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Everything posted by shassouneh

  1. Hi all, just wondering. APART FROM ADVANCD SECURITY AND INDEXING FEATURES avilable in NTFS, is NTFS a better file system than FAT32 in terms of stability, and / or speed [performance] ? Is NTFS or FAT32 more efficient? I have noticed that NTFS seems to be less prone to corruption in files and directories as FAT 12/16/32 (vfat) is. I could be mistaken though. Let me know what you guys think. AGAIN, I am NOT talking about the security or indexing features of NTFS! note: running Windows 2000 Pro / Windows XP pro / Linux Mandrake 8.1 (2.4.8-26mdk kernel)
  2. shassouneh

    Does linux suck or what?

    Thanx DosFreak. Referring to your previous reply: Quote: Try giving the NIC a static IP address and see if you can get it networked that way. That way you can determine if it's a DHCP problem or some other problem such as your NIC drivers. I have been told by a Linux instructor tht it MAY be a problem with the dhcpcd client that comes with redhat-based distros like Mandrake, so I should try DHClient. I already tried forcing the statis IP trick and that did not work **shrugg**. As for netowrk gaming it doesn't seem to affect much anyways... the NIC seems to load up just fine but not grab an IP. I'm still open to suggestions there. The sound card SEEMS to be either a clone of or a descendant of the AC97 sound card(s) so I'll try those, even though i HIGY doubt it'll work! wish me luck!
  3. shassouneh

    Shadow Warrior???

    Admiral, thanx for ths info. It seems the sound card is not all that too good, but Shadow Warrior, though a very nice game, is not a necessity. As far as windows is concerned, I can play sound and sound aplications just fine, even though they don't sound perfect! If I has more uses for a sound card i would definately go buy one, ESPECIALLY since its giving me problems under Linux, but we'll see. Thanx for the help. By the way, It plays the game's audio CD just fine, but not the game SoundFx1!!! It has trouble with the SOundFX but not the CD ausio, amazing huh?
  4. Moderators, Please forgive me for posting this here. I can't think of anywhere else to post it. Here you go folks: www.trillian.cc This program here is awesome. It connects to MSN messenger, AOL Instant messenger, IRC, Yahoo Messenger, and ICQ all at once. So you use ONE program, and less processes! Its awesome. The only drawback is that it does not (yet) support file transfers. Give it a try folks. I use it all the time! Agian, moderators. Please forgive me for posting this here. Please feel free to move it as you wish. Also, How can I let the "XP" people know about this too?
  5. shassouneh

    replace all your Instant Messaging software [read this]

    cool, will check it out over the weekend!
  6. shassouneh

    Shadow Warrior???

    OK, I'll give it a shot today, even though I'm confident it will not help,
  7. shassouneh

    replace all your Instant Messaging software [read this]

    I wish there's a way to emulate IE for Linux. Anybody figured it out yet? IE is way too good of a browser NOT to be on Linux. Netscape, YUK!
  8. shassouneh

    Does linux suck or what?

    I think you're right. 3rd part software seems reluctant to support linux. by the way, RedHat is not that bad. After all, it DOES set the standards for some Linux Technologies. Who would have ever thought RPM would be possible? RPMs are now in both RedHate and Mandrake. I prefer Mandrake myself over Redhat because They always have a more updated kernel and come out after RedHat does, essentially fixing bugs and such... However, I still beleive Linux is not pulling it enough.. Again folks, I'ma Windows NT fanatic, so please understand my point of view here!
  9. shassouneh

    Does linux suck or what?

    Quote: Linux and windows are hardly comparable though. Linux is a strong environment for programming, and small server applications and the web server apache is extremely easy to use. Windows is good for alotta stuff, to many to name, and including programming and webserving (thnx again clutch). Linux may be better in windows in terms of open-source and server stuff, but I still have a hard time digesting the possibility that for DESKTOP uses, linux is EASIER to use than windows! I'll give you that it probably runs better servers, and runs on less hardware, btut its a compromise with windows too. You compromise some hardware for a lot of ease-of-use. Not too bad of a bargain I think. Also, Linux was derived from Unix, which was created for the sole purpose of networking and servers. Windows was written to run MULTIPLE stuff. The main focus is running more than one thing at one time. Folks, if there ever is a Windows NT fanatic, its probably me. I just can't see or even imagine linux beating windows in terms of ease of use. Before you shoot me, let me assure you that I have given linux a fair try. I have tried Redhat 7.1, Mandrake 7.1,7.2,8.0,8.1, WinLinux, etc... and I have never managed to get it working perfectly. Also, what the heack does it mean when sndconfig says "sound card not supported by kernel"? I know I'll have to re-compile the kernel, but get THIS: I have all the utilities and dependencies needed, when I re-compi;e the kernel (after running make xconfig), what do i get? a big fat ERROR 2! go figure! What I'm saying is with windows I don' HAVE to worry about re-configuring my hardware or re-compiling the kernel. Just plug the damn thing in and get the driver. With linux, that's not always possible! I mean come on gys, give windows some slack here!
  10. shassouneh

    Does linux suck or what?

    with all due respect, I still beleieve Linux does not manage to compete with windows for many reasons such as what I have listed above. Please don't get me wrong, you are certainly entitled to your own beleifs and opinions. Also, as for hard drive I can ask you the same question: do you think LINUX will make it any easier for her to know what it is? I doubt it. Windows may not make it easier to know what a hard drive is, BUT we are NOT talking about what hardware is named. We're talking simple word processing / email / web browsers. You can't beat windows in terms of ease of use in that area, can you?
  11. shassouneh

    Does linux suck or what?

    Folks, it lookos like we have a misunderstanding. What I meant by Linux sux is that Linux fails to compete with Microsoft Windows as a desktop OS. If you WHERE ro argue that it DOES I can probably give you a shatter-free argument that most people would agree upon. Here is my argument: -Pick someone at RANDOm from the street and ask him to USE a linux machine (NOT LEARN, but USE it) and at least 6 or 7 time ou of 10 he/she would fail to do it efficiently. However, at least 7 or 8 out of 10 WILL manage to use Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2k/Xp with little or no effort? REGARDLESS OF WHY, its a fact! Also what i meant is If I, a computer science student, can't seem to get it to work, how would someone at random be able to? YES it has its pros, but t SHOULDN'T be compared to Windows as a DESKTOP OS
  12. Yes, it is definately a risky business if you plan to use Win95/98/Me as they have no access to NTFS partitions. However, look on the positives here: 1.) NTFS is a lot more stable than FAT32 (read above) 2.) NTFS has waaaaay less problems and it doesn't seem to suffer from file and directory loss/corruption 3.) NTFS has many built-in security features! 4.) As for windows dying, the chances of windows dying with Win2k or WInXP are very small, ALSO remmember that you just have a chance of windows dying ANYWAYS read the above, and I'm sure you'd agree NTFS is probably worth the migration! I speak from experience. I have ONE FAt32 partition for read/write access from within Linux, and eveyhting else is NTFS and i'm VERY happy with it! Also linux supports read-only access to NTFS drives! good luck!
  13. Hi All, my machine seems to be restarting very frequently for no apparent reason. I have supplied the system specs below: Operating System: running both Windows 2000 and Windows XP (the problem occurs in both). Also running Linux Mandrake 8.1 (2.4.8-26) System Configuration: AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.4GHZ on an ECS k55SA motherboard. 64MB Nvidia GeForce 2 MX 400 AGP 4x 256MB DDR RAM hard drives: Quantum Fireball 13.0GB 5400 rpm running NTFS (12.09GB formatted) Quantum Fireball lct 30.0GB 7200rpm (27.9GB formatted. multiple partitions) Note: I have disabled advanced power options in BOTH the BIOS and Windows 2000 and XP. The problem still occurs. Any idea/solutions?
  14. shassouneh

    Okay, I cracked...I'm running XP now

    ALREADY have it! WinXP Corporate Professional Build 2600 final I had it even before its release date in Oct 25th! Its my primary OS here. Win2k is next Linux is the last and definately LEAST!
  15. shassouneh

    Okay, I cracked...I'm running XP now

    guess what? I can get WinXp for FREE and its PERFECTLY legal. You see, our University has just quote-unquote "allied" with Microsoft, and Any COMPUTER SCIENCE student taking at least ONE Computer Science class can get windows,office,etc.. FOR FREE. All he/she needs is a signature from the instructor! heeheehee
  16. shassouneh

    Forget ME and 98!

    Hi All, The problems with Windows 95/98/Me come from the following two major reasons: A.) vfat: FAT 32 is NOTORIOUS for having issues. Have you ever shut down your machine normally, only to find scandisk loading up EVERY time windows loads up? yup, we'ver all been there. FAT32 seems to have issues with file and directory loss and corruption. If you want a SOLID file system that probably will not fail you, take my advice and get NTFS (of coarse that means you'll need windows NT4/2000/XP). For more information on NTFS vs FAt32 check out my other post here: http://www.ntcompatible.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18854 B.) DOS kernel: The first person who wrote DOS (even before Microsoft laid hand on it) called DOS a "quick and dirty Operating System". In many respects, it remained that way too! In 1995 Microsoft took the DOS kernel and gave it a nice graphical shell called "Windows 95". Ever since, it has built windows 98 on windows 95, and further renamed Windows 98 as Windows ME (with a new splash screen, more bugs and system restore). So Win95/98/Me are ALL based (in some way) on the buggy DOS kernel, which means those "Operating Systems" where not written from scratch as Operating Systems, but as nice graphical SHELLS on top of dos. You find evidence of this evry time you boot up a win95/98/Me machine as it requires command.com to start the boot-up process, and your autoexec.bat file loads up every time. vs Windows NT: Windows XP was built from Windows 2000. Windows 2000 was built from Windows NT Windows NT was written from scratch!!!! Yes, Windows NT MAY have used code from Windows 95, but the majority of the Operating System was written from scratch. End result being a TRUE Operating system, NOT a graphical shell on top of a crappy OS. If you are runnign win95/98/Me I STRONGLY urge you to dump it and get yourself an NT kernel! LOL
  17. shassouneh

    Explorer Error when Trying to create new folder

    First off, we need to start with a little more information in here. For example, what OS are you running? What kind of computer (and its specifications) do you have? How much free space do you have? what have you tried yourself (and succeeded or failed) when trying to solve this problem? Also, did youtry setting up your OS all over again? It MAY be that the file explorer.exe has been corrupted and needs replacement. Try replacing it or setting up windows all over again to replace it? Also, If you'r running Win95/98/Me, have you considered the glorious NT kingdome? (NT4/2k/XP)???
  18. shassouneh

    Shadow Warrior???

    OK folks. I have just re-installed Shadow Warrior under Windows XP I figured the game is so cool its worth another shot. I tried running BOTH the setup program and the actual game itself with the following settings: Sound Blaster 2.0 IRQ 5 DMA 1 port 0x220 My sound card is a built-in SiS7012 (AC97). BOTH the actual game AND the ssetup program play sound but it seems too choppy. it almost seems like its being "time-sliced" which makes the game un-playable. I also tried running the game AND the setup program from within VDMSound 2.04 BUT it couldn't recognize the game and the sound card IRQs etc... under VDMsound. I'm thinking maybe Windows XP has some item in the registry or something that controls how to "slice" the sound at regular intervals, and maybe such a setting could be the breakthrough here. Any ideas/solutions? I am quite certain I'm not the only person running into problems with this game under Windows XP. Someone pleeease help!
  19. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    LOL, that's OK. Its amazing because All it seems to be doing is restart the syetem every now and then, and guess what, I keep the machine running! I notice that it runs for a few hours, until at some point where you open up a program or add an MP3 to the winamp list, it would just restart. Heck, I've run Max Payne on it and it doesn't seem to be complaining.But I DO agree with AlecStaar and evryone else. As soon as that paycheck comes, I'm going to get myself an Aluminum heat sink!
  20. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    Amazingly enough, its not! As a matter of fact, I'm using it as I type this reply right now!
  21. I agree! Also, NTFS seems to prevent all those weird file system errors and file/directory corruptions that are all over the place in vfat!!!!
  22. Nope, got one more HUGE one...
  23. Thanx, I'll read more this weekend. I have an assignment i gotta get done by midnight. Not ime to read it now, lol
  24. shassouneh

    replace all your Instant Messaging software [read this]

    Sure, Send us a copy or something. Of coarse, please bear in mind that I have little time to mess with it as I'm kinda busy with school. So feedback may take a while. Also, I am looking to keep myself busy this xmas break, so If I take my computer with me to my bro's place, then I'll mess with it further. I'll PM you my email address [for security reasons].
  25. shassouneh

    replace all your Instant Messaging software [read this]

    Lucky him! he got to test code! I wish I could do that someday, LOL. By the way, I'll send hima PM. thanx for telling me about him. I'll ask him about VMWare. I heard its pretty good. Oh I almost forgot, WinE runs 32 bit code (I dunno about 16 bit code). I have heard duccess stories running notepad.exe using it (notepad is 32bit.