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About Bergmania

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  1. Bergmania

    Audigy + Internet Explorer 6 = MEGA SOUND LOOPING!!! :(

    The IRQ8 trick IS for those with RTC on IRQ8.. if RTC is on other IRQ it will not work..
  2. Bergmania

    Audigy + Internet Explorer 6 = MEGA SOUND LOOPING!!! :(

    Or try this: IRQ Priority booster This tweak is an IRQ Priority booster; this uses regedit again, so if you have not backed up your registry do it now! You must make sure you have your System CMOS/Real Time Clock are on IRQ 8! All you have to do for these tweaks is open up notepad and copy and paste the stuff between the lines and then save them as whatever you want as long as it has the extension .reg ---------- REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SystemCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControl] "IRQ8Priority"=dword:00000001 ---------- If the tweak messes anything up use this one to fix it. ---------- REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SystemCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControl] "IRQ8Priority"=dword:00000000 ----------
  3. Bergmania

    Audigy + Internet Explorer 6 = MEGA SOUND LOOPING!!! :(

    Have been running XP + IE6 + Audigy since IE6 release.. no problems. (with sound) MSI K7T266Pro2 (KT266A) AMD XP1600+