Anyone had any experience with Advent Laptops? - Mostly sold in the UK I believe, by PC World, and Dixons group.
I'm looking at the 6412 Model on the frontpage of http://www.pcworld.co.uk and want to use it for programming mainly, but also the usual other rubbish. I know it'll be powerful enough, but it must accept Windows 2000 for what I want.
Anyone know if they're any good? If they're crap, can anyone suggest a decent make thats of roughly the same spec? (Don't say Sony/Compaq/Toshiba/HP etc - they're all well overpriced)
Lastly, heres a brief rundown of what i'm after:
P3 800 minimum (Could be Duron based i spose)
Intel Based Chipset
128MB Min
15+ GB
CD (DVD would be nice, but not essential)
14" TFT (no less really)
LAN + Modem not necessary, but would be nice to save on slots
Around £1300-1500 mark ($1850 approx)
Thanks in advance