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Everything posted by JP-

  1. JP-

    WinXP upgrade poll

    wooooo! i account for 20% of the vote come on get with XP
  2. JP-

    Running UNDYING

    I also played it under 2000, authough it was the demo and it worked perfectly.
  3. JP-


    Yeah sure it sounds good on paper but i wont be using the onboard gfx or sound. I just want to know if it is really as fast as it 'should' be.
  4. JP-


    Anyone have any idea when this chipset will be available to buy? (kt266a)
  5. JP-

    Dets 21.81

    Thanks for the reply Brian. I already had the 14.20s installed so what i did was... add/remove programs, got rid of the nvidia drivers, reboot. Extracted the new drivers to a folder and installed them instead of the default ones, reboot. Run fix and i get told i dont have an nvidia card so it wont work. So i have rebooted after the driver install. This is on RC1 btw, i dont know if that makes a difference at all?
  6. JP-

    Dets 21.81

    Ok i do have a problem with them now These dets dont fix my refresh problem, i.e where its stuck at 60hz. Now usually i use the nvidia refresh fix to get around this and that works perfectly. Howerver the program refuses to recognise i have an nVidia card so i cant change my refresh rate and 60hz is killing my eyes Anyone got a different workaround for this? (Other than changing drivers)
  7. JP-

    Dets 21.81

    Havent tried D3D yet but OpenGL definatly has a nice boost to it, about 20fps more in q3 which i cant complain about Thats with a GF2Ultra so it does help on non-GF3 cards.
  8. JP-

    Which detonators to use in WinXP?

    Im using 14.20, no complaints here, they are fast and havent given me any trouble. Quicktweak included.
  9. JP-

    Hardware Question

    Yes it totally worth it i love the PRO, its excellent performance and value for money.
  10. JP-

    get the MW3 to work in W2K

    Actually i think it just works if u install it under 2k, i have had it working before on 2k, and i know i didnt have to do anything like that to get it working.
  11. JP-


    Yeah i dont mind 4 minute missions that much, but the problem is that in Carma1 and 2 i used to just like getting loads of time and going round smashing thing up for ages but thats really hard to do in TDR2000, especially with the very small amount of time you get for running some1 over
  12. JP-

    nvidia cards

    If you want a gf2 now i would get the pro version, i love it! Geforce 2 Pro, very nice, and good price as well 8)
  13. JP-


    but the 4 min time limit sucks ;( seems there is no way of tricking carma 2 into running on 2k/xp
  14. JP-


    Nope, i dont think it will ever work Which is a shame because probably the only thing stopping it working in 2000 is that NT check message
  15. JP-

    clock multiplier for t-bird?

    If you bought it as a 1.33ghz athlon then it is intended to run at 10x133. So just change the fsb to 133. You do need to make sure u have 133mhz memory though.
  16. JP-

    XP Uptake?

    Hi, i was just wondering what ppl think the uptake of WindowsXP is going to be. MS seem to think it will sell loads but im not so sure. Its all well and good for ppl who have already used an NT os, but what happens when joe public finds that his favorite game doesnt work on XP. I have asked lots of ppl already if they will be changing from 9x to XP and most (ie 90%) have said no. Then you have the corporate sector, and i cant see many companies using it either. For one they wouldnt really care for an os which is basically windows2000 with a nice interface, if they are already using 2000 then whats the point in an upgrade!? Infact the company which i work for have recently upgraded all there machines from NT to win2000 so an XP upgrade would pretty pointless at this stage. *sigh* Anyway discuss Thanks
  17. JP-

    XP Uptake?

    btw i was thinking today, what does XP 'really' offer compared to win2k? What exactly is the incentive to upgrade.
  18. JP-

    Colin Mcrae2.0

    Yeah i would think thats probably it, get sp2 and the compat updates, both available from windows update. Have you updated the display drivers?
  19. JP-

    SB Audigy

    Yeah cool, i saw a pic of a boxed version of the Audigy Platinum i think i might get that. Does it finally do 5.1 decoding in hardware btw?
  20. JP-

    SB Audigy

    Btw whens it out to buy?
  21. JP-

    Internet Explorer 6 beta question...

    I dont think IE 6 can be removed in XP as its built into the OS. I dont see any prob in installing another browser, not necessarily netscape. Opera maybe? (pls excuse the spelling)
  22. JP-

    Remove / Rearrange PCI Cards in WIN2k?

    Dont think so, it should just re-configure them, ive never had any trouble moving cards and you dont need to reinstall 4-in-1s or sp2.
  23. JP-

    XvT and W2k

    Go to the directory where you installed it to and run the exe manually, the only thing that stops the game running is the game launcher that comes up. If u run it manually it skips the DX 'check' and just loads up.
  24. JP-

    Favorite Diablo 2 Charachter

    Paladin because he is an 'ok' fighter and i like healing people. Oh and because he is a knight type person and i like that.
  25. JP-

    Any good free DVD Players out there for Win2K

    I like winDVD better than powerDVD but will a 233 really be able to run dvds without stuttering all over the place...i doubt it