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Everything posted by harlock

  1. harlock

    Maybe New SB Live Drivers available!

    actually thc129 i did upgrade from 98 to 2000 and noticed no dicernable diference(sight and sound as opposed to actuall benchmarks) in either sound or performence, i lost one to two frames in UT when using the timedemo when i upgraded but i think that has to do with 2000 and not the drivers for my live card.as far as the via thing i couldnt really say my board doesnt have a via chipset.
  2. harlock

    Maybe New SB Live Drivers available!

    i have to agree with daedalus, ihave never had any probs with my blaster x-gamer under win2000 everything has always worked and it sounds great. i run it on an msi 6195 amd motherboard with an athlon 600@693(just recently bumped it up from 663 and still sounds great)although i am interested in getting the game theater for my new box i'm going to be building not because creative sux but becuase it'new hardware i havent played with yet:D
  3. harlock

    OMG this is SOOO FUNNY

    ok i finally stoped laughing so i can type now:D so funny,so true.well i think i'll crouch my way over to the fridge now for a soda. thanx for the flick, it was a riot:D
  4. im lookin tobuy a new case in about a month or so, im getting ready for the new dual athlon boards comming out:D, as i will be starting to piece together the system but im having a hard time finding a decent case. any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated. btw i will be modding the case as well a freind of mine will be helping me with some custom artwork for the cutout thanx Quote: "musoan" dream for the future
  5. harlock

    looking for a new case suggestions?

    wow i never thought i'd get so many responses, thanx to everyone who responded,but after much consideration and research, i have decided to go with the lian li pc 70,it's aluminum so it dissapates heat faster and its lighter than regular cases,plus it has room for everything i'll stuff in it,plus it has room for 5 fans before i mod the hell out of it:D well maybe not that much. but thanx again.
  6. harlock

    UT reboots my machine

    ok here is an annoying problem, everytime i quit and exit out of UT my computer reboots,does'nt even get as far as the desktop, i hit quit and shuts down.any help would be appreciated. Quote: musoan "dream for the future"
  7. harlock

    UT reboots my machine

    er yea sorry about that was kinda tired when i posted here's the specs i built it myself so no manufacture amd athlon 600@663 352 megs pc133 quantum fireball 26gig quantum fireball 3.2gig tnt2 m64 32meg 12.41 det's whql creative labs x-gamer latest driver realtek 10mb ethernet 52x cd generic 8x dvd generic hollywood + decoder latest driver win2000 sp2 fat32 ut version 436 17inch gemstar altec lansing ac54 Quote: musoan "dream for the future"
  8. harlock

    Poll: Which game is better in your opinion?

    im not a big fan of diablo and its clones, i just couldnt get into them bored the hell out of me and wasted my money. besides all they are really is guantlet on steroids:D Quote: musoan "dream for the future"
  9. harlock

    looking for a new case suggestions?

    ok i changed my mind im now also considering the antec case i saw one a fry's and was impressed by it almost forgot about that one, i really liked the slide out cages in it because im always changing out drives and such thta would make it so much easier. again thanx Quote: musoan "dream for the future"
  10. harlock

    looking for a new case suggestions?

    thanx for the responses the aopen looks pretty good as well as the cold forge when its done.the aopen will probably be the one i get.just out of curiosity anyone know where alienware get their cases from i would'nt mind one with a hydralic front on it, i could think of some pretty cool stuff to do with that:D
  11. harlock

    Sblive problems *yawn* searching didn't help.

    i have a sound blaster live x-gamer and to be totaly honest ii've never had 1 problem with it no bad sound ,no crackling, nothing. the only problems i have had is with the stupid tool bar that creative seems to think is useful,it used to crash my puter everyonce in a while but turned it off and had no problems since,everything is stable and runs great and i have great sound. i used to have a turtle beach montego card and that card sucked drivers never ran right on win 98 and my system was always crashing. but now win2000+xgamer=good sound for me anyway.some specs athlon 600@663 msi 6195 mainboard 352megs ram tnt2 m64 26gig quantum fireball ata66 sorry if i seem loopy in writing this post its 8:27 am and i havent been to bed yet:D Quote: et in arcadia ego
  12. i have a tnt2 m64 that i run with the 10.80 dets on win200proand have had no problems with either d3d or open gl you might want to give those a try if you haven't already.i get about 54fps in UT and and about the same in Q3, i run everythin in 1024x768 at 32bit color. my system is athlon 600@663,352megs of ram, msi 6195 mainboard. probably does'nt help any because i really dont know what would cause your problem that's kinda wierd.also like david said make sure you have sp1 installed Quote: et in arcadia ego
  13. harlock

    Win2k woes.....

    ive run the 10.80's for awhile now have'nt had any probs.i tried the 12's but they ran like crap so i went back to the 10.80's,so anyway try the 10.80's oh btw im running amd athlon 600@663 msi 6195 mainboard, 352megs of ram etc.. with sp2 and no probs except for some reason it takes a little longer to reboot oh well but it is stable and ive never downloaded the amd patch didnt know there was one have to check it out Quote: et in arcadia ego
  14. harlock

    Duke Nukem Forever Video

    looks great,as far as the q3 graphics being better than ut's i personally like ut's grapics much better,more colorful and almost as smooth as q3,whereas q3is just too damn brown, with a splash of orange red here and there.q3 is a tad bit more smooth though seems to flow a little bit better at times than ut but it's too brown..brown...brown:D
  15. harlock

    DSL Router.....Which to pick?

    i personally like the linksys,but thats just my opinion. as far as using them with the cisco i dont know never had the chance of using the 2 together.
  16. harlock

    Post your desktops here

    hey thc how did you do that with your desktop? the transparencies and all are very cool,and also how did you change your start menu name?
  17. harlock

    ie 5.5 annoying little problem

    here is a problem i have know idea why it occurs,when i'm in outlook express and i click on a link in a e-mail the window opens starts to load the page and then dissapears.now here is the kicker,if i open internet explorer and then click on the link the window stays open and loads. also it doesn't do it for every link i click in outlook.not a major problem but it's really starting to annoy the hell out of me,and i can't find anything on it any where. any help would be much appreciated. oh one more thing it did this before i installed sp2,right about the time i upgraded to w2k from 98 a few months back. specs amd athlon 600@663 352 megs pc 133 26 gig quantum fire ball ata 66 tnt2 m64 32 meg linksys 10\100 soundblaster live x-gamer Hollywood + dvd decoder 8x dvd 52x cdrom win2000 on fat 32 install
  18. harlock

    Just for grins, where is everyone "calling" from?

    phoenix Arizona land of eternal heat, sunshine, and the devil:p but that's another story:D
  19. setting it to no will let the bios automatically assign IRQ's lot better than letting windows do it, windows usually screws everything up in my experience anyway when it comes to that.
  20. harlock

    Need I ask? What is with the 12.10 drivers?

    i installed the 12.00's and lost all the options such as advanced,color overlay etc. so i went back to the 10.80's.anyone else had this problem? i would like to know, because i would'nt mind up[censored] to the 12's but not if i lose everything else sorry this has nothing to do with this post
  21. harlock

    WIN2k reallly Slowwwww with p3v4x... HELP!!!!

    flame flame flame....flameflame,flame sorry could'nt resist lol
  22. harlock

    tachyon the fringe

    i have just installed tachyon the fringe on my system but every time i try to start a game it just sits there and says tachyon loading please wait and then that screen dissapears and nothing i let it go fo 5 min. once and still nothing,why 5min. becuase task manager said it was still running!! any help would be appreciated. here are my specs. amd athlon 600 352 megs of ram tnt2 m64 32 meg fireball ct01 26 gig sound blaster live x-gamer realtek 10mb ethernet adapter generic 52x cdrom generic 8x dvdrom win2k professional on fat 32 install dont know if i need all this info but if any one is the problem would like to know. thanx.oh btw the begining movie plays and then it goes to the loading screen.dont know if that helps any.thanx [This message has been edited by harlock (edited 09 April 2001).]
  23. harlock

    battle of the computers

    heres my ssystem specs not the biggest or baddest but runs unreal @ 54 fps @1024x780 with 32 bit color. good enough for now until i get money to buld a new one. msi 6195 mainboard amd athlon 600@663 stock heatsink and fan 352megs of pc 133 gainward tnt2 m64 32 meg @135 core 130 memory 26gig quantum fireball ict 08 52x cdrom and 8x dvd holywood + decoder card soundblaster live x-gamer linksys 10/100 ethernet 3 extra sunon cooling fans altec lansing ac54 4.1 gemstar 1770df 17inch monitor toshiba pcx1100 cable modem canon canoscan fb620u scanner epson 480sxu printer and way too many usb devices lol im wating for amd to release their dual proc chipset to build again so i can try my hand at that since i've never built a dual proc system.hopefully serial ata will also be out by then also. et in arcadia ego.
  24. harlock

    tachyon the fringe

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolf87: Maybe fixing resolution to 16 bits before starting the game will solve the problem. The last Novalogic update "ttfupd8i.zip" includes all previous updates and improves on 3D cards compatibility. The Bink player tool may not be transferring control back to the 3D card for the game. The last version also with smacker update: http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm</font> tried the .exe and it worked!! i just downloaded the tools also and will give them a try. i really appreciate your help this has been driving me nuts for the past few days trying to figure it out. thanks again wolf.
  25. harlock

    tachyon the fringe

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolf87: Start the game with space.exe in the Novalogic, Tachyon folder.</font> thanks wolf i'll give a try