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Everything posted by shassouneh

  1. shassouneh

    HELP! : Logitech USB Wireless Optical mouse

    I actually tried both. I tried the regular Microsoft Windows drivers (that are automatically set up by windows). Since that failed, I downloaded the drivers from logitech and installed those as well. Those also failed. Then, as a desperate attempt, I even sniffed around on msi.com.tw (my motherboard manufacturer) but all they had where drivers for USb 2.0 (which i DON'T have). All the same, I downloaded these and tried them out, but windows kept saying "no better driver was found..." So I'm stuck with this whole shinanigan. I am typing this up from linux (since the mouse works here flawlessly). Next time i boot windows I will take a screen shot of the Devic manager before and after the mouse unexpectedly dies just in case it might help clarify something.
  2. So now I know the cause of the "The procedure entry point blahblahblah could not be located in dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" error. The question is how do u solve it. This error is related to OLD windows/DOS applications trying to access files from an NTFS volume or partition. What is needed is some way to have Windows 2000/XP handle all file access and "emulate" direct file access for these apps/games. I tried the application compatibility thing and messed with it for hours only to figure out that there is nothing i can do about it. San anyone offer a solution? thanx.
  3. shassouneh

    "entry point...KERNEL32.dll" error. (NTFS related)

    Quote: I don't always know the answers, who does... ? BUT, sometimes just talking it thru with others can get you around to thinking it out yourself & thinking of a way around it... just like talking over life's other hassles with others! true Thanx again for the advice and ideas. I will look into it a little more if it bugs me. Otherwise i will live with it
  4. shassouneh

    "entry point...KERNEL32.dll" error. (NTFS related)

    Cool. I will try it on a machine with FAt 16/32 (since I don't have much space here). Thanx for the insight
  5. shassouneh

    "entry point...KERNEL32.dll" error. (NTFS related)

    perhaps a good clarification to make at this point is the patch I applied. The patch I applied was the official update from version 1.04 to version 1.08 of Command And Conquer: Red Alert (Windows 95 version). Apparently, Westwood (EA) studios did something that got rid of that message. The game still gives errors when playing, but pressing the space bar key twice solves them. Usually before/after cutscenes windows beeps, and u tap the keyboard twice and it goes OK. Anyways. I know old DOS/Win9x games attempt to access hardware directly. Also, I seem to have trouble with such old games under NTFS. I REFUSE to install win9x/Me for gaming purposed. I consider win9x/Me junk that should never be put on any machine that has some respect, lol Thanx for the valuable insight AlecStaar. Your help has been much appreciated (as always)
  6. shassouneh

    "entry point...KERNEL32.dll" error. (NTFS related)

    Yes I know a bit about old games trying to directly access hardware. Since I had a game like this, and the latest pacth got around this error message, i now KNOW this message is most probably NTFS related (old games can't dig ntfs). I was just wondering if there is a way to FORCE applications to direct hardware calls to the OS rather than the hardware or file system.
  7. Hi Alll. I need the Windows 98/Me versions of the following DLL files: commctrl comdlg32 comctl32 msvcrt shdoclc shdocvw shlwapi.dll urlmon wininet I am trying to run Kazaa Lite under Linux, and it requires the WIndows 98/Me dlls. WINDOWS NT/2000/XP DLLS WILL NOT WORK! THEY MUST BE WIN98/ME Can anyone tell me where I cna download these from? Thanx
  8. shassouneh

    I need Windows 95/Me versions of these dlls.

    Thanx again. I will look online and see if i can find them. So far I cannot seem to find a site that has these old versions.
  9. shassouneh

    I need Windows 95/Me versions of these dlls.

    I used to have a 98 cd, but it failed on me. Since I don't use the POS junk win95/98/Me that wasn't too much of a problem. Now I need those dlls for nothing else but windows emulation under linux. I appreciate your offer to find and zip them, but that's too much work. there must be a site somewhere that has win9x/me versions of these dlls!
  10. shassouneh

    I need Windows 95/Me versions of these dlls.

    I would sniff around there but I tried it a while ago and was disappointed. Maybe I'll sniff around again. Thanx for the reply
  11. shassouneh

    I need Windows 95/Me versions of these dlls.

    I sniffed aroundon download.microsoft.com. All they have is links to knowledge base articles containing those DLL names.
  12. shassouneh

    I need Windows 95/Me versions of these dlls.

    I tried this site but it ghas no mention of whether the DLLS are win98/98//me. The dlls MUST BE win95/98/me ones!!!
  13. shassouneh

    exclusive access to disk drive?

    as adamvjackson pointed out you can always schedule a check to be done at the next reboot. The easiest way to do this is to run chkdsk from a command prompt. Start->run-"cmd" (without quotes) then type chkdsk ?<driveletter:> (example chkdsk c That should ask u if you want to schedule a check on next reboot
  14. Norton works great for me Never had anything but pleasant experiences with them. Although I will admit many people seem to have problems with them. It seems the same number of people who swear by Symantec products (like myself) also absolutely hate it. Ironic eh?
  15. Hi All, I sometimes get this BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) and I think It might have to do with my Logitech wireless USB mouse.. The message in its entirety reads as follows. I have bolded the important parts I have also included a link to my system information below... TXT an...ARGET AS I'm running Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 If you can help, please do not hesitate to offer some feedback. Thank you.
  16. very interesting indeed. I don't have time to scan through it now, ButI will check it out later. thanx for sharing
  17. Its a shame the backup utilities that come with Windows (and Windows XP) never evolved fast enough for modern-day needs. These backup utilities are ONLY useful if you just want to back up the dfata. However, if you want to back up a DRIVE so u can have all the settings and the EXACT structure of the drive saved, you will need to use Norton ghost. I recommend norton ghost. it also has options to save an image file to some hard drive (which you can move to the network later), or even burn the iumage on multiple bootable CDs. If i where you I would look into Norton Ghost and make my life easier
  18. shassouneh

    exclusive access to disk drive?

    This is perfectly normal. Windows NT/200/XP restrict drive access when windows is running for security reasons, as well as for architectural reasons which have to do with how windows was built. Also in my experience chkdsk AND norton Disk Doctor under Windows NT/200/Xp fail to repair many file system errors. If you are running NTFS then you're stuck with a combination of chkdsk and norton disk doctor. If you are running FAt 16 or 32, then your very best bet is to let good old scandisk do it for you. Prepare a Windows 95/98 boot floppy, and use it to boot, then type "scandisk <driveletter:>" at the command prompt good luck
  19. LOL, good point. They are probably both pushed too hard AND rookies at the same time. As for the XP drivers, theyare just as problematic as the logitech ones. The only reason i even tried the logitech ones is because the XP ones seemed to give blue screens. Now BOTH the XP/Logitech drivers give blue screens (the same blue screen descriebd above). Any ideas? Thanx for all the help everyone
  20. shassouneh

    shell service object delay load

    try sniffing around using msconfig. it can do miracles with disabling stuff at startup. Start -> run -> msconfig <enter> then click on "startup" Also, you can mess with services that start up using a less freindly windows tool. Go to Start -> Settings -> Contyrol Panel -> Switch To Classic view (if necessary) -> Administrative Tools -> Services using this tool you can disable services for your current session and/or disable them from start up So use the services tool as well as msconfig to do what you need by the way, excellent choice on SuSE Linux prof. It is the BEST distro out there. i run pro 8.1
  21. shassouneh

    XP Restarts Without Warning

    Hmm weird. It SHOULD give a BSOD sooner or later. Keep that setting for now, and sniff around in the Microsot knowledgebase articles. Sometimes they provide some hints to direct you towards a solution. Microsoft maks crapy documentation though, so don't expect any easy-to-understand knowledgebase articles.
  22. Thanx for the greeting AlecStaar. good to see you too. Do you mean the standrad driver that Windows XP uses when it auto detects the mouse, or to force a PS/2 driver? Note that this mouse is a Wireless USB mouse, with a scroll button. Would a PS/2 driver work for this, with scrolling functinality? Please clarify. your feedback is much appreciated
  23. shassouneh

    please help????

    For his/her sake I hope so too. It would be a releif for him/her to know no trouble shooting was necessary and things are A-Ok to beign with. IN any case, should the poster need further assistance, I'm sure he/she will post a reply soon
  24. shassouneh

    XP Restarts Without Warning

    You can FORCE windows not to restart when a major problem happens. Instead it will (or at least should) present a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). though a BSOD looks ugly, it DOES provide very minimal information. Here is what to do to start forcing windows NOT to reboot when a problem occurs. As an ADMINISTRATOR do the following: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel-> Switch to Classic View (if necessary) -> System -> "Advanced" tab -> Startup And Recovery "settings" button Look under "System Failure", then uncheck "automatically restart". Click OK twice. And you are done. Even though this will give you a blue screen it will sitll give you some minimal information to work with good luck
  25. By Far Windows 2000. Reasons include: 1.) WIndows 2000 is more stable 2.) Windows 2000 has 3 service packs as opposed to 1 (more updated, fixes, patches, etc..) 3.) Windows 2000 STILL has better hardware support than XP 4.) Windows 2000 (in my humble experience) gives a lot less BSODs than XP 5.) Windows 2000 has bene tried and tested in the work enviroment and has been proven to be a robust, stable, dependable OS. XP on the other hand still has trouble standing up on its feet sometimes. 2000 all the way. XP needs some MAJOR plastic surgery!