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About Forever

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  1. I just made a Win2k CD with integrated Service Pack 2. The problem is when I try to install Win2k using this CD I get the following error: The following value in .SIF file used by Setup is corrupted or missing: Value 0 on the line in section [sourceDisksFiles] with key "SP2.cab." Setup cannot continue. To quit Setup, Press F3. Did I do something wrong creating the CD or is this a problem with SP2? Here is how I created the CD: 1. Copy your Windows 2000 CD to a directory on your hard disk (Example: c:\Win2kPro) 2. Download Service Pack Network install (sp1network for Service Pack 1) and copy that file to another directory (Example: c:\Win2kPro\SP2) 3. Open command prompt and go to your SP directory (Example: cd Win2kPro <Return> cd SP2 <Return>) 4. Unpack the Service Pack. To do this type "sp1network -x" (or "w2ksp2 -x" for Service Pack 2) without quotes and hit <Return> 5. Go to the update directory, which is located in our example at c:\Win2kPro\SP2\i386\update (to do this from command prompt: cd i386 <Return> cd update <Return>) and type "update -s:c:\Win2kPro" (c:\Win2kPro = is the example path to the Windows 2000 CD directory) without the quotes.