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About troymclure

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  1. troymclure

    Please Help with Boot missing File?

    Well thanks very much for your help, but alas after trying everything under the sun, i have reformatted. To be greeted by my computer playing a song thru the pc speaker whenever i start up win98. Damn it, someone up there hates me. lol any ideas? i suspect maybe a dying battery? or virus?
  2. troymclure

    Please Help with Boot missing File?

    Hi thanks very much for your help Jim. And yes i've been using the ntoskrnl.exe file from the dllcache. Still to no avail unfortuantly, i also tried rewriting my boot.ini file, again unfortuantly to no avail. This is a strange problem. I'm thinking it might not be a problem with the boot.ini no though. Because when win2000 tries to load i get the win2000 loading screen with progress bar start then i get the error message if my boot.ini points to partition 2 however if it is changed it just goes straight to the error message. NO loading screen. Sigh, this is a tough one, i've checked the directory and ntoskrnl.exe is in e:\winnt\system32. I've even tried creating new winnt\system32 paths with ntoskrnl.exe in them in my other partitions still no luck. I also have not created an ERD since installing sp1 (dang nam it! ) so i'm still stuck, i'm going to keep trying but if can't fix it soon. I guess it's time to Format
  3. Hi all, sorry to bother you but i was wondering if anyone new how to solve my problem. Oks here goes I have a dual boot machine with 98 and 2000 previously had no troubles and loved it. Recently i installed a virus scanner halfway thru scanning it crashed. I got BSOD (i was in 98 at the time as it wouldn't run under 2000). Upon reboot, win2000 gave me this error message. ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupt please reinstall. So i had a look around my hard drive found some other copies of it (in dllcache and ntservicepackuninstall) try both of those (and the one on the CD) nothing worked. Searched the internet, found references to boot.ini file i've tried what i could to no avail... if anyone has any idea please please help. ps:- Relevant system info is:- win98 is on primary dos partion, it's c: in windows explorer. win2000 is the first partition (according to partion magic) in the logical partition of the same drive. It's drive e in explorer I have a second hard drive and it's first partition is listed as d: if that helps at all. this is my boot.ini file [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect c:\="Microsoft Windows" If anyone could give me any advice it would be greatly appreciated. The only things on win98 are the internet and games. Normally good. But assignments due in very soon. ANd i have all my adobe products on win2000 and don't want to reinstall or reformat if possible. ps: - I'll be your online errand boy for a week if you can help