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Everything posted by SnapperOne

  1. SnapperOne

    Why does system reboot?

    ValkyerieK7......... Two systems, virtually identical. One has problem, the other doesn't Both systems are connected to cable broadband and eachother thru a LinkSys Router (which is another problem, but unrelated to this issue) Problem system is: PIII-677 128M PC800 Ram VC820 Mobo Diamond Viper 550 video board Maxtor 30Gig HD Matsumi CD-Rom Plextor 12.10/32a CD-RW LS120 Superdisk Maxtor ATA/100 PCI card (for soon to be installed 2nd 30Gig HD) Intel 10/100 Fast ethernet card Microtek scanner via USB Logitech speakers via soundcard output Logitech Mouseman+ via PS2 MS Natural Keyboard via PS2 No-problem system is: PIII-533 128M PC800 Ram VC820 Mobo Diamond Viper 770 video board Maxtor 30Gig HD Matsumi CD-Rom LS120 Superdisk Intel 10/100 Fast ethernet card Logitech Cordless Mouseman via PS2 Generic speakers via soundcard output MS Natural Keyboard via PS2
  2. SnapperOne

    Why does system reboot?

    Whoops, spoke too soon! System rebooted even with new Logitech driver, but this time no error message from Win2000-Pro so I don't know what caused the reboot. Looks like a long discussion with Logitech coming up. SnapperOne
  3. SnapperOne

    Software firewall w/ router; is it needed?

    Having a running "battle" with LinkSys, ZoneAlarm, and GRC. LinkSys says don't use a software firewall with the router, so they won't provide info on how to do it. ZoneAlarm says no problem, and I should go to GRC for instructions. GRC, who has no piece in this whatsoever, says it's a good idea to run ZA with the router, but has no detailed instructions either. Ffffffffffffrustrating!
  4. SnapperOne

    Why does system reboot?

    Hate to say it guys, but MS was correct. It appears it was the driver for my LogiTech mouse. Reinstalled LogiTech's v. 9.0 MouseWare; problem went away. Then installed LogiTech's new 9.24 version of the software; problem still seems to be gone. Crossing my fingers. Thanks for all you help. SnapperOne
  5. SnapperOne

    Why does system reboot?

    Sweevo......... MS responded (and, in fact, followed up later. Suprised the hell out of me) saying the problem lays with my Logitech Mouseware software driver "Imouflt2.sys", suggesting "Please unistall the Logitech Mouseware". No suggestion regarding what I shoud do for a mouse, just uninstall the Logitech Mouseware. While I certainly appreciate MSs follow up, their response doesn't address why, since I have two virtually identical systems (including the mice used), one shuts down and the other doesn't. I will nonetheless contact Logitech to see what's up. My thought is that we may simply have a corrupted file. I'll take your suggestions an nose around the Google lead you provided. Thanks.........SnapperOne
  6. SnapperOne

    Why does system reboot?

    Cynan........ Did the MS search. Some stuff was "Close but no cigar". So...... submitted an "Incident report" to MS with the entire error message; probably cost me next year's income if I hear from them. Thanks for the link! SnapperOne
  7. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Splat.......... Big time newbie question here! How do I uninstall the Diamond Drivers? I never installed the Diamond drivers when I did a fresh install of Win2000. As mentioned in an earlier post, I simply went with the drivers the OS picked out. SnapperOne
  8. SnapperOne

    Why does system reboot?

    Sweevo, Cynan.......... Turned off auto-reboot, so I was able to see the following error message: ------------ STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xf0485D90) Driver_IRQL_Not_Less_or_equal Address F0485D90 base at F0480000, Date Stamp 390a4fd6-lmouflt2.sys Beginning Dump of Physical Memory Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or tech support group. ------------ Make any sense to you guys?
  9. SnapperOne

    Why does system reboot?

    Cynan & Sweevo......... Just had a thought! I upgraded two machines at the same time. Other than one is setup with a CD-Rom only, while the other has both a CD-Rom and CD-RW, the only differences between the two machines are the processors they use; same MOBO, Ram, etc....... The system causing the reboot problem uses a PIII-533, the other uses a PIII-667. The PIII-677 machine does not do the "reboot thing". Hmmmmmmmmmm, guess I'll have to poke around in the APM area a bit and see if the machines are setup differently. SnapperOne
  10. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Splat............. Just got back in town from a weeklong trip. Thanks for suggestion on Ground Control; I'll nose-around and see if I can find it. With regard to your last post, however, I'm not certain I understand your comment about ref drivers and the Viper550. Did you try them and they didn't work, or.......... Would appreciate a clarification. SnapperOne
  11. SnapperOne

    Software firewall w/ router; is it needed?

    DosFreak............. The following is an exact extract of that portion of the message I received from LinkSys that relates to firewalls: "The Router already has a built-in firewall and Installing a firewall software, moreoften encountered problems regarding conflict between the router's firewall and the software." SnapperOne
  12. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Xiven..........Hi again, it has been awhile. I'll pop out to Diamond's site, but I don't hold much hope that I'm going to find any Win2K drivers for a video card this old. Best guess is that this Viper550 is 3-4 years old. Yea, Yea, Yea, I know....I should get a new card. But, since this is primarily a business machine, and my business software works just fine with the card I've go, I hate throwing any money at the problem. Oh well, just one of those day-to-day annoyances. Thanks for the info! SnapperOne. By the way, what the deal with something call Application Compatibility form MS? Worth the trouble? More importantly, since this machine is primarily business related, it's finally running well under 2000-pro, I'm a bit edgey about fooling around too much with it.
  13. Running 2000-Pro. Have been told there is a way to do a "screen-capture" to a printer by pressing certain keyboard keys simultaneously. I have tried <Ctrl><Print Screen>, <Alt><Print Screen>, <Shift><Print Screen>, etc..............with no results. What am I missing?
  14. SnapperOne

    Screen Capture to a printer.

    Ta da; found a way to do it! With the screen image you want on screen: Start "Paint" under <Start><Accessories><Paint>, Go back to the screen you want captured, Press <Ctrl><Shift><PrintScrn>, Go back to "Paint" and copy/paste the image into the Paint document, Then "draw" a control box around that part of the image you want inserted into another Windows-based program, "Copy" the image in the box, Go to the other Windows program and paste the image. Tried some other utilites (SnagIt, etc..), but didn't find any that any better than the above procedure. SnapperOne
  15. SnapperOne

    Software firewall w/ router; is it needed?

    Sent an e-mail to LinkSys about using ZoneAlarm. They were less than supportive of the idea. Told them I was trying to protect two open ports; they still said, "Bad idea. The router is a firewall. There is no need for another". Interestingly enough, however, they never addressed my concerns about the two open ports. How can their "firewall" be effective if two ports are left open? SnapperOne
  16. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Yo, Splat.......thanks for the follow up. We wiped out Win98SE, reformated the drive, and installed Win2000-Pro fresh. Figured the transition from 98 to 2000 would be difficult enough without any loose 98' stuff laying around to confuse things. As for the drivers we're using with the Viper, we're using the drivers that were determined by Win2000 when if found the card. Device Manager lists the driver as NVidia 5.00.2165.0327 which is loaded in c\winnt\system32\driver\nv4.sys. I've been unable to locate an updated driver for the card; not unusual for its age. Hopefully I'll find a way to get Warzone2100 working; I really enjoy playing it. And, haven't even tried to load East Front II, East Front, West Front, Shogun, CaeserII, Recoil (still the best shoot-em-up going), Panzer General II, Tycoon, Mobil's Road Rally, or Quake II. Push comes to shove, may have to buy a used 98SE machine to play some of these legacy games. Hope not; I've got other things to do with my money. But then again, $400-500 for a used PC vs. replacing $500-600 in software. Hmmmmmmmm? Thanks again for the follow up. SnapperOne
  17. SnapperOne

    Eratic (choppy) screen movement

    Under Win98SE, the program worked just fine with the Viper 550! I'm not certain what you mean by "what driver did I tell the program to use"? If you mean have I tried to start the program in 3D and 2D modes, I've tried all the start-up options the program shows. SnapperOne
  18. Just moved two PCs over to Win2000-Pro (full install vs. upgrade over 98SE) and have a question regarding hard drive partitioning. Each PC is outfitted with a 34GB-7200/rpm hard drive. Each hard drive is partitioned with a 2GB "C" partition for Win2000-Pro and the balance of for drive "D" for data, programs, etc...... Is there a more efficient (better) way to partition each drive relative to better hard drive space utilization without have 7 or 8 partitions to keep track of?
  19. SnapperOne

    Problems w/ US Robotics 56K fax/modem

    Well, we did it; we "upgraded" from Win98SE to Win2000-Pro. In short, it has been a nightmare!!!!! The most recent problem is trying to get a dial tone from our 3Com US Robotics 56K V90 Fax/Modem. Worked flawlessly under Win98SE. 2000-Pro's Device Manager says the modem is working properly, but we still can't get a dial tone. And, when we go to the US Robotics Support page they want a model number, while we've only ever called the unit a USR 56K V90 Fax/Modem. Any ideas: (1) How we can check for updated drivers without a model number, (2) the model number for our fax/modem, and (3)what might be causing the lack of a dial tone; we've checked the phone line and it's fine. P.S.: Please don't reply by e-mail, since our e-mail account with AT&T @Home isn't up and running yet.........Another 2000-Pro issue.
  20. SnapperOne

    Problems w/ US Robotics 56K fax/modem

    As with other problems, thanks for all the help! Guess I inadvertently mislead you guys a bit with my original post, when I used the word "upgraded" to describe my installation of 2000-Pro. While I was attempting to hint that I might have been taking a step backward with 2000-Pro based upon the problems I've been having so far, looks like a threw you guys a curve by inadvertently suggesting I had installed 2000-Pro "over" 98SE. For the record, I did a complete reformat of the drive and fresh install of 2000-Pro. I'll do some checking as suggested in several of the posts. Once again, sorry for the curve. SnapperOne
  21. Just loaded 2000-pro for the first time. Real steep learning curve at this end. My first question is, "How do you prevent programs from loading icons into the systray? In Win98Se, I could disable the icon-load from within msconfig.sys?" That's enough for now. I'm certain there will be more questions as the days go by. SnapperOne
  22. SnapperOne

    Tweaking questions, please help!

    Xiven............ Cool! By the way are you 5 hours ahead (as in 7:00AM GMT) or five hours behind (as in 9:00pm GMT) relative to Chicago, IL, USA. Guess what I'm trying to find out is, since you always seem to be around to answer questions, do you ever sleep?
  23. SnapperOne

    Tweaking questions, please help!

    Xiven........ I read your suggestion about going to "View" and unchecking Web View. I'm new to Win2000Pro, but I can't find Web View anywhere. Please know, as a ex-98SE user, I would like to, since I hate web view and turned if off anytime I could under 98SE. So I don't misunderstand, you're suggesting, if I go into Control Panel or some other window, I should be able to find a Web View control under View!? SnapperOne
  24. SnapperOne

    Removing 2000-pro systray icons

    Thanks for the suggestions. I don't mean to be dense, but what is an IMO search?
  25. Getting closer every day to reformating my HD, getting rid of Win98SE and installing 2000Pro. In fact, should start the process during Memorial Day weekend, so I have time to do it several times. (a joke, I hope!) My question today is am I better of using a SCSI Iomega Zip Drive, a parallel port Zip Drive or, if there is such a thing, a USB Zip Drive. While my preference is for a 250K USB, I'm more concerned that the install go as smoothly as possible. Suggestions from past experience would help a lot! SnapperOne