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Everything posted by JP-

  1. JP-

    Quake 3 always says connection interrputed

    Maybe your just playing on a slow server?
  2. JP-

    w2k or 98

    You will probably get slightly lower frame rate in 2k but the stability is well worth it, unless you play transport tycoon, then use 98
  3. <Rant> I already mentioned this in another thread but i feel that the only reason games run faster on 9x/ME is that games were writen with 9x in mind so of course it will run slower on NT. Also as i have said before the drivers for 9x are going to be alot better for 3d apps and therfore faster, you can see the improvement in performance with almost every new driver for NT now. It can only get better. XP Pro and XP Home are essentially the same thing minus things like SMP support and if you think home will run games faster i would just say you are plain wrong. </Rant>
  4. I dont think home edition will run anything faster than professional edition. Home just seems to be professional minus a few useful features that i might actually need. I thought home just had a few less apps included in it and i doubt that 1 or 2 extra services are really going to affect framerate.
  5. JP-


    my computer -> right click on your hard drive -> select properties -> Tools tab -> click 'check now' and then start, if it says it cant do it and would you like to schedule it for the next time windows starts just say yes and it will do it during the next boot.
  6. JP-

    3DFX users DEMAND Support

    Geforce 2 Pro, i love them as ive said about 3 times already Great price/performance 'ratio'
  7. JP-


    200 bus as well
  8. JP-

    winxp gaming performance

    Your probably right that hostile waters is slower, but you gotta remember that these games are really being written for use on 9x machines. With the release of XP games developers will optimise it more for NT, so it can only get better.
  9. JP-

    Mixing drivers in XP not possible???

    Should work? the new official detXPs are very good for openGL, have you tried those?
  10. JP-

    winxp gaming performance

    enio, just curious, what kind of score are you getting in 3dmark 2000 with XP? and whats your spec?
  11. JP-

    3DFX users DEMAND Support

    wow if only i had a 3fdx card to test those on and please please please (x10000) no-one buy an mx200!!
  12. JP-

    WinXP upgrade poll

    Yeah quite alot of us are actually Thing is though im seriously considering going back to 2000 for the time being
  13. Actually i found that if you download and install just the agp driver it gives better performance over the standard XP one, but it will work with or without.
  14. JP-

    winxp gaming performance

    Whats the point? quake 3 does opengl and 3dmark does d3d, if you run them both in the 98/XP you can just do a direct comparason. (sorry i just read that, sounds a bit disrespectful, not meant like that honest)
  15. JP-

    3DFX users DEMAND Support

    I also have loads of cool glide only games that i want to play but i cant see it happening Also on the subject of glide wrappers, i have tried loads of them trying to get glide games working, but they all seem to be made with ultrahle in mind, so they may work fine with that but i have yet to get 1 single game running correctly If anyone has any success with wrappers can you let me know pls
  16. JP-


    Hi, has anyone seen any preview benchmarks of this chipset? or does anyone know how it performs?
  17. JP-


    Your right, it does take more patching to get an amd system working but its worth it Anyway, im planning to get an upgrade soon and i think it will have to be either the dual chan nforce or the kt266a, but i guess its to early for benchmarks of either BTW intel have had a few mess ups recently ;(
  18. JP-

    winxp gaming performance

    No there not mature at all, just look how many different driver versions there are for 9x/ME. Det4 is really the first official XP driver so it can only get better.
  19. JP-


    Yeah sure. Basically install it, patch it up to v2.0 using whatever patch is appropriate for your region UK/US etc. Then download : http://www.megagames.com/cgi/download/do...arch=CARMA2.ZIP Unzip it into the carma directory and then just run carma2 normally and select software mode from the renderer options. Be warned, it doesnt look pretty
  20. JP-

    3DFX users DEMAND Support

    They buy there technology you say? Well im sure glide must be classed as 3dfxs 'technology'.
  21. JP-

    winxp gaming performance

    It should improve as the drivers mature. It just that its a new OS.
  22. JP-

    56k modem working in 45k wtf ???

    Its down to loads of things, mainly the phone line quality though. I have a 56k and the highest i get is 46,000 (Usually 42,000). Thing is though that there is next to 0 difference between 46,000 and 50,000 so its nothing to be worried about. If your are connecting at 45,000 then everything is fine.
  23. JP-

    3DFX users DEMAND Support

    Actually as nvidia bought 3dfx i would really like to see glide implemented in newer versions of the detonator drivers. I mean what do they have to lose by doing this? Of course this will never happen but wouldnt it be great if it did.
  24. Are you using outlook express? Im not sure how much of a help this will be but if you load up outlook express, tools -> Options -> Maintenance -> Store Folder, that shows you the location of the stored email messages. It might help you track them down as they should still be there in the other account (providing you havent deleted it). Then its just a matter of copying them accross. You have to have hidden files visible to view this however so make sure thats ticked if you want to try this.
  25. JP-


    Actually seeing your post again prompted me to give it another go. Got it working in software mode now but it crashes when i load it in hardware more It does seem to be the copy protection that is stopping it, as if you apply a crack you dont get that 'not supported in nt' message.