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About rolsen

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  1. rolsen

    Jedi Knight not running

    No, JK runs perfectly for me.
  2. rolsen

    Turning on status bar in IE6/XP

    Ah yes, now that you mention it, that's exactly what happens to me too. Anyone got any solutions?
  3. rolsen

    Turning on status bar in IE6/XP

    I have this same problem, but it is much more random. Most of the time the status bar is there for me, but sometimes its not... anyone got any ideas?
  4. rolsen

    Need For Speed High Stakes

    Just installed fine, and plays great for me on XP Pro.
  5. rolsen

    Needing help - ALL games crash with XP

    oribiasi, did you not notice that he said he's already tried the DetonatorXP drivers? TheEnder, said he tried 21.81, 21.83, and 21.85. Just thought I'd point that out. As to your problem Ender, I'm stumped. Hoppfuly someone will respond that knows of a solution.
  6. rolsen

    Live!Ware 3 for XP Mirrors.

    Worked for me as well, but I still get periodic pops and crackles... perhaps the official version that is supposed to be released later this month will bet more improved?
  7. rolsen

    Live!Ware 3 for XP

    Quote: i download the latest 4in1 and avoid this problems. Even with winXP?
  8. rolsen

    Live!Ware 3 for XP

    Quote: I've got the original SBLive! Value and it works fine... Any improved sound quality? My SB Live! value pops and crackles sometimes now that I've switched to XP.
  9. rolsen

    Live!Ware 3 for XP

    Quote: No it LW3 for Compaq What do you mean by this exactly?
  10. rolsen

    hp deskjet 712c + XP

    Ok, I just realized that the problem is with either my scanner or external zip drive. Since the printer was connected to the end of the chain of devices, something was strange was going on. When I plugged the printer into the computer directly, it worked fine. Now to isolate the problem to either the zip drive or scanner.
  11. rolsen

    hp deskjet 712c + XP

    I know the deskjet 712c is supported by XP without any additional software, but I'm still having printing issues. I can print from Notepad just fine, but any other program screws up. The printer will activate and begin to print the document, but it stops and just sits there after printing about the first centimeter of the document. The blinking green light keeps flashing, but the printer cartridges slide back to their "parked" posistion, and the print job disappears from the print queue. Here are my specs. Abit KT7A-Raid w/ 3R bios Athlon 1.2Ghz 256MB PC133 Geforce2-mx 400 SB Live! Value WinXP Pro Any Thoughts?
  12. I'm running an Abit KT7A-RAID myself. I'm using a SB Live! Value non-5.1 card, and its working pretty well. I get some occasional pops and crackles, but nothing that bad and it is rare. Of course I wouldn't really recommend buying a SB Live! since it is kind of outdated now, especially with all the new cards coming out. Oh, and I'm running win2k also.
  13. rolsen

    open gl refresh rate with det 4's

    I've been bouncing around these forums all day, I forgot which section I was in... sorry about that.
  14. rolsen

    open gl refresh rate with det 4's

    Works for me. I'm using version 1.4 Build 148 in Win2k with a Geforce2 MX-400.
  15. rolsen

    Maxtor 100GB Hard Drives, really worth it?

    Well said FadedTimes.