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Everything posted by SnapperOne

  1. SnapperOne

    My list of NTCompatible games

    DosFreak........ Since I couldn't figure out the step-by-step procedure for installing new video drivers over older ones, a friend did it for me. Still don't know how he did it though. Nonetheless, he loaded Detonator 12.20 drivers with no improvement. Didn't make it worse, but it didn't make it better either. Further, since he was moving and wasn't going to be around to help with any unforeseen problems with the 12.20 driver, I had him uninstalled the 12.20 drivers, remove and reinstall the Viper550, and let Win2KPro install the MS drivers the OS spec'd for the Viper. I can hear everyone moaning now, "How could you go back to the MS drivers". Well, since I don't fully understand the driver replacement procedure and therefore can't back my way out of a problem, I opted to go back to what I knew would work without a hitch......except for games. SnapperOne
  2. SnapperOne

    My list of NTCompatible games

    DosFreak........ Already tried WarZone2100 (Hurray! Finally typed it correctly!) onto another PC here at home that is virtually identical to my PC. This second PC also runs Win2KPro, but with a slightly newer (and I mean slightly newer) video card (a Viper770 w/32Mb) and a PIII-667 vs. a PIII-533 processor. Same results w/ explosions looking like white squares of varying sizes and screen movement lagging behind cursor movement. With regard to your suggestion about biting the bullit and upgrading video, having just built both of these machines, so I guess I'm trying to squeeze my nickles a bit to hard. Right now I've narrowed my video card search to a Hercules GF2MX 32MB AGP or a GF2 GTS (Pro? $$$$$) 64MB from somebody. I was looking seriously at a Radeon, but I just kept reading about people having driver issues. SnapperOne
  3. SnapperOne

    My list of NTCompatible games

    DosFreak......... Have you ever felt like a putz? Well I do right now! Simply put, something just didn't seem "right" about the post where you said, ".....I....found out that I didn't have Warzone 2000. Only Warzone 2100....." ......so I went back an re-read it! Well (and you don't know how embarassed I am to say this), I found that I've been repeatedly mis-typing Warzone 2000, when I should have been typing Warzone 2100 by EIDOS. Once again, I apologize for the curveball. Now that we know we're both working with the same program, does that portion of your prior post where you say..... ".....Only Warzone 2100.....worked fine." ....now have more significance relative to my original question about screen movement lagging behing cursor movement? During play under Win98SE, mouse movement and screen-scroll were virtually identical. Once again, sorry about the recurring typo! SnapperOne
  4. SnapperOne

    My list of NTCompatible games

    DosFreak.......... As always, thanks for the interest. Unfortunately, I don't personally know, nor have found anyone on the web who plays the game on any MS OS let alone 2KPro. Oh well......, looks like another game is getting closer to the circular file. BTW, since you didn't mention my earlier "uploading question", is it safe to assume that uploading the game to you is a no-no, even if the game is no longer sold or supported by the software company. SnapperOne
  5. SnapperOne

    My list of NTCompatible games

    DosFreak........ Thanks for the response! Is it "allowed" to send copies of discontinued; ie...no longer supported by the original manufacturer, programs and/or games? If it is, and you think it would be of benefit, I'll shot the game over to you. SnapperOne
  6. Using Win2KPro. Have not yet downloaded SP1, SP2, or the MS Compatibility file(s). Only problems with move from 98SE to 2KPro have, so far, been a scanner exe. file sucking up resources, and a Logitech driver that caused a reboot when coming back from "sleep mode". These have been removed. Other than these, the change from 98 to 2K has been fairly painless. Here's the game question. Loaded Warzone 2000; game plays; sound works; etc, but there is a momentary lag-time between moving the mouse cusor and when the screen scrolls; and, when things blow up, the explosions show on screen as white boxes of various sizes that slowly fad. Neither occurred when playing under Win98SE. Using older Diamond Viper550 w/ newest TNT drivers I can find. From my description, am I dealing with a game-compatibility or old video card issue, or something else? Haven't tried loading the other games I "used to" play: East Front, East Front II, West Front, Caesar II, Shogun, Recoil. Current machine: PIII-533, Intel VC820 mobo, 128M DDram, 30G Western Digital HD as primary HD, 13G Western Digital as secondary HD, Viper550 Video, Sound Blaster Live Basic, Plextro 12/10/32a CD-RW, Mitsumi CD-rom, Intel 10/100 Ethernet card, and Maxtor PCI adapter card for the secondary HD SnapperOne
  7. SnapperOne

    Lost left channel

    When W2KPro is booting, the Windows .wav plays fine; ie....left and right channels. When any other wav. plays after boot-up, the left channel drops out and/or to hear the left channel the balance control must be shifted way to the left. Just started happening. System info: PIII-533 128M DDram Intel VC820 mobo Plextor 12/10/32a CD-RW Mitsumi CD-Rom LS120 Superdisk WD 30G primary HD WD 13G secondary HD connected to Maxtor PCI Adapter card SoundBlaster Live Basic Intel NIC Logitech Soundman X1 speakers Just started happening. Any ideas.
  8. SnapperOne

    My list of NTCompatible games

    DosFreak...........if you're out there, got a quick question for you. Using Win2KPro. Have not yet downloaded SP1, SP2, or the MS Compatibility file(s). Only problems with my move from 98SE to 2KPro have, so far, been a scanner exe. file sucking up resources, and a Logitech driver that caused a reboot when coming back from "sleep mode". As you suggested to me in another forum, the change from 98 to 2000 has been fairly painless. Here's the game question. Loaded Warzone2000; game plays; sound works; etc, but there is a momentary lag-time between moving the mouse cusor and when the screen scrolls; and, when things blow up, the explosions show up on the screen as white boxes of various sizes. Neither occurred when playing under Win98SE. Using older Diamond Viper550 w/ newest TNT drivers I can find. From my description, would your best guesstimate be that I'm dealing with a game-compatibility or video card issue? Haven't tried loading the other games I like to play: East Front, East Front II, West Front, Caesar II, Shogun, Recoil. SnapperOne. p.s.: Whether or not I ever get any of my legacy-games to play, thanks for the "push" towards 2KPro. Best think I ever did!
  9. Have just moved from Win98Se to 2000-Pro. As part of the "upgrade" (?), networked my two PCs through a LinkSys Router/Gateway, with the general purpose being some file and printer sharing, but primarily broadband sharing. On the stand-a-lone systems under Win98, always ran Zonealarm as a firewall. Even though my tech friend, who helped me with the router, says he has left two ports on the router open for something or another, he's suggesting that I do not install Zonealarm. He says to let the system(s) run as set up for 30-45 days to make certain everything is OK, then we can install a password on the router. (1) Is it possible to effectively run a software firewall between a PC and a router. (2) I don't quite understand why it's necessary to let the new OS and network run for awhile, with two open ports, before slamming the door on a possible hacker by setting up a password at the router.
  10. SnapperOne

    Software firewall w/ router; is it needed?

    cablehog......... Nope, not a "serious" site; just a 2-PC peer-to-peer. Originally wanted to play some head-to-head strategy games; but, since the systems are really my wife's business PCs and she/we decided to network the systems using 2000Pro, 90+% of my games don't run well or at all on the new OS configuration. $500-600 worth of games just taking up space on the shelf. Have thought about buying a CompUSA, etc.....Win98 "In-Store Special" PC just for games, but have better things to do with $1000. SnapperOne
  11. SnapperOne

    Software firewall w/ router; is it needed?

    CableHog.... Thanks for the headsup. Will be working on the system tomorrow, and will probably close the ports and install the password. No problem with hack-attempts yet (nothing on either machine to worry about yet), but I'd just feel better closing the door. SnapperOne
  12. SnapperOne

    WinXP RC1 Activation Problems, 1st Hand XPerience

    ThC 129........... In general, what have your experiences been with XP? Compatibility with legacy software, hardware, etc.....? Stability? Ease-of-use? Etc..... More specifically (and importantly I believe), have you had ANY need to contact MS for activation of the OS. SnapperOne
  13. Win2000-Pro. APM turned off at Bios level. Screen saver set for 10 minutes, monitor Shut down and HD Shut down set from within Control Panel's Power Option at 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. After about 4 hours, hit space-bar to bring up screen. Clicked on Internet Explorer and received the following error message: "Insufficient System Resources to complete the requested Service". Tried to open <Programs> from <Start>; could only Shut Down and reboot! (Previous Post) Have auto shut down and reboot problem that appears to be based on a Logitech filter driver lmouflt2.sys. Earlier this morning Logitech hinted at a possible problem with v. 9.24 of their MouseWare software and suggested I uninstall their software. Done! Prior to removing the lmouflt2.sys driver, the system used to go into an immediate reboot and chkdsk after sitting idle for awhile. Now that I've uninstalled the MouseWare software and are using MS default drivers for my mouse, we get this "Insufficient..........." message if the system is left to sit idle for several hours. Any ideas? Our second PC, set up almost identically to this one, has no problems at all using the MouseWare Software.
  14. Found the problem........... SDetect.exe, a scan detection file that was loaded as part of the scanner software that came with my MicroTek scanner, was sucking up all the resources. Removed the exe file. System and scanner play well together now.
  15. SnapperOne

    WinXP RC1 Activation Problems, 1st Hand XPerience

    imtim83........ 2KPro! And, if XP is as good as EddiE314 says, and the Corporate Version can get me around the Activation scam, count me in! I'm not foolish enough to walk away from a better OS, assuming of course I don't have to call home (MS) every day to get permission to use it. SnapperOne
  16. SnapperOne

    WinXP RC1 Activation Problems, 1st Hand XPerience

    EddiE314........ So long as you're OK with being totally dependent up MS simply to use your OS........have at it! Good Luck! MS has proven many time before that it can sell snake oil to the unwary. SnapperOne
  17. SnapperOne

    WinXP RC1 Activation Problems, 1st Hand XPerience

    Sorry guys, but I think all of you are missing the point. Keeping your OS up and running is not the point of concern. The point of concern should be, can YOU keep a perfectly good copy of XP up and running WITHOUT the help of benevolent MS? The point of concern should be that MS has decided that you will not be able to load and reload an OS you have already paid for for as long as YOU feel is appropriate. Unlike MS-Dos, Win3.X, Win95, Win98, etc..., you will only be able to reinstall your perfectly good OS for as long as MS choose to offer the reactivation service. What do you do, when MS comes out with XP2, XP3, etc.....and then decides they no longer "support" earlier versions? Who gives you the reactivation code? What do you do, when you attempt to reactivate your XP OS via web or phone, but find the the website and phone are no longer active for XP v.1? As has been said many times before, "It's not that you are paranoid, it's that you are not paranoid enough." This whole reactivation scheme has NO, NONE, ZERO benefits for users. It simply puts you at the mercy of MS to decide when it's time for you to upgrade your OS. Bad idea! Don't get sucked into a discussion about how easy it may or may not be to reactivate the OS. Once you even begin to engage in a discussion about how to make reactivation work, you have already lost the battle. Simply put, you should not need to ask permission to use, for however long you decide is appropriate for you, a product you have already purchased. Why would you even want to consider putting thousands of dollars worth of XP software you have purchased at risk, by ASSUMING MS will always provide you with a reactivation code. SnapperOne
  18. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    OK, now that I've finally gotten rid of Win98SE, it's time to see how many games I'm going to throw away. So far, I've loaded one, and I've already got a problem Loaded Warzone2100 (Win 95/98). Game seems to play OK, except for screen movement which is choppy, and there appears to be a slight hesitation when excuting action with the mouse. Have tried all settings within the program; no improvement. System uses a PIII-533 w/ 128M Rdram. Older video card; a Viper 550 w/16meg Video Ram. Any ideas how I can save this game; the video is just choppy enough to be annoying.
  19. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Splat......... In your last post you said ".....(just make sure you change your video card driver to VGA from your current W2K Viper driver as a precaution). Which ties in with a prior post where you said, "It is important that you then select standard pci vga adapter as this loads a set of default basic drivers and removes any trace of the diamond drivers". With all the time and attention you given to this seemingly straight forward fix, please know I apologize for being a bit dense at this end, but how do I do the above. As you can see from my last post, I attempted to follow the step-by-step instructions but couldn't get where you wanted me to go; namely, selecting a standard pci vga adapter. SnapperOne
  20. SnapperOne

    Backing up the Registry Key

    Working with MS on solving a problem with Microtek Scanner software. Before doing anything else, however, they want me to back up the "Registry Key". I assume they mean the Registry. First, where do you find the Registry Key? Second, can the Registry be backed up to a single 1.44 floppy or do I need something larger like an LS-120 disk? SnapperOne
  21. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Splat....... Just call me confused here! Tried to follow the "menu sequence" you suggested. Got a bit lost. Here is the best I could do following your instructions under Win2000-Pro: Start, Settings, Control Panel, System, Hardware Device Mgr, Display Adapter (double-clicked), Viper550 (double-clicked), then Driver under Resources. Driver gave me three options, none of which were "change": Driver Update, Uninstall, Update Driver. The update driver wizard gave me two choices: V550 and Nvidia Riva TNT (please note, I have still not downloaded any updated drivers from Nvidia, I'm simply trying to do a "walk through" before I jump off the ledge and start changing things. Any additional info would be appreciated. SnapperOne
  22. SnapperOne

    Problems with logitech mouse win2k

    Wolf87........ Thanks for the link; but, been there, seen those MS notes, etc.... Did an uninstall of MouseWare to prevent the problem, but Logitech can't tell me why a virtually identical machine located at this site has no problem running MouseWare. That PC works like a champ! Also, while I did a "Remove Program" on MouseWare, I'm very skittish about playing around inside the Registry, so the two problem files are still in the Registry. My position with the software vendors has always been, "If your Install Program inserts files into the Registry, then Add/Remove Programs should remove all remnants of your program from my PC, including the Registry". Nice position to take, but it doesn't get me anywhere! SnapperOne
  23. SnapperOne

    Problems with logitech mouse win2k

    KalleAnka........... Just went through about 60 days of trying to figure out my own Logitech problem. Real bummer, since I like their mice. Whenever we left one of our two PCs running unattended with any screen saver or power option running, when we brought the screen back from sleep mode, the system would do an immediate reboot and chkdsk. Disabling Win2000-Pro's Auto-reboot allowed us to identify Logitech's lmouflt2.sys file, in both version 9.0 and 9.24, as the culprit. Logitech's best suggestion was to uninstall MouseWare, run my 3-button PS2 WheelMan in 2-button mode and wait for version 9.29. Reluctantly Done! Weird part is that my second machine, which was upgraded to 2000-Pro at the same time and same manner as the problem PC, has run 2 different USB cordless Logitech mice......no problems. Go figure. SnapperOne
  24. Moved from 98SE to 2000-Pro 'bout 90 days ago. Still working through some of the unforeseen problems; like Logitech's MouseWare drivers causing the system to reboot after the screen has been asleep for awhile. But that's a different story. Just found out, by disabling one autoload program after another, that, if you leave a PC running unattended (ie..untouched) for 3-4-5 hours with Microtek's Scan Detect program (SDetect.exe) running in the background and then "click" anything on the desktop you'll get an "Insufficient System Resources.........." error. Have enabled and disabled Scan Detect with various combinations of: Screen Saver ON and Off; Monitor Shut Down On and Off; Hard Drive Shut Down On and off; and none of the above running (just turned the monitor off). Whenever SDetect.exe was allowed to load......crash, boom! Sent an e-mail to Microtek asking them to identify every location on the HD where the program might be located, including the Registry. Be interesting to see what, if anything, they come back with after the July 4th Holidays. Anyone else have a problem with this software? SnapperOne
  25. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Splat........ Been away for awhile. First chance I've had to follow the thread you provided. Does it make any differnce if I download the Self Extracting Installer or Self Extracting Zip of the TNT 12.41 chipset? SnapperOne