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Everything posted by JP-

  1. JP-

    T-bird 1.4 overheating

    Well thats orbs for ya The only 1 ive ever used was the blue orb and i liked that but your right, the orb cpu coolers are pants
  2. JP-

    task scheduler

    OK i just tested this and shutdown my pc by accident Anyway the way i did it was to shedule it to load c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe -s that starts a 30second timer that will shutdown the pc after that time. Hope this works/helps
  3. JP-

    T-bird 1.4 overheating

    Quote: Now I can get it to post The chip isnt dead if it posts But you should definatly get a better HS than the dragon orb, authough i thought it could actually cope with a 1.4 athlon when used with a good thermal paste and a good contact.
  4. JP-

    DirectX 9 Beta testers

    Wow thanks alot, i was hoping they were gonna do a beta test of it
  5. Couldnt agree more, and having it in alphabetical order couldnt hurt atm its kinda semi-alphabetical with stuff just seemingly placed wherever
  6. JP-

    Athlon XP or Athlon Thunderbird

    I cant beleve you can say that a 1.4 can hit 1.7 'without much hassle', you would be lucky to hit 1.6 with a little bit of hassle. SMP is basically running 2 processors which i doubt you will be conserned with Anyway, short answer is you may as well wait until the XP is released. But it also depends on what motherboard you have. As brian said some motherboards (older ones) cant run at 133(266)bus so wont be able to run the XP. Also if you have a KT133A board like the Abit KT7A for example, it has some problems. Also the XP will finally support SSE, but sadly it seems like only the new motherboards designed for the XP will be able to use it, unless a bios update helps the older ones to do it
  7. JP-

    SIM CITY 3000 in Windows 2000 or XP Professional

    Yeah it works perfectly
  8. JP-

    About Ghost and Drive Image Pro

    I love ghost but the only problem with it is that it cant write to ntfs partitions so i had to format my 2nd HDD with fat32 which was a bit annoying. Apart from that its great.
  9. JP-

    XP and 2001 movie: HAL correlation

    Its too strange to be a coinsidence, i think you've just uncovered gate's evit plot!!! 8)
  10. JP-

    Audigy OEM?

    It will just come with the card and the driver disc, or possibly even just the card. It will be exactly the same hardware as the retail version though so theres nothing to worry about.
  11. JP-

    Anybody play Red Faction?

    I think the geo-mod thingy had great potential but they kinda wasted it. Still, if other games use it they could make some really cool levels. Btw isnt the ps2 version of red faction on dvd???!!!
  12. It already works great but more ram is always good
  13. JP-

    Best RPG game out there right now?

    I think BG2 is the best but youve already finished that erm, you could try diablo 2 + the expansion but they are really just mindless hack and slash type games, depends on what you like. Planetscape torment is good though, similar to BG2 in style.
  14. No, you cant remove it as far as i know
  15. JP-

    Help with elsa Gladiac 920???

    Do what donald said but instead of saying have disk, select the option where it searches for a driver and tick the 'specify loaction' box and put in the directory where you extracted the files to. It should find them then.
  16. JP-

    anyone else?

    I have heard of alot of probs with the new dets, have you tried any other drivers?
  17. JP-

    Operation Flashpoint Multiplayer Demo ?

    Yup i have the full version and it works great, faster than 2000 as well.
  18. JP-

    Radeon 8500

    Yeah it would be a shame for ATI to waste such nice hardware with poor drivers, COME ON ATI!!! at least it 'should' bring down the price of a gf3
  19. JP-

    Radeon 8500

    Theres a review on www.tomshardware.com but i think ati driver support will always be less than good
  20. Yup just downloaded, seems to work fine.
  21. Ok here are the differences, and i cant beleve that NTFS is not supported in home. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/whichxp.asp Just take a look at that, i dont really think any of those differences are very major and they certainly are not going to affect the speed of the os.
  22. JP-

    W2k <-> W98 IPX/SPX Problem

    k sorry, your not behind a firewall are you?
  23. JP-

    Quake 3 always says connection interrputed

    Hey i get the same thing, quake 3 has just been very very laggy on a modem for me, same with unreal tournament. I dont think its an os problem its more like the game + modems + slow servers.
  24. JP-

    W2k <-> W98 IPX/SPX Problem

    Hmm ok my mistake it is IPX, but this is from the starcraft (BW) readme... I have Windows NT. What steps should I take to make sure I have IPX configured correctly? To make sure you have IPX configured correctly Select "The Start Button" Select "Settings" Select "Control Panel" Select "Network" Select Protocol Make sure the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport is loaded. Select the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport and Select Properties, Make sure that the Frame Type is set to Ethernet 802.3. I didnt have to do any tweaking though to get it running, simply installed IPX on both pc and it ran fine
  25. JP-

    W2k <-> W98 IPX/SPX Problem

    Hi, i dont have starcraft installed at the moment, but im sure that the last time i played it over the lan it was with tcp/ip, does it not allow you to do this?