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Everything posted by SnapperOne

  1. SnapperOne

    Problems w/ ZoneAlarm & 2-PC LAN

    Have been running a 2 PC LAN thru a LinkSys Cable Router for about 6 months. More or less, everything seems stable. Would however like to reinstall the free download of ZoneAlarm on both PCs. Ran it independently on both systems before setting up the network; great program. Any ideas how I go about doing this? I have been unsuccessful getting any response from ZoneAlarm or LinkSys on how to set the whole thing up so the two PCs can share data, but the doors are locked to outside probes via the cable internet connection. Based on other references to ZA and LinkSys I have found on NTC, doesn't seem like what I'm trying to do is that out of the ordinary or difficult. Any help appreciated...........SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  2. SnapperOne

    Problems w/ ZoneAlarm & 2-PC LAN

    Klark........ Problem is both PCs are my wife's business machines. Not the fastest machines in the world (PIII 533 w/256K RDram and a PIII 667 w/128K RDram), but they are both faster than mine ( - O - ). Soooooooo, I can't really tell her to stay away from them. SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  3. SnapperOne

    Problems w/ ZoneAlarm & 2-PC LAN

    Klark...... Edge-of-my-seat is an understatement. Since my wife uses both PCs for her business, while I'm reasonably fearless working within the "electrical confines" of "a" PC, whenever one or both hiccup I'm close to falling off the edge of the seat. Take me back to the hated days of DOS, no problem. DCHP, POP3, etc........my eyes begin to glaze. Oh well, how bad can it be; I sleep in the basement for a few days. Thanks for the info............SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  4. SnapperOne

    Problems w/ ZoneAlarm & 2-PC LAN

    Klark...... Edge-of-my-seat is an understatement. Since my wife uses both PCs for her business, while I'm reasonably fearless with working withing the "electrical confines" of either PC, whenever one or both hiccups, I'm close to falling off the edge of the seat. Take me back to the hated days of DOS, no problem. DCHP, POP3, etc........my eyes begin to glaze. Oh well, how bad can it be; I sleep in the basement for a few days. Thanks for the info............SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  5. SnapperOne

    Problem w/ Norton AnitV 2000 v. 6.0

    Until this morning, we have successfully used Norton AntiVirus 2000 ver. 6.0. This afternoon however, when we attempted to do a Live Update, the system stalled about 1/3 of the way through the initial Update Screen, the screen where Live Updates checks to see what updateable programs or utilities are on your system. No matter how long we wait, the process doesn't move forward. When we <click> on Cancel, again the system stalls. We have to "End Task". We're running the latest patches and updates and have un and re-installed. Any ideas?
  6. SnapperOne

    Problem w/ Norton AnitV 2000 v. 6.0

    CyberGenX........ Thanks for the words of encouragement! You may be right; our second system downstairs works like a charm. Guess I'll wait it out and see what happens. In the interim, however, I just sent an e-mail to Symantec indicating the problem and that I was going to install NAV2002 on both systems; but, before I do, that I would like to know where I could go for a listing of all registry entries NAV2000 might have written to my systems so I could manually remove any of them that were left over after running Add/Remove Programs. While I'm anticipating a brush-off response, should be interesting to see what they come back with. Thanks again for the prompt reply........SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  7. SnapperOne

    ZoneAlarm with IIS under Windows 2000 Server

    htsource......... I installed a 2 PC LAN using the BEFSR41 LinkSys Cable Router. Since I wasn't if ZoneAlarm (free download version) would interfere with my two PCs exchanging data, I uninstalled ZA until I was certain the LAN was stable (which it is). I have, however, been lazy reinstalling ZA as a firewall, because I'm not certain how to set it up so the two PCs can access files from eachother without being stopped by ZA. Up until about 2 months ago, neither ZA or LinkSys seem too interested in letting me know how to set things up. Now, after reading your post, I find out there's a separate ZA product for LinkSys routers. In short, (1) Do you know if the free download version of ZA works with a router. And (2) if the new ZA must be used, does it take care of allowing the LAN PCs to talk to eachother? SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  8. I have 4 files(?) listed in the Add/Remove Programs window, all with the same name: Setup.exe custom database. I have been unable to find any of them on my hard drive or remove them from Add/Remove Programs. When I try to envoke the Add/Remove command a pop-up window appears saying: error: couldn't open SDB c:\WINNT\AppPatch\Custom\{eec0090-6442-4de5-8092- 3818964749ca}.sdb As I attempt to remove each of the files listed as Setup.exe custom database, the error message remains the same, except the values between the { and } are different. I have attempted using RegCleaner. While it lists one "setup.exe custom database" listing, when I attempt to remove it the file simply reappears. Any ideas? SnapperOne
  9. For no apparent reason, Norton Anti-Virus 2000 version 6.0 will stop at 16% of completion no matter what I do. Win2000Pro's error report simply says, "NAVWNT.EXE is no longer running". I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program twice with no change. And, since Norton is no longer supporting NAV2000, can't get any help from that end. Any ideas? At this point, I'm not certain that even upgrading to NAV2002 will solve the problem, since NAV2000 was working just fine until this litte glitch came along. BTW, 16% happens to be during a scan of Java\data file or files. SnapperOne
  10. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    ryoko Not to worry; I didn't take for a moment that you were pushing Nortons! In fact, can't say I've come across a topic on NTC where there was a sense about somebody trying to "sell" someone a particular piece of equipment or software. That's what's cool about NTC, just folks sharing info with other folks. As for buying NOD32 vs. figuring a way around Nortons.......truthfully, I'm not certain what I am going to do. At the moment, I busy enough trying to stay employed, keep a roof over our heads, and pay unnecessarily high taxes so the Dems & Rubs can have an outrageously expensive retirement plan.........at our expense of course. As always, thanks for the help. SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  11. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    ryoko Yep, NOD32 is a tad expensive. As I remember, it's a $79 purchase with a 2nd and subsequent years support and upgrade fee of $50/yr. To tell the truth, however, setting aside the fact the NOD32 appears as if it may be a better AV program, I've already invested more than $79 in my time screwing around with Nortons..........sooooo, whose the dummy trying to figure out how to use Nortons. SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  12. Found myself frustrated in my attempts to keep snoopware cookies like DoubleClick and Impulse2Buy off my system. Just stumbled across the fact that both are sent to me compliments of my ISP, AT&T Broadband Internet, each time I go to AT&T Home Page. When I asked that I be told how to stop the downloads, I was told, (and this is an accurate quote) "Well, you don't have to use our home page now do you? Why don't you use another home page." That's when I was introduced, by one of their Supervisors, to Section 8K, "Cookies", of the Subscriber Agreement. In short it says "......the Customer acknowledges that accessing Tcertain web sites "through the Service" may result in a (cookie) being entered into the memory of the Customer's browser or stored........". "Through the Service"? How about just using the service. Two more calls to AT&T, same answer; "Too Bad, So Sad, bye-bye now". Just thought you'd like to know SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  13. SnapperOne

    ATTBI loads DoubleClick & Impulse2Buy cookies upon acces

    CUViper...... Running IE 5.50.4134. Guess whether I upgrade to IE6 will show how much this issue really bugs me. It seems that dealing with this issue is going to test my longstanding hesitancy to upgrade to new versions of any software, when the version I'm currently using does what I want it to do. While I appreciate the input I have received from NTC subscribers in finding a way to control the issue from my end, the discussion has unfortunately migrated away from the original culprit; namely, AT&T exploiting the terms of its User Agreement to download un-necessary 3rd party (what I consider to be snoopware) on my PC. Being someone who believes in following the chain-of-command, I've written a letter to AT&T's Customer Complaint Department. It'll be intersting to see what type, in any response I receive. Thanks again for the ongoing follow up. Respectfully........SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  14. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    ryoko Thanks for the heads-up. I was starting to think I was the only one having this problem. So, now that it looks as if it is a NAV2000 issue, I will re-double my efforts to learn about an AntiVirus program I ran across a few weeks ago, NOD32. Thanks again. Steven
  15. SnapperOne

    ATTBI loads DoubleClick & Impulse2Buy cookies upon acces

    CUViper Nope........! Entered doubleclick into the <Tools><Internet Options><Security><Restricted sites> area of IE. After doing this, I cleaned all cookies from the system then entered the ATTBI Home Page. Ta Da.....there was the doubleclick cookie! I'll keep fooling with it. Thanks for the info. Steven
  16. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    bobbinbrisco Thanks for the thought, but I believe Nortons no longer supports NAV2000. Or I should say, I went to the site for another reason about 3 months ago and rec'd a response saying as much. I guess, however, there is a chance they couldn't help me resolve that type of issue any longer vs. a general withdrawal of support. Suppose I should follow your suggestion and at least give them a chance to say no. SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  17. SnapperOne

    ATTBI loads DoubleClick & Impulse2Buy cookies upon acces

    Three.......... As explained to me by the tech's at AT&T, my understanding is that the IE choices regarding cookies are: 1) You block all cookies 2) You set IE up so that you must cookie-by-cookie approve or deny the download, or 3) That you block all cookies except those that you have preprogramed into IE as being OK to accpet. If the above are true: #1 Won't allow you to surf very efficiently #2 Based upon the number of cookies or cookie-type files most sites throw at you, this is very tedious #3 Nice idea, as long as you only go to places you know. My rub isn't so much against DoubleClick and Impulse2Buy (even though I believe it's none of their business where I shop on-line), its that AT&T is (I'm certain based upon a profit motive) downloading files to my PC that have nothing at all to do with improving the functionality of my system or their Home Page. It would simply have been nice if they had asked, or provided a way to opt out. SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  18. SnapperOne

    Can't Add/Remove Programs

    Nemesis As always, NTC is just too cool! SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  19. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    bobbinbrisco & thymios.......... Just a quick update. Scanned all .zip files, one by one, on my hard drive. Each one scanned to completion, as well as scanning clean. Unless there are other types of compressed files I can search for, I guess I am at a dead end finding the file that is hanging up my full system scans. Thanks for your help. SnapperOne
  20. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    bobbinbrisco....... Well, you were right; unchecking "scan compressed files" did the trick. But, just to make certain, I erased the D\WINNT\Java\*.* and *.zip entries in my exclusion list, running a full scan after each deletion, but leaving "scan compressed files" unchecked. So, now that it appears the problem is being caused by "a compressed file" located in the Java\packages or java\packages\data subdirectories, any idea how I go about finding the offending file. Should I be looking for anything other than a .zip file? Regardless of whether you can take me further into this, thanks for the help you have provided so far. SnapperOne (aka Steven)
  21. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    bobbinbrisco........... Nope, can't say I did! Just *.zip, since I don't think I know what the command would be for disabling compressed files; i.e....all zip files = *.zip. All compressed files = ? Steven p.s.: While I'm trying to figure out what's up with my Norton's 2000, I'm also trying to find out more about a virus killer called NOD32. While the initial purchase of $80 and following year(s) ongoing support is a bit steep ($56), the reviews I have been able to find indicate it's a hell of a program.
  22. SnapperOne

    NortonAV2000 v. 6.0 stops scanning at 16%

    bobbinbrisco....... Excluded all *.zip files. Same problem, at the same place; namely, 16% of the total scan completed. Noticed that 16% of each scan was in the C\WINNT\Java\Packages subdirectory, and that this subdirectory is comprised almost entirely of zip files. So, excluded c\WINNT\Java\*.* Same problem, but this time the scan stopped at 15% of the scan. I would imagine the change from 16% to 15% is due to my attempting to scan fewer files. Any and all suggestions "cheerfully" accepted. SnapperOne
  23. SnapperOne

    Anyone familiar w/ NOD32 AV software?

    Have had it with Norton AV2000. Tired of partial scans, then a crash. Not too interested in 2002 based upon bad reviews and reports of the program being a system hog. Found some fairly glowing, hell, outstanding reviews on NOD32 out of Australia. Anyone have any experience with it. Took the advise of someone and looked at InnoculateIT. Guess they got tired of supplying free software so changed the format. Has anyone bought the new version?
  24. SnapperOne

    Looking for a Voodoo3 3000 or Voodoo 5500

    Four and Twenty........ Just sent you an e-mail response to your post-reply.
  25. SnapperOne

    Looking for a Voodoo3 3000 or Voodoo 5500

    Yea, freight might be *****! We do have an office in the U.K., but for the life of me I can't remember the address. Oh well, wouldn't help much I guess anyway. Thanks...........SnapperOne