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About -blake

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  1. -blake

    Hex hackers needed..Need someone to fix my app.

    I don't know if you may have done this or not, but, did you try recompiling the code under 2k Pro? Since we all know how finicky 2k can be when trying to run code designed for the 9x series of windows. Other than that, I don't know how else to help, I haven't done any programing more complex than small console apps. -blake
  2. I'm having a problem getting Starcraft to connect to battle.net thru my Linksys BEFSR41 V.2 router which set up to share my cable modem connection between my Win2k machine and my Win98 machine. With the Win2k computer, everything runs great and Starcraft works without a hitch. The problem is with the Win98 computer, it won't let me connect to battle.net, though it will connect to the internet with no problem. I can't figure out what is going wrong with my setup. Both computers are using the same network cards (Realtek8139/A) and I've tried setting up a DMZ for the Win98 machine, but no luck. I've tried to find some info off of the Blizzard tech pages, but they don't have a single piece of info that is helpful. Does anyone have any ideas that would help? Thanx in advance. -blake
  3. Hi, I just set up a Linksys BEFSR41 V.2 Router to share my cable modem connection between my Win2k machine and my Win98 machine. I have it set and it works great, I can access the internet thru both computers at the same time. My problem is that when I try to join Battle.net from Starcraft on my Win98 box, I can't log on at all. It starts to look for the server and says it can't connect and that maybe my Internet connection isn't set up right. I've tried setting up the router with a DMZ for the Win98 machine but still the problem remains. I've searched the blizzard faqs but they have nothing about Router set ups. This is frustrating because my Win2k box works perfectly fine, and Starcraft runs great. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? -blake
  4. -blake

    Hard Drive Partition Question

    I was wondering if it mattered where I placed my hard drive partition when I install Windows XP Beta2. I've read the documentation that came with Partition Magic 6, and it says that alot of OS's want their partition on the primary drive and in the first 2.0 GB of it. Do I need to do this with XP, or is it more like Linux and does not care where it is at? I was thinking of making a 5 GB partition for XP to test it first and see what works and what doesn't, then I may eventually install it over my Win 2k installation. Thanks in advance. -blake ------------------ Dell XPS B P3 733mhz 256 MB RDRAM 20 GB Geforce 256
  5. -blake

    Starcraft on Win2k

    Well, Starcraft works without a hitch now. The clean reinstall worked. Now I just have to get everything back on my computer. Thanks for the help guys. -blake
  6. -blake

    Starcraft on Win2k

    You think a clean install might be a better route? That means I have to back up, back up, back up. Time to go searching for the important files I guess. That might fix my problem, my registry and windows folders are probably clogged with 98 stuff. I'll give it a go I guess. -blake
  7. -blake

    Starcraft on Win2k

    Anybody have any idea what could be wrong with my configuration? I got a reply from Blizzard but it was a standard automated reply from the fixes it suggested. What about the people out there with Starcraft working without a hitch? What's your system configuration like? Network settings etc? Maybe that could give me an idea for fixing this problem. -blake
  8. -blake

    Starcraft on Win2k

    I looked for DRWTSN32 in the task manager, and it isn't there. So there must be something else that's hanging the program. I still don't get it though, how a program written for both Win 9x and NT 4.0 refuses to run correctly on 2000, which is basically NT with some 9x enhancements. I've also tried Appcompat.exe to no avail, I can't simulate Win 98 because SC installed under a NT config, and a Win NT simulation just reproduces the same results, and also locks up appcompat.exe. This is very frustrating since everything else works(relatively speaking after I've practically reinstalled most of my apps to stop them returning errors to Win 2000). -blake
  9. -blake

    Starcraft on Win2k

    Hi all, I just upgraded from Win98se to Win 2k pro a couple of days ago. I've been testing all of my programs and so far only one game has refused to "behave" properly. So far, whenever I've logged off battle.net from Starcraft the program will not completely close. It remains open on the task bar, and I can't close it using the task manager which says it is not responding either. The only way to kill the program is to hard boot the system. It seems like the program is waiting for the network connection to close because I can't open my network properties until the program is closed. Is there any fix out there? Can I do anything with the Compatibility tools Microsoft has up on their site? Or am I stuck just having to live without it? Other than that, everything seems to run fine. I don't really want to dual boot 98, or go back, Win 2k is so much nicer. (No BSOD or Illegal operations yet) In terms of my system: Win 2k Pro with SP1, and the compatibility update Direct X 8.0a Dell XPS B733r P3 733 128 mb RDRAM 20 GB Geforce 256 (Detonator 3 drivers) Realtek Network card (Win 2000 drivers) -blake