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About Stryfe

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  1. Stryfe

    What is the best messenger program ??

    I hadn't heard about hese security leaks b4. Of course, wouldn't you have the same ports open as if you were running more than one IM program anyway?? So if I ran AIM, MSN, and ICQ, wouldn't it be the same security risk?
  2. Stryfe

    Default Sound

    I've had this problem when I was running 2k pro, but the only way I could solve it was to format and re-install. I have a SB PCI128. I was running RC1 and one day my default sound from the sound icon in the system tray, plays through my PC speaker only. I upgraded to RC2 today, and it's still doing it. I also noticed there is no setting for "default sound" in the sounds properties box.
  3. Stryfe

    PC Speaker

    I do have a sound selected, and if I preview that sound it plays fine. Other system events give me the beep from my PC speaker also (for ex. emptying the recycle bin).
  4. Stryfe

    PC Speaker

    This may be a dumb question, but I can' figure this out. I have a SB128, Asus A7V, and Windows 2K. Everything has been fine, but in the last few days the system event sounds are just generating a bepp from the PC speaker instead of the sound card. MP3's still play fine, and if I go to sounds and multimedia properties I can still preview the sounds fine. Any ideas??
  5. Stryfe

    MSIE6 uninstalled, now IE5.5 woes??? HELP

    I understand it's a beta, but if they give you the option to uninstall it, you should be able to go back to the final release ver. that you were using b4. Kinda sux, that I can't use themebar anymore....oh well.
  6. Stryfe

    Anyone do Serious Sam yet?

    The whole point of me going out to buy this game when it came out, was to support developers releasing quality products at a good price. I think it really sucks that it's gonna be more in the UK.
  7. Stryfe

    Alice - What a game!!!

    I didn't really care for it. The controls felt weird, and the puzzles were too simplistic for me.
  8. Stryfe

    Where can i get serious sam beta at or full version

    For under $20 just go buy it. I think computer gamers should do everything we can to support a great game at a great price like this. I would love to see more of this in the future!!
  9. Stryfe

    MSIE6 uninstalled, now IE5.5 woes??? HELP

    I had all kinds of stability problems when I tried to uninstall IE 6. So, I just went back to it. No problems since.
  10. I have been hacked. When I first got cable internet service, I went to shut down my machine one day and got a message saying"if you shut down windows this other guy who's logged on to your machine will be logged off" (ok, ok that's not exaclty what it said, but close enough) So I installed a software firewall right away. I get a ton of probes everyday, so I know these malicious idiots are out there. There's nothing on my machine that's of any importance, but I don't like the idea of someone snooping around my hardrive. I found out that the guy who was logged onto my machine was using another guys' computer as a "stepping stone" to get to me. If that guy owould've had a firewall it all would've stopped right there.