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About cpufast

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  1. cpufast

    Shutdown/Restart Problem.......SiSoft BSOD Help!

    Everyone has a preference and I have loaded Nero and everything is working fine. I would like to thank you for your help!
  2. cpufast

    Shutdown/Restart Problem.......SiSoft BSOD Help!

    Brian, My burner is a HP 9100 and shipped with version 3.0v of the software. When using this version it works and there are the issues with Sisoft and such. When I upgraded to the 3.05 version which includes the UDF reader upgrade to 1.03 the application does not load. Also when I use the 3.0 version my system will not shutdown but does when I am using the 3.05v so I am scratching my head. I have uninstalled and reinstalled back and forth between these versions with no luck. At the moment I have it uninstalled but will look at it again when I get home! I also got the HP upgrade which does not load at all. Outside of this everything is working well. LMK
  3. cpufast

    Shutdown/Restart Problem.......SiSoft BSOD Help!

    Brian, I did as you advised and updated my Direct CD application with the 3.05 download from Adaptec's site. Okay Sandra is working correctly and my system shuts down properly but now my Direct CD does not work so if you have any other advice it would be appreciated! LMK
  4. cpufast

    SiSoft Sandra 2001SE BSOD on exit...

    I have an HP burner and have the update I think that you are talking about. Could you post a link. Thanks!
  5. cpufast

    SiSoft Sandra 2001SE BSOD on exit...

    I have posted here and when I run SiSoft I get the BSOD. There is an address error with the udf.sys file? I have loaded SS 7.50 so I am confused as to why? Got any advice?
  6. I have a couple probems that I am looking for help with. First is that my machine does not shutdown or restart properly. Basically Win2K performs the task to close out and then after doing so hangs at a blank screen. I have to physically reboot the machine or soft shutdown the machine. Everything else seems fine with this exception. I have a Asus A7V133 mobo and am using a modded bios 1003. The bios mod enables full Raid capability of the promise controller basically replacing the OEM2 code in the bios. Also Sisoft crashes upon startup and I get an address error about conflict with udf.sys. I take this as the udfreader which I have not installed but I do have the Adaptec software for my burner installed. Looking for help and it would be appreciated!