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Everything posted by Dazultra2000

  1. Dazultra2000

    Windows Media Player + XP & Complete System Crash

    My fears became realised when I installed my old geforce back in. Worked like a dream, no problems at all. So now I am left with a seemingly broken gf3ti200. Unhappy me
  2. Dazultra2000

    Windows Media Player + XP & Complete System Crash

    I tried the 4in1 4.37a drivers Tried the AGP 4.10 driver reduced AGP to 2x disabled ALL AGP options reduced aperture to 32mb Put ALL RAM timings to the most conservative Basically set everything in the BIOS to it's slowest, most stable value Tried 23.11, 27.20, 27.42 and 27.51 drivers and of course, I have formatted as well. So I am a bit stuck now. So either part of my hardware has gone bad (which seems a bit strange seeing as my problem only relates to video playback) or there is something I am missing. Any ideas? by the way, there is no BSOD, just a lockup. I can play sounds just fine...no problems there. I seriously hope it's not my graphics card because I just bought it.
  3. Dazultra2000

    Windows Media Player + XP & Complete System Crash

    Well, I just formatted and the problem is still here. I am now seriously worried about my computer. If a complete wipe of the hard disk and reinstall doesn't fix it, that suggests a hardware problem, right? Which is what makes me so worried Any suggestions?
  4. Dazultra2000

    Windows Media Player + XP & Complete System Crash

    Sounds pretty bleak I have recently installed the divx v5 codec, but I have also eradicated ANY trace of that whatsoever, files and registry wise, and it still happens. It happens on my brother's win2k machine too, but that started much longer ago.
  5. Dazultra2000

    Windows Media Player + XP & Complete System Crash

    *bump* Now I have this problem any fixes?
  6. Dazultra2000

    machine keeps rebooting under WinXP

    lol, oops. My bad. Post edited
  7. Dazultra2000

    machine keeps rebooting under WinXP

    no, no no no no NO! All rumours and lies. As AndyFair said, it's not via specific, nor is it nvidia, amd, intel or anything specific. Well...sorta. The ONLY constant in these problems is the WindowsNT kernel, and out of that, 99% of the problems occur in XP. There is no definitive fix, but there are a few things you can try. I have the definitive page of possible fixes on a forum that was compiled from several months of troubleshooting. Come and see the product of the "Alliance Against Infinite Loops" here: http://www.icronticforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=21016 Hope this helps. Btw, the 4in1s have helped a LOT of people...it's not the system killer people make it out to be, and if something does happen (usually IDE related) just rollback the drivers.
  8. Dazultra2000

    Bsod - Emupia2k.sys

    I got errors in that file on my old XP install, and also CDRWIN decided to BSOD on every launch (with a different file) As for the emupia2k.sys, one reboot my system directory hosed itself and wiped an extremely large amount of files. My sound stopped working, but my system ran faster. I decided to reinstall my sound drivers, and strangely they worked...no BSODs or anything..and my system was faster...how that works I don't know, but it was a blessing. Not sure about CDRWIN, although I am aware of these issues if you use a dodgy crack or key that shouldn't be used (piracy is illegal btw). On a new instal of XP, I installed cdrwin with my (legal) key and it worked...so that must have been a system error. by the way, on the old install, the error happened with ALL versions of cdrwin...I think it may have been possibly linked to the version of ASPI that cdrwin installs.
  9. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    Yes, this has been tried, and unfortunately...doesn't work
  10. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    It seems to really only happen on FULL AGP cards, such as any nvidia agp card, or an ati agp card etc. A 3dfx card is basically a fast PCI card, and so doesn't seem to be open to the same problem.
  11. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    Actually I think you'll find it's just not CERTIFIED. They are official release drivers because they are on Nvidias own site! The error in XP is just to tell you that microsoft haven't certified it (big whoop).
  12. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    hehe. Ner ner
  13. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    Well, hopefully in conjunction with the new BIOSes to be released soon, it will disappear totally
  14. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    I want you to try the 23.10 detonators (if you have an nvidia gfx card) as it seems to have fixed my problem, as well as quite a few others. Also, VIA have reported that they have found a fix in the BIOS code, and are testing it extensively now to sort it out. If all goes well, we can expect BIOS updates with the fix shortly...but for now, try the 23.10s
  15. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    As we found in the thread, it's not just limited to nVidia either! We have a user reporting the problem on a 3dabs Oxygen card, however, I am yet to hear of it on a PCI card (or AGP cards that act like PCI - meaning the 3dfx voodoo/velocity series). So it is a XP/Full AGP card problem that we are faced with. As we have found, disabling fast writes seems to help, but will not dismiss the whole thing. i wonder if microsoft check those error reports?
  16. Dazultra2000

    Win2k, Processor runnning at half power??

    Went back to Standard PC and all is well Thanks a lot. I love the way you can actually do stuff like this on NT reliably. now to fix all the other problems on my network. I myself have the classic nv4_disp.dll error, and all the IPs on my network keep randomly changing, even though I tell it not to...ARGH!
  17. Dazultra2000

    WinXP 'nv4_disp.dll' Infinite Loop Crash

    AHA! people on the same subject. I STRONGLY urge you to go here and read through, and if possible divert ALL efforts on this problem to THAT forum. It has been going for AGES, and we have narrowed it down quite a long way. I only request that you read the WHOLE thing (7 pages so far) to get up the same level as we all are. Thanks. http://www.icronticforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=14427
  18. Dazultra2000

    Win2k, Processor runnning at half power??

    BUMP Does this mean my CPU will only have the performance of a 250? Also, if I put it into standard PC mode, will it run properly? Or am I gonna have to go back to Windows9x?!
  19. OK, I am currently writing a program for my A level project in computing. The program I have decided to write is based around a 'build your own PC' system. The main idea is that the user will download a program, which is accompanied by all data concerning computer components. The user will then be able to flick through pages of this program and build up a full system designed to their tastes. At the end of it all, the system config is collected up, along with the total proce, and is plaed into a file which can be automatically sent to the PC manufacturer for them to build etc. This program will be designed to be updated from the internet (or from file for the closed system that I will be using) so that stock lists can be kept up to date and prices can be kept up to date also. There will also be space for adding other components. If I have the time, i shall also build in two sections for varying levels of the customer, e.g. one section for the hardware techie (detailed build up of all components), and one for the average user (basic system based on requirements). What I would like is input as to what sort of things you would like to see in this sort of program. Bear in mind that it has to be written in Visual Basic, so no real web-based things can be used. I am designing it to be downloaded to the home and run from there (easier for me). Some questions you may consider are: Would you use a system like this? Do you think other people would like this sort of flexibility? Do you prefer to buy individual components and build yourself, or do you prefer for it to arrive ready and able? Do you think this is the way forward in PC selection? Feel free to comment/add anything that you would like to see (within reason, of course), and anything you say will be of great use to me. Simply asking on the internet proves some competence
  20. Dazultra2000

    Need your valued input on an A level project.

    indeed, but do remember that it is only for a short project for my A levels. A simple mention of the above fact will be enough information for the requirements. Any ideas that you think I should include.
  21. Dazultra2000

    Which detonators to use in WinXP?

    I've tried 14.70, but get frequent errors in fullscreen 2d games with a BSOD in nv4_disp. I didn't like the windows default ones due to the lack of the quicktweak controls. Is there a set of drivers that work, or is there a way i can get similar performance AND the controls from the windows default drivers?
  22. Dazultra2000

    Which detonators to use in WinXP?

    I discovered that my BSODs were caused by a piece of faulty hardware (not identified yet). Also, the 2x.xx driver series are becoming reknowned for disastrous speed drops.
  23. As far as I know, this is something to do with MS speech engine, so i guess it's related to officeXP in some way. My problem is that if I close if, everytime I open up internet explorer or an office app, the nasty little (I say little, 30meg is really HUGE) program loads and slows my PC down rather horribly. changing between windows is very slow, but if I end that process again, it will be nice and nippy. What i want to know is how to get rid of this thing so it doesn't constantly load. This is much worse than my old ctfmon and mdm problems (still have them, but at least that's only about 3meg) as it is gobbling up 30meg of my RAM. I went into word and disabled the Speech section, but every time I re-load it, it's back again. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  24. Dazultra2000

    sapisvr.exe loading and taking up 30meg of memory!!!

    *bump* Even if I delete it it still comes back
  25. Typically, when doing general things on my PC, my mouse will stop mid-movement and then continue again, as if someone is pausing the action briefly. A similar thing happens withMP3s, but instead of the sound stopping, it 'strectches'. Is it possible that the two are related somehow? And is it possible to fix? It could be a driver problem, but I haven't had it on any other OS so far. What i would also like to know is what drivers are best for my system etc. I have an HPT370 controller built in, and I would like to know what BIOS/driver is best (1.2 both at the moment) What VIA sets I should install (if any) or any components of What soundblaster live driver set i should use (currently on the windows update one) and if there are any USB patches available for it (Seems to be generic drives atm) Thank you for any help. Duron 800 256MB Crucial PC133 CAS2 SDRAM Abit KT7-RAID (3R BIOS + 1.2 RAID BIOS) SBLive Player 1024 3com 3c900XL PCI 10mbit network card Maxtor 30.7GB UDMA100 Hdd on IDE3 Master Ricoh MP9060A 6x4x24x4x CDRW/DVD combo drive on IDE2 Master Modified FOP38 (YS-Tech 60mm 5000rpm Fan) Creative GeForce Annihilator (GF256) (12.90 drivers) Windows XP Microsoft intellimouse explorer USB Microsoft Internet keyboard pro USB Logitech Wingman gamepad USB Elsa Microlink 56k USB modem AND my PSU is an AMD recommended 300W ATX supply.