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Everything posted by briantek

  1. I'm not sure if I should post this here or in Games, but its not specific to any game. When I am playing a FPS (First person shooter) I use my mouse to move, MOUSE1 = Strafe left/Mouse2 = Strafe right. Now I recently installed win2k and when playing a FPS sometimes I cannot hold both of these buttons at the same time, it sorta locks my mouse and I have to release both and click one or the other to fix it. In the gaming world this can slow you down and its a big problem with win2k that never happened in win98. So does anyone know anything to help me? Could this be an "Accessibilty Option"? I look in that menu and found several things for mouse settings, but none seemed to match my problem. Is there a way I can uninstall Accessibilty Options? I've got a Logitech MouseMan Wheel, altough I dont think that matters since this happens even with a different mouse, I've tried using generic drivers for a ps/2 mouse that was orginally installed in win2k (Used generic drivers in Win98 as well which were great), and I've also tried the Logitech MouseMan drivers.