complain about Win Me and not having an internet connection and all this. Now you are all mad at me cuz' I "rub it in your face". LOL! Yeah like Win Me is meant to not have an internet connection so you can't update it. Please! I'm not being rude, just using GOOD COMMON SENSE! If you don't know what you are doing then get off the computer! THAT SIMPLE! Would you want somebody fixing your car, who can't even "figure it out"? Get a life! This is the REAL WORLD buddy, so get used to the sarcasticness. Where do you live? In UTOPIA? Obviously not CPU Utopia cause you have too many problems. LOL! If you have a problem be specific so we can all help out, don't go ranting and raving about how polite we are. You think the people who change our world all really that polite? Get a life, man! Yeah, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are real polite. How many times have they been quoted saying stuff like, "Get this bullshit out of my face" when being presented with an idea. LOL! Go back to politically correct Utopiaville loser and let real techies run this world. It's not about how polite you are, but your level of skill. Who cares if you can kiss my *** all nice and not fix it. I just want soemthing fixed and the guy can joke around and dog on me all he wants. It's called self-confidence and if you don't have any then sorry! Daddy must have beaten it out of you or something! Go fix your Win Me install! If you don't have an internet connection then how the hell you place a reply here. Sounds like some of you are just lazy to me. Hey, stop eating that donut!