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Everything posted by HELLBRINGER


    ICS and Applications

    Well from my expierence. If you do it right, once you tell Internet Explorer your internet is on a LAN EVERYTHING should be able to access the internet without question. That's because Internet Explorer is WIndows! It's a part of it so it all works together. That is how it worked for me, and it has worked very well.

    Netgear = CRAP!!!!!

    You are right on the money there. The only thing from Netgear I actually got to work was a HUB, and it didnt work very well at all. Sometimes it would not detect a computer that was on. I never had success with their NICs and their drivers are terrible. Their support, is not support and they are not very well priced. 3COM are good but too pricy. I like their products. But for a good stability to price ratio, I have found D-Link to be the best. They may not be the fastest network products out there, but at least they work and are VERY compatible. That has been my expierence. That's why I say Netgear is crap. Or at least question it.

    cpu wont overclock anymore?

    Well if I remember correctly... LOL... I just screwed around with re-formatting and reinstalling drivers until the damn thing worked. The 686B patch did nothing for me as well. I did not give up on getting my SBLive! to work good because I cannot stant the shitty quality of the AC'97 on my Epox EP-8KTA3. My friend gave up on it and kept the AC'97 and gave is sound card away. I didnt really do anything specific, and if I did, it was too long ago to remember. Sorry I cant help more... Try messing with it and re-formatting until you get it. Good luck.

    1 machine on network cannot access mail!!! HELP PLEASE!

    help please...

    cpu wont overclock anymore?

    Yeah we are there too. I have a similar system as both of you. I have noticed overclocking seems to be at its peak with my system. Although I am running my RAM at CAS2 no problem cause it is CAS3. But it is high quality Micron/Crucial memory. I agree WinME is a total pain in the arse! I have the same situation in Win2k I can run it practically for ever without it ever freezing. It is rock solid stability. I am very happy with the way my system turned out. 10.80 drivers are the best, other ones have minor stability issues and some have screwed up things in my resolution. Like i belive the 12.00s when I'm at 1152 X 864 and I click on advanced my screen will go completely blank because it trys to set a refresh that is too high I think. I have a SBLive! and that thing was a TOTAL PAIN IN THE ARESE... After days of screwing with it I think I finally worked the kinks out. It is working seamesly now... I still hate the card it does not have very good sound quality. Although I am an audio expert and have an aiwa stereo system that I spent lots of money on so I find the SBLive, well, a joke.

    Win2k Dialup Problems

    man your pretty much out of options. I would just re-format again and try a different way to get it to work this time. This is far out, but perhaps the modem is damaged in some way that Win2k has difficulty operating it properly... I cannot think of anything else. I am not master techs like some of these guys. But I am getting there.

    1 machine on network cannot access mail!!! HELP PLEASE!

    i look for that and cannot find it. do you know where it is?
  8. You know when you map a drive and have it remap when you restart. And then that system with the drive to be mapped is gone. Well I have a lot of mapped drives (13 to be precise) and some times when the systems are offline it says error connecting and all that crap. Well I usually select dont worry about it or what ever, so it keeps the map it just shows as disconnected. Well the damn thing keeps resetting or something and I have to keep checking dont worry about the damn thing but it keeps doing it! It only does this on like 3 mapped drives and all the others are fine online or offline. Is this some sort of but in Win2k? How do I fix it? Sorry that was long winded. Thanks for helping.

    Periodic Hangs Running CDROM Apps

    Hmmm... Your right. I'll be damned. Well its not a big deal to me anyway. Sure is interesting though. Stupid CD-Rs suck anyway.

    NTFS question please

    Oh... and one other thing. If you choose to go back to FAT32, be VERY CAREFUL. I did it sucessfully a few weeks ago, but I have seen it go TERRIBLY BAD. SO backup all of your data before doing it. If you can avoid doing it all together do. But if it is necessary backup all data. Partition Magic 6 will do nicely. Make sure you dont stack up too many operations that are not necessary. For example if you do something, then decide to change it before you apply. You have extra operations that are a waste. So start over and put in what you want before you apply changes. Just a tip, I learned the hard way. :-) Good luck.

    NTFS question please

    Yes... As Windows 2000 can read NTFS and FAT32 partitions at the same time. You can read FAT32 with NTFS currently running. It should be backwards compatible, and it is. So yes...

    COMPRESSED AIR in monitor... OK???

    Ok thank you. I will not be opening up the casing... Anyone else want to comment?

    ATA100 HD. But runs like ATA... well 40!

    ANYONE HAVE ANY MORE IDEAS? I just though of something... I have 2 heatsinks on the harddrive on the time. Not doing anything wrong (i dont think) that cool the drive. It seems to cool it a lot, it helps a lot. Could this be affecting anything? I doubt it and dont see why or how it could, but I thought I would ask. Thank you.

    NTFS question please

    Everything will work fine. Its just a more secure better file system. All your games will work fine. It is actually faster. The only thing is Windows 9x will not work (95, 98, ME), nor will Linux or any other OS that cannot support NT file systems.

    Drive mapping, source gone, restart, WONT GO AWAY!

    That removes the mapped drive if it is not there! Does it bring it back if the drive is avaliable? Cause I don't want it removed... And I dont want to have to re-map it either...

    Time Sync with server

    I'm tired, and lost. What does this do? I have roaming profiles setup on my server. And it seems that sometimes it dose not update the server copy from the local copy. Does this have anything to do with that?

    winnt 4.0 and internet connection sharing

    I'm pretty sure it does. Try looking in the properties of the modem you are using. If your using an external modem not actually installed on the machine but on the network then I don't know...

    ICS and Applications

    Tell those individual programs you are using that the internet connection is always avaliable or on a LAN... I think that will do it.

    WIn2k SP2 makes explorer.exe FREEZE!

    That is what I am using... Hmmm, must be buggy on some systems.

    Best free firewall software

    yeah... But I think there might be a way around all that and still hack your system with out either of them knowing...

    NTFS Security Question

    yeah if the username is not known. They do not get access... Simple as that. Just dont use admin account, someone might have the same password as you. :-) hehe I doubt it.

    Drive mapping, source gone, restart, WONT GO AWAY!

    That wont take off the mapped drives when I restart does it? What does it do?

    Multiple mandatory user profiles

    Damn some through ideas here. I can't help you as I am just learning about roming profiles. And that is pissing me off as it is... I hope to learn the answer soon as I'm sure you do as well. (Why else would you be here right). What school is this? My school as the same setup. 98 Clients and NT 4 server. Damn network is slow as hell though. Stupid 10MBPS hubs then splitters. What a joke.

    Periodic Hangs Running CDROM Apps

    Well I'm sorry that did not solve your problem. I would suggest talking to some tech people for the CD-ROM or the motherboard. Go to other forums and talk to big tech guys. tweak3d.net has good forums. That's all I can think about now. Sorry I couldnt help me. Good luck.

    COMPRESSED AIR in monitor... OK???

    Hmmm. Well I'm using teh 753DF and its a great monitor. I love it. It doesnt have the best color but you'll only notice it if you compare right next to a Sony Trinitron, cause they have really good color. The color depth is not as high as most monitors. But the monitor it self is very high quality. Its physically built well. The stand takes up a good 15' monitor size, so it saves space. Its on-screen menues are really good and it has degauss feature. Its flat... Lots great and is VERY clear compared to most monitors. It is more clean than Sony Trinitron monitors in some cases. It is a very good monitor. If you don't want to spend the extra money for a nicer monitor, then this one is great. For the price it is a kick *** deal. Does anyone know if its safe to use compressed air inside a monitor?