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Everything posted by SnapperOne

  1. SnapperOne

    Anyone do Serious Sam yet?

    Just downloaded this 75MB Beta2 of Serious Sam. Anyone played it yet?
  2. SnapperOne

    XP Validation

    Old sayings have a tendency to be true! "It's not that you're paranoid. You're not paranoid enough!"
  3. Starting to get a bit confused by the new OSs. While I understand that NT 4.X preceded 5.0 (whoops Win2000) and that 2000 has some variants itself (ie...PRO, etc.), where does Whistler come in? Is it simply another name for 2000, or an entirely different package?
  4. SnapperOne

    Looking for a "No Problem" video card

    I'm upgrading from Win98SE to Win2KPro in about 2-3 weeks, and thought I'd upgrade my video card from a SBLiv3-16 to (?). The balance of the system is: PIII-667, 128M Rdram, 30G HD, CD-RW, etc......... The system, while used with some games (East Front, West Front, Rally, Recoil, Wings, etc), it primary use will be for business. That's the info part,......the following should start a war! Can anyone suggest a 2D-3D video card that works, without exception (i.e...absolutely no problems) under Win2KPro.
  5. SnapperOne

    win98 installation blues...help!

    Better yet.........sounds like Gigabyte shouldn't make mobo's!
  6. SnapperOne

    Whistler Registration

    BladeRunner........... Coming from the junior-ist of junior members, I gotta' tell ya' that your willingness to let MS dictate when you need to call them is scary. History has proven that any "agency"; ie...AT&T (MaBell!), the IRS, any group that can exert control.........., WILL attempt to expand its control "Once they get their nose under the tent"! If for no other reason than based on historical perspective, you shouldn't go so willingly down the path of......."Hey, no big deal! How bad can it be!" Once again, history has proven it can be far worse than you can imagine. Or, as is sometimes said, "It's not that you're paranoid. It's that you're not paranoid enough!" In short, trust MS? Not on your life. They simply haven't proven they have your or my best interests at heart! Unfortunately, as new programs come out that require a "controlled OS" like XP, I know I'll have a hard time not relinquishing control in favor of running the hotest new App. Steven
  7. SnapperOne

    Looking for a "No Problem" video card

    OLEerror...........whew! I sort of figured my original post would touch some soft spots. From the wide-ranging responses, guess I was right. Don't get me wrong, everything submitted has been both informative and helpful. I just wanted to say thanks for your last post, since you obviously remembered the original question!
  8. SnapperOne

    NT, 2000, 2000Pro, Whistler! What's what?

    Sandoval.........,again, thanks for the input. Guess I'll put an audio tape under my pillow at night saying, Win2K, Win2K, Win2K........... Right now the two systems we're using run PIII-533 and PIII-667 processors, both with 128K of Ddram, and 30G HDs. In addition to upgrading our video cards, possibly to Radeons based on past "post-advice", I'm considering upgrading the processors into the 900MHz range and/or bringing the Ram up to 256K. The ram is questionable, however, due to the cost. Thanks again...........hope to bump into you again in the future. Steven
  9. SnapperOne

    NT, 2000, 2000Pro, Whistler! What's what?

    OLError, DosFreak, Sandoval........thanks for the input. It was short and to the point. In the interim, I did however get off my dead *** and do some searching through past posts. Guess what? The answers were there; a bit more technical than I was looking for, but nonetheless there. The question now is, "Wait for XP or jump into 2000Pro?" I think the later! But, now that I just now starting to feel comfortable with 98SE (read that to mean, I can get out of most of my self-created problems), I gotta' tell you I am moving toward 2000Pro kicking and screaming. Thanks again for sharing what you've learned!
  10. SnapperOne

    Looking for a "No Problem" video card

    (From an earlier reply: Well the consensus seems to be: Scuttle anything nVidia-based; Learn more about Matrox; Consider a 3D Blaster Annihilator; but, look very closely at a Radeon. Thanks for the input!) Ok......drop the Annihilator, because it's nVidia-based. Add anything VooDoo3 3000-based, if I can find one! To tell the truth guys, sounds like someone could make a lot of money selling a card that's geared for Win2000Pro. It's disappointing to hear, so far, that the only trouble-free video card, for use under Win2000Pro as a primarily 2D with some 3D needs, is no longer made......Voodoo 3 3000 Guess I'll just keep looking. [This message has been edited by SnapperOne (edited 14 April 2001).]
  11. SnapperOne

    Looking for a "No Problem" video card

    Bursar.........whoops, I had a senior moment when I was typing the first post. You are correct, I did list my sound card. My video card is a Diamond Viper V550. Well the consensus seems to be: Scuttle anything nVidia-based; Learn more about Matrox; Consider a 3D Blaster Annihilator; but, look very closely at a Radeon. Thanks for the input!
  12. SnapperOne

    Mouse Problem w/ Windows 98 SE

    Try - http://sysopt.earthweb.com/ They have a pretty sharp group over there on Win98 issues. If you get a reply from DosFreak, he'll probably be right on the money.
  13. SnapperOne

    Whistler Application Compatibility Toolkit

    DosFreak.........We got some folks coming in to upgrade our systems from Win98SE to 2000Pro. In addition to downloading all the hardware patches, etc.....I can find, I would appreciate receiving a copy of your Compatibility Toolkit, so they have all the tools they need when they get here. Thanks for your hard work! Steven........ scmcquaid1@home.com
  14. SnapperOne

    Question about my copy of Win2k Pro

    Pr-Man mentions that, "mine.....does not expire at 120 days and it is not timed". Since I'm very close to installing Win2KPro on two PCs as a Dual Boot, what's with "expire" and "timed". "Expired", "Times".....are we talking about buying a retail version (not a download), then being required to register w/ Microsoft (by providing them w/information about my system, number of children, medical history, etc).......or my legally purchased software goes POOF? Is this Microsoft at its' best again?
  15. SnapperOne

    Mouse Opinions

    Xiven.......... I have no doubt you are correct. But, what's tripping my trigger right now is why can't Logitech just say that. Nooooooo, they got me downloading all this tech' documents. I've told them at least three times in a row what products of theirs we use; why not just tell me files to download. Thanks for the headsup. Unfortunately, based on Logitech's responses so far, I suppose I'll have to guess what to download.
  16. SnapperOne

    Mouse Opinions

    Man am I glad I found this post. In preparation for moving from 98Se to 2KPro we've been contacting vendors regarding update drivers, etc.......... Logitech, which has generally provided outstanding service and support, keeps sending me Win98SE info.....no mention of Win2K. Hopefully you guys can help!!!!! In short, we use Mouseman+, Cordless Trackman Wheel, and Cordless Mouseman Wheels on our 98SE systems. Will they transfer to Win2kPro without a problem?
  17. Has anyone tried East Front I or II or West Front using Win2KPro as an OS?
  18. SnapperOne

    RTS compatibility.......

    Thought I posted this a few moments ago. Guess I hit the wrong button. If it's a dup', sorry. I was unable to find a listing in the games compatibility ares for some of the older RTS games; ie....East Front, West Front, etc...
  19. SnapperOne

    Changing to 2000-Pro and scared _hitless!

    Yo, Deadcats........never afraid to learn something new. As with most "bridges I jump off of", however, I try and check out where the biggest rocks are first. That's why I'm "talking" to you guys. Thanks for the concern; just like DOS, 3.x, and 9x, books are on the "To Buy" list. Cardinal..........you hit it on the head!
  20. SnapperOne

    Changing to 2000-Pro and scared _hitless!

    Vampyr.....thanks for the offer, but what's an ICQ and 19901838? Remember, while I'm not wet behind the ears with PC's, I still just plug along with the fingers of one hand crossed for good luck.
  21. SnapperOne

    Changing to 2000-Pro and scared _hitless!

    Busby.......everybody's a "newbie" at some point in time. Nonetheless, if, as I continue to hear from "seniors", Win2K is that easy to use.........why all the posts with problems? Even though I am most likely going to switch to Win2k-Pro, it still doesn't seem like MS has made a transparent OS.
  22. SnapperOne

    Changing to 2000-Pro and scared _hitless!

    Hey, guys........thanks for the suggestions and time; I will give Win2K a try on one machine and see what happens. There is one nagging question, however. If Win2K is so much better than Win98SE, why do there seem to be as many requests for help, problem notifications, etc.......on this site as there are on the SysOpt site for Win98SE?