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About RedBadger

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  1. RedBadger

    I just some bad news about 3dfx and WindowsXP

    I'd also like to add that NVidia purchased 3dfx. Therefore any REPUTABLE company would support the customers they just aquired. Its common business sense. Obviously NVIDIA is one crappy company. I hope Microsoft never lets them back in on DirectX9 development... then their current customers of their nvidia cards will ***** why their cards don't work right with DirectX9.
  2. RedBadger

    I just some bad news about 3dfx and WindowsXP

    All you people saying this is a good move, obviously don't own a 3dfx card so you are speaking out of your ***. If you want to kill off any potential customers from buying your product, then this is the perfect way to do it. Do they actually believe any current 3dfx owner is going to EVER buy an NVidia product now? Highly unlikely. They will just switch to NVidias competition, whoever it might be, even if the card is slower. I totally see now why Microsoft kicked NVidia out of their DirectX9 meetings.
  3. RedBadger

    Everquest still has problems :(

    Everquest has always had problems with the SB Live cards, ever since the game was released 2 years ago. The company that makes Everquest... Verant, just plain has crappy programmers. In fact, Verant is more concerned about banning people, and nerfing game items, than they are about fixing bugs. I find the game to be a waste of time anyways.