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About DarkPrinc3

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  1. DarkPrinc3

    SB LiveWare echo, cant get rid of it

    I fixed the problem by using Minz's fix to reload liveware! Try it if you get this problem.
  2. DarkPrinc3

    SB LiveWare echo, cant get rid of it

    Hey I installed LiveWare on XP a while back and it worked fine but it kept screwing up and I couldnt choose a different effect. Anyway to make a long story short its set to the "concert hall" setting so theres a constant echo. I couldnt change it back cause the program was screwy....so I uninstalled liveware but the echoy concert hall thing is still there...I even looked for creative things to uninstall or delete and it seems like I should be getting a clear sound (finally its not crackling)...but I dont want to try to install liveware again cause it might start crackling again if I do...any solutions??? Creative refuses to help me Raj
  3. DarkPrinc3

    rc1 in the mail

    Has anyone recieved RC1 in the mail yet??? Im still waiting but I noticed my CC card hasnt been charged yet? whats up with that
  4. DarkPrinc3


    CPU temp is 37 degrees...thats not too much is it? R.
  5. DarkPrinc3


    Yep, when I got the new harddrive I partitioned and formated it. And it didnt work with that harddrive so I figure thats not the problem, and I also used a virus scanner to check the boot sector and its suppoesed to be clean :(
  6. DarkPrinc3


    Hey I really need some help here, I put together a computer a little while ago. Its a biostar m7mke motherboard (via chipset) with 950 mhz athlon, 256 mb pc133 ram, geforce3, and an sblive (the network adapter is USB). Anyway it worked well with Windows ME for a while (I made it back in Feb), but a few months ago everything got messed up, I later figured out it was a virus. So after getting that off I got my copy of XP and so I completely erased ME (save one folder that I needed) and pretty much clean installed XP (yes I even got rid of the hidden files). So that work great for a while. Then a few weeks ago, I'd get a constant string of blue screen errors (Irq not less or equal, page fault something, STOP, and a few more) a few minutes after booting into XP. I thought it was either virus or an XP thing. So again I cleaned everything from my drive expect for my one folder. Well since then I havent been able to install ANY sort of windows. Windows 98 screws up on install, ME always screws up on boot (5 blue screens like in a row, some due to VMM and general protection faults) and XP can never install either. So here im thinking its a virus so I go get a new harddrive to see if it is. Nope still cant load windows, so theres no virii. Then I take out my sound card, get a new video card and set the bios to default settings. IT STILL DOESNT WORK. So the only thing it can be is the motherboard Im thinking. Is this right??? I havent had a computer at home for a good 3 weeks, can someone please help me out? I would go buy another motherboard....but they'll charge a restocking fee if it doesnt work and I need to return it. Someone please please help me. I really dont want to have to take it to digilink. (all thats in the computer right now is the mb, chip, and AGP video card (I tried a pci too and it wouldnt even go into any setup programs)). Thanks R
  7. Hey I got XP working perfectly execpt for shitty sounds quality on my SB Live!. I was testing out on mp3s, shns and wavs...but then if anything is moving (like visualization or even just open progams and stuff I get a staticy sounds along with what ever im playing!! Speed shouldnt be a problem cause Im using a athlon 950, 256 ram, 30 gig hd, Sound Blaster Live!, vtek Geforce3, network adapter and I think thats all. I even tried to get the win2000 new drivers from creative...can anyone help me?
  8. DarkPrinc3

    Help me install this damn thing!!!!

    I got it working from the boot....just an iffy installation thats all....thanks for anyone that replied! R
  9. DarkPrinc3

    Help me install this damn thing!!!!

    Hey I got the 2475 build and for some reason its messing with my system?? Right now Im running windows ME with a geforce3 and an sblive and other people seem to use them fine so im guessing its not a hardware issue. If I try to install from windows, it pauses when it says processing upgrade report on the left hand side of the screen. If i try it from boot it say some inf txtsetup thing is missing and it cant proceed. Funny thing is when I first made the cd i tried it by boot and it said something about partitions and I wanted it install over ME so quit that and went into me and it did the freezing thing. Now I was going to just erase ME and along with everything else on the drive (cept for one folder), but if the boot process gives me that error I dont want to delete ME until Im sure I can do the boot process. Someone help me please! R