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Everything posted by JP-

  1. JP-

    SB Audigy

    Well im getting one, i have a strange feeling that as soon as its officially out they are gonna dump the live! and give even less support than they are already giving.
  2. JP-

    XP Uptake?

    Erm....no thanks
  3. JP-

    XP Uptake?

    Yup good on new comps you are right Its a shame though that many ppl wont upgrade from 9x OSs, because it really is a much better OS.
  4. JP-

    Colin Mcrae2.0

    What exactly is the problem, i have it here working perfectly, authough its slower than in 9x. Also computer spec?!
  5. JP-

    Flashpoint Patch

    Anyone manage to get the patch to install under XP, im using RC1 and the game runs perfectly. But when i double click the patch to install it, it just comes up with an xp error report.
  6. JP-

    Flashpoint Patch

    Almost forgot, thanks for the help guys
  7. JP-

    Flashpoint Patch

    Yes the game does run fine as i said. It was just when i double clicked the patch to install it it came up with an error. I just managed to get it working though, seems that the stardard upgrade doesnt work, but the 'ultimate' upgrade with the extra weapons etc does work.
  8. JP-

    What a big interface you've got!

    Hey i thought the same thing, its just plain BIG! Anyway i just changed the font size for the titlebars and it resizes them to match, looks very nice now.
  9. JP-

    Via KT133A or AMD AMD761???

    It would be a good idea to get a bigger psu, 300 should be fine as u said. Is ddr mem the only reason you are going via over amd? cos if it is i would just buy the ddr mem and get the amd, its the same price as 133 mem now 8)
  10. JP-

    Transport Tycoon Deluxe Win95 ED.

    That doesnt really mean its patchable. I dont think we will ever get this game to work in 2000/XP
  11. JP-

    Loading XP on Raided Board

    Try installing it without using the F6 option. XP already has the 370 drivers included so you dont need to manually add them. I had the same problem here when i tried to specify drivers.
  12. JP-

    Who says games run badly on XP- check this out

    Yeah but i cant see that happening any time soon
  13. JP-

    Man....what am i doing wrong??

    Installed the via 4-in-1s? Specifically the agp driver?
  14. JP-

    Diablo II (help plz) + Sidewinder FFB Pro questions

    Hi This probably wont help much but diablo2 works perfectly here. I also have the sidewinder FF (1) and works perfectly with the auto detect feature. Have u installed service pack 2, and any compatibility updates?
  15. JP-

    Slow FPS with GeForce 2

    Celeron + GF2MX isnt exactly the most powerful machine ever. 3dmarks seem fine and there is no way that that comp could get 85-100 fps in UT BTW run 3dmark 2000 in 1024x768x16 so you can compare it easily with everyone else, as thats the default.
  16. JP-

    Copy Protection Problems in Win2000

    I had a quick look on there site, have you tried this? http://www.macrovision.com/solutions/software/fix.php3
  17. JP-

    Copy Protection Problems in Win2000

    The way i understand it your having probs with the original cd version of the games, not copied, and the copy protection is the prob. This wont really help you much but i have had the same problem, not on my pc but on others, some using the exact same cd-drives and firmware so i have no idea what it is. The only workaround i found that even remotly works, is to disable dma on the drive, this worked for elite force and the new dune game, they would both refuse to work with dma enabled but worked fine with it disabled. That was only on 1 drive though, the same thing failed to work on others And it is partially a win2k problem, because ive seen safedisc/win2k problems listed as fixes in certain patches.
  18. Yeah thats annoying, and RC2 is available only for download, the whole point in me signing up for the preview was because i wanted it on cd as i have a modem, and i dont really want to download however many megs it is and now ill just be getting an 'old' version on cd (or will i)
  19. Hey I just got an email from M$ about RC1 cds for people in the UK. It says here that 'Orders began shipping Friday, July 20, so your kit should arrive any day now!' So i guess we should get them pretty soon. 8)
  20. JP-

    Creative GeForce 2 Pro 64MB

    Yeah just use the detonators www.nvidia.com
  21. Im very happy with 2k as well, it used to give me a few problems but now its all setup as i want it its the best OS ive ever used, never crashes, and runs 95% of all my games perfectly. However i am actually looking forward to XP because it will finally bring 9x/NT together and get rid of the seperate 'home' and 'office' operating systems. But i agree with you, it wont be easy for the 'average joe' to make the change as im sure some things wont work on XP that did work on 9x, and then they might end up just not wanting it at all P.S i want TRANSPORT TYCOON DELUXE to work on XP! come on m$ make it work please
  22. Damn i still dont have mine either, this is taking far longer than i expected
  23. JP-

    win 98 and low 3d scores

    Installed via agp driver/4in1s?
  24. JP-

    monitor screen res problem in 2k

    Have you tried different det drivers? i had a prob like that where it wasnt allowing me to select certain resolutions even thought they i could see them in the inf files, changing driver stopped that Anyway just a suggestion.
  25. JP-

    shutdown screens

    If you got acpi disabled then it will show that 'its now safe blah blah blah' screen unless you tell it to use APM instead, that will make it actually turn itself off. You can enable it by: Right click desktop-->properties Screen saver tab, click 'power' button That should bring up a new window, click the 'APM' tab, and click the checkbox that says 'Enable Advanced Power Management support' After that it should turn itself off after shutdown.