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Everything posted by Infinatek

  1. Hey Guys, Good to see you all talking about this, and getting excited about it. May i suggest freds TDI Club its a great forum www.tdiclub.com I run my car on 100% biodiesel read about www.biodiesel.org I am also starting a clean energy company called 2Renu, Inc. and we will be producing and distributing biodiesel in a huge way providing i get the Capital funding i am going after. Biodiesel is an amazing fuel it has a higher Cetan then DynoDiesel and it is 100% nontoxic it even biodegrates at the rate of sugar it truly is wonderful stuff. The great part is i get high performance and around 60MPG in my Passat TDI and have my eye on the new Tourag SUV which they sell with a V10 TDI engine providing 530Ftlbs of tourqe WOW cant wait. I am going to upload a picture of me pumping biodiesel into my green Passat TDI... in the mean time write me any questions you might have. oh and let me know what you think of this design i tossed it together for the Vermont Biofuels Association www.vermontbiofuels.org CHOW. -THatcher
  2. Infinatek

    Back up of Auto Complete for IE

    Please can someone help me find where the Auto Complete info is held in XP. I am upgrading from Beta 2 and i do not want to loose all my Auto complete info. If i could back up the file that holds the info it would be awesome... Please help thanx alot