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Everything posted by dohcan

  1. dohcan

    QuickTime/Media Player reboots

    Hey guys, I've got a problem here.. I recently installed Win2K and everything works, except QuickTime and Media Player cause my computer to reboot spontaneously whenever I am viewing a movie (or listening to sound/viewing movie in Media Player). I have QuickTime v5.0 installed, Media Player 7, DirectX 8.0a, IE5.5, Service Pack 1, and all of the updates from Windows Update. My system: Abit BH6 Celeron 300A 192MB Atlas Precision RAM Riva TNT Soundblaster AWE64 IBM and Maxtor HD's Enlight case/power supply also using the 6.50 NVIDIA reference drivers from their homepage. I've had this system for 3 years and it's been rock solid, so I don't think there is a particular problem with my hardware. I've also noticed on the QuickTime forums that people have had the same problems. If I go into Control Panel > QuickTime > Video Settings and choose 'Safe Mode', it fixes the QuickTime problems. Media Player still causes it to reboot, most notably whenever I hover over an icon in the system tray to bring up a tooltip (yes, I know, sounds weird) while viewing content. It seems like a DirectX problem to me. Also, just about all of the people who've had this problem that I've seen, have an NVIDIA card and 440BX motherboard. If I should have posted this to hardware, I'm sorry. But I am only having it in these two programs and so are other people, so I don't think it's a hardware problem. Anyone else having these problems, and better, anyone know how to fix it? BTW, I ordered an SB Live! sound card (not because of this though..) and it should be here in a couple of days, if anyone knows if that makes a difference.
  2. dohcan

    QuickTime/Media Player reboots

    Hey guys, I managed to get the 10.80 drivers installed for my TNT and it seems to have worked. Thanks everyone.
  3. dohcan

    QuickTime/Media Player reboots

    My card (Riva TNT) is not listed in the list of cards. Only TNT2 and up is listed. =/